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  The end of the teaching period came, and my students had sat their exams. I was very glad I wasn't the one responsible for marking the 600 exams. Hooray for teachers aides! My reviews came back relatively positive and I felt quite happy, and at peace. I did make the stupid mistake of going onto rate my professor, where there was a handful of completely misogynistic filled messages about 'not being able to understand my accent but it being fine because I looked totally fuckable'. The hotness rating existing was quite gross in general. When I told Gaby and Chris about it, they just told me that I should stop being so fuckable. Very helpful.

Chris and I flew to Boston on the 23rd of December, with a suitcase full of presents and a seat booked for East. My nerves were a wreck. I was excited to meet his family, for sure. And I knew Scott was awesome. But of course there's always that bit of you that just knows, deep down they are absolutely, definitely going to hate you. Which with my social anxiety, by the time our car pulled up at his mum's home, my hands were visibly trembling.

Chris' family had all come outside to greet him, and I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of the car.

"Hey, Em. It's going to be fine. They'll love you." Chris said, taking my hand.

I gulped in air and shook my head.

Chris' hand went to the back of my neck and squeezed not so hard that it hurt but firmly. "I'm right here." He said with authority. "Who do you belong to Emily?"

A wave of calm swept over me. My hands stilled and I took a deep breath. "I'm yours."

He let go of my neck, and got out of the car.

I sat for a second, as I made certain my mind had stilled. When I felt centered I hopped out of the passenger seat. Chris was being hugged and fawned over by his family. He looked so happy, and at home. It made my heart lift. I noticed Scott and raised my hand to him.

His family home was massive, and looked like it was straight from a movie. It was two stories high, with a fenced in porch, and gabled roof with a windowed attic. There was a US flag hanging over the stairs to the porch. The outside of the houses was decorated in lights for Christmas. I smiled at the thought of Chris' childhood here with these people who seemed to love him in an completely unconditional way that I don't know that I'd ever really felt.

"Emily, what are you doing just standing there?" Chris called to me.

I walked over to the group. His mum stepped forward "So this is the girl who's been making my boy so happy." She said and pulled me into a huge hug.

* * * * *

After our introductions, we all went inside. I helped Chris unpack the presents from our bag under the tree and then he took me on a tour of the house. He showed me where he had skidded along the floor and knocked out one of his baby teeth when he hit the wall. The growth chart that had all the kids heights up until around 16 years old. Where he'd pushed Scott down the stairs and he'd had to go to hospital for x-rays because they thought he'd broken something. The bathroom he'd locked his sister Carly in after she'd been threatening to beat him up, and then been grounded for a week because she'd freaked out so badly. Where he'd sneaked his first girlfriend in. The house was his home in a way that no where else would be until he started his own family. It had memory and history and was full of love.

And it was a gorgeous house. My family had moved around a lot with work when I grew up. We'd lived in some nice places, and some not so nice places. But nothing like this.

We got to his room, and while I am sure he'd tried to make it more grown up, there were no posters on the wall and the bed was a queen, it was still the room of a teenage Chris. I flopped onto the bed.

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now