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 Chris and I spent a few days packing up my old bedroom, and when it was done we organised a courier to come and collect it. The things I didn't want any more we took to a charity. The job took a little longer than it should have. Partly because I actually had cognitive dissonance over keeping books. I'd put them in the donate pile, because books are replaceable, and then move them back because they were my books and I liked them. Chris ended up intervening and just sealing up the box and addressing it to himself. The other problem was that Chris had to look through all my photos before packing them up. Each photo involved long discussions. Who the people were. Where we were. How old I was. Sometimes we'd leave before my parents got home. Sometimes we'd stay and eat. When we did stay things went fine. We talked about small things, and I actually felt like an average family.

On Friday my friends Shan and Amelia were holding a party for me. I dressed up for it. I was really quite excited. Facebook wasn't quite the same as actually getting to be with people. I wore a halter neck dress that had little woodland creatures running along a field at the bottom, and the rest looked like a cloudy sky. I even wore a double layered petticoat underneath to puff out the skirt. I carefully styled my makeup and hair trying to match it to the look of the dress. Chris teased me, saying I looked like I belonged on a Hot Topic catalog. I didn't care, because I liked it.

"Am I under dressed?" Chris asked me, as I pulled on my dress boots. I looked him over. He was wearing a dark blue cardigan over a white tee and black jeans. And fuck him, he looked amazing.

"You're fine." I said, running my tongue over my bottom lip. "It's totally casual anyway. Just a couple of my girlfriends and I like wearing this kind of thing. We'll be the ones out of place." I walked over to him and put my lips to his ear. "Put on the red belt." I whispered.

Chris chuckled and slapped my arse. "Dirty girl." But he started pulling his belt off and disappeared into the bedroom, reemerging with the red belt on.

I smiled at him and grabbed my coat. "Let's do this."

We arrived at the party, not too many people were there, so we did a quick circuit greeting my old friends, and introducing them to Chris, before going to sit with Shan and Amelia at their outdoor setting. Shan is a thin geeky looking guy. He dresses almost exclusively in jeans with white business shirts. Despite how he looked he was actually incredibly cool and really politically minded. He wanted to save the world, and if anyone could do it, I believed it would be him. His family immigrated to Australia from Sri Lanka when he was very young and he was proud of his heritage but angry at the government. Amelia was a large blond woman, and the most stylish person I knew. There was nothing about clothing or makeup or hair styling that I knew I didn't learn from her. She was probably the most down to earth and together friends I had too. She knew what she wanted and would create a firm plan of attack to get it.

"So Chris, these two people are the most important people you'll meet tonight." I said. "Shan and Mealy are the two people who make it so I don't have to worry about introducing you to two sets of friends. They draw my two worlds of pre-university and university together."

Amelia leaned forward and touched Chris on the knee "My name is Amelia, only she calls me Mealy." She said.

"Mealy was my best friend ever in high school. We were pretty much inseparable right?"

"That's true." Amelia smiled.

"And Shan was the first friend I made at University. We had paired up to work on a project for an early Biology course. We kind of had this weird thing going on."

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now