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It was mid October and I was at home curled up on the couch under a blanket with Gaby marathoning episodes of Doctor Who.  There was a knock at the door, and I answered it to find Chris standing at the door.  He was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. With the new beard growing in he had the whole lumberjack thing happening.  I gave him a brief kiss and turned back to the TV.

     "What are you doing here?"  I asked.

     He shrugged and followed me inside.  "Just wanted to see you." 

     I quickly introduced him to Gaby, and then climbed under the blankets with her again.   Chris sat down and sprawled out on my recliner.  

     "What are you two up to?"  He asked, not recognising what we were watching.

     "He doesn't know about Doctor Who."  Gaby said sagely.

     I groaned.  "I forgot people in America don't by default know about Doctor Who."  

     Gaby giggled.  

     "I've heard of it."  Chris said defensively.

     "Well, shh.  And watch."

     We sat quietly for a while.  Gaby and I snuggled together holding hands.  Being scared by the monsters meant to scare children.   I looked over at Chris and he was just watching us.   I threw a cushion at him.

     "Quit it." I said.

     "But you look so cute."  He whined.  

     I scrunched my nose at him, and then went back to watching the show.  

     The episode ended and Gaby got up and stretched.  I could tell her back was hurting her more than normal, and I wished there was something I could do to help.

     "I better get going while I still can."  Gaby said to me. 

     "Is there anything I can do?  You can stay here if you're too sore to drive."  I offered.

     She shook her head.  "No, it's okay.  I'll take a bath and some medicine."  She said medicine with air quotes.  "Should help me a bit.  I had a great night though."  

     I hugged her gently and pecked her on the cheek.

     "Nice meeting you finally, Chris."  She said raising her hand.  "You look familiar to me."  

     "Probably saw me in some porn, I guess."  Chris said.

    I laughed, while Gaby looked confused.  "That was a stupid in joke.  Ignore him.  He's not in porn."  

     "Well alright.  Night then."  She said.

     "Night."  Chris and I replied in unison.  I watched her leave and then turned back to Chris.

     "So, what's up?  You haven't been to my place since I first visited yours."  I climbed into his lap.  And he started stroking my thigh.

     "Nice PJs."  He said.  I looked down.  I'd put on my pink flannel pajamas with cartoon sheep on them when I got home.  I looked back up at him and grinned.

     "I know.  But don't change the subject."

     "Well, I made some kind of epic plans for us, and then realised I hadn't checked to see if you are free or not.  And then I thought about calling you and checking.  And then I thought, if I call there is no chance I'll also get laid.  And now here we are."

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now