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Over the course of the next two weeks before Chris had to leave for Texas, we moved my stuff from my house to his. I ended up getting rid of most of my stuff. Not the personal things, but all the furniture and kitchen wear (except the kettle, why do American's not have kettles?) and whatever just want to charity. I'd bought most of it at charity only seven months ago anyway, so it was silly to hold onto it. It made the move go a lot easier, it just being books, clothes and whatever other weird things I'd bought myself. The biggest problem I had was that I was leaving my cable contract a year and a half before I was supposed to be. It involved a lot of money to pay it out. Lucky I didn't have to worry about rent any more I guess.

Chris accepted the role of Captain America officially and signed all the contracts. It didn't seem to help calm his nervous energy about it at all. He would swing wildly between thinking it was going to be horrible and ruin his life or popular and ruin his life. He did however search out therapy like he had said he was going to. I hoped desperately it would help.

All too soon it was February and he was leaving. I saw him off at the airport and thus began the loneliest 8 months I'd ever experienced.

I felt strange living at Chris' house. He had said it was our house and that I could do whatever I needed to make it feel like that while he was away but without him there, it just felt like I was a house sitter. It was all his stuff arranged the way he wanted it and I felt weird moving things. Not that I had a lot to move anyway. My books went on his shelves and I made room for my clothes in the walk in, but even doing that made me feel like I was intruding or over stepping my place.

I had nowhere to work. At my own place I'd just had a desk that I'd strewn papers over. Chris had a desk too. Not an office. There were two spare rooms here one was a guest room, the other was the gym. If there had been an office I might have moved a desk into it, but he just had a little alcove upstairs with the desk. It had his own papers and computer. It was his space. I ended up just setting up on the dining table figuring while he was away it wasn't going to be used as a dining table.

Work was quite busy. I was only teaching one class this quarter. I was really prepping for the actual field work, and went out to the desert on the weekends a few times, sussing out local coyote populations getting my preliminary notes ready.

Gaby was really awesome to begin with, she knew I'd be lost, so she made all the amazing crazy plans for us. We went to San Diego and got drunk in Old Town on highly over priced margaritas. We went to a showing of Rocky Horror in costume. We started going to a role playing group, which wasn't really my thing, but Gaby loved it, and I loved seeing her love things. Unfortunately it was here she met Richard.

"Fucking Richard." I seethed.

It was three weeks into February and Chris would soon be wrapping up filming, and moving on to Boston for the next project. We had a text every day, call once every three days, and Skype once a week thing going on that was working pretty well so far. The calls were kind of a bit more frequent than that, but we were young and in new love. So it was hard to let practicality dictate everything we did. We were Skyping now. He was lying on his bed in a hotel room, a tight white t-shirt on and his boxer shorts. East was lying between him and the screen. I had found a Captain America shield shirt in a baby doll cut, and I had to wear it for him So I just had it on over a pair of dark blue panties, sitting cross legged on the sofa, the computer on the coffee table in front of me.

"Are you sure you aren't just jealous, babe." Chris said. "I mean, you've never seen Gaby with a boyfriend before. You guys are kind of a bit married to each other."

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