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I spent my time in England between hanging about like a pest on set and going out sight seeing. I hated being in the way at the studio. Chris was working such long hours that I felt if I didn't spend some time there I wasn't really going to see him at all. I did organise a visit with some colleagues at Cambridge. That ended up being a long day, driving three and a half hours, there and then back, giving a guest lecture, swapping ideas and all the other fun things that go along with academia. I ended up not getting back to Liverpool until after midnight.

I was on set one day hanging around in wardrobe. Chris was getting changed into a military uniform, and I was 'helping' him button up his shirt.

A woman walked in, she was a little shorter than me, with dark brown hair that was styled in that 1940's curls. She was a stunning, curvy goddess, and my mouth went dry just looking at her.

Chris waved her over. "Hayley, come here and meet my girlfriend."

She almost bounced over to us. "Oh my god! You must be Emily!" She chirped. "Chris talks about you all the time!" She pulled me into a hug.

I had to clear my throat before I could speak and I could actually feel myself blushing. Her accent too. I was crushing on Chris' friend. "Um. Hi. He has been talking about you a lot too." When I spoke it was stuttering and awkward. God, Emily get it together. She's a human being and Chris likes her.

Hayley bumped Chris with her hips. "That's cute. Well I better go get my costume on, or I'll be in big trouble. Talk to you again soon, okay?" She bounced off.

"Emily, what the hell?" Chris said scowling at me. Uh oh, Captain America was mad at me. He thought I didn't like her. Or I was jealous or something.

I swallowed trying to compensate for my ridiculously dry throat.

"She is so beautiful." I whispered.

"Are you jealous?" He asked.

"Of you maybe. Oh my god, Chris."

"What is it, you weirdo?" Chris asked exasperated.

"Have you ever had to talk to someone so beautiful that you literally have nothing to say? That's what just happened."

Chris doubled over laughing.

"Chris is laughing! Something is happening and I'm missing it! What's happening?" Hayley called from one of the fitting rooms.

"Emily has the hots for you!" Chris yelled back.

"Chris!" I squealed hiding my face in his chest.

"For me? That's so sweet. Thank you, Emily!" Hayley called.

I could feel my skin burning, I was blushing so much. "I need to go get some air." I said, and rushed out into the corridor, Chris laughing as I left.

There were a few extras milling around the corridor. One woman was standing by herself, dressed in a military uniform and her blond hair styled in a similar way to Hayley's.

"Hello." She said smiling at me. She had an adorable crooked smile that I couldn't help but return. "Are you in the film too?"

I laughed. "Who me? No. But I'm going to take that as a compliment considering how good looking all of you cast members are."

"An accent!" She gasped. "Australian, right? I love an Aussie accent."

Was she flirting with me? What was happening today? "Ugh, the Australian accent is the worst. Why would you say that when the English have the best accents of anywhere?"

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now