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I woke late the following day and decided to take a run before having a shower or eating. I quickly dressed into my purple sports bra and black shorts and tied my hair back into a high pony tail.  I took a little extra time applying sun screen as I burn so quickly, grabbed my iPhone and then headed out.  

     The LA sun was baking, and there were plenty of people out punishing themselves like I was.  It's funny how close to naked people in Southern California get when they run thanks to the heat.  I decided to stick to the UCLA campus paths for my run to keep away from the traffic as much as possible, and passed groups of runners, the men rarely wearing shirts, and the women rarely wearing any more clothes than I was.  I had originally started running in LA in yoga pants and singlet, but when I saw how over dressed I was, I just adapted.  It was definitely more comfortable this way.  

     After about 45 minutes my stomach started to make some rather inhuman hunger noises so I headed home.  At the stairs to my apartment I decided to practice my free running and jumped from one railing to another to the landing of my floor.  Chris was standing outside my apartment holding a tray of coffees and a paper bag which I assumed was holding some kind of pastry, and pulling his phone our of the pocket of his jeans.  I pulled the ear buds out of my ear and greeted him. 

     "Chris, what are you doing here?"  I asked.  He turned startled.  

     "Emily, I – I was just..."  he stuttered then trailed off.  I could see hims sizing me up, his eyes slipping up and down my body.  I suddenly felt self conscious.  I was hot and sweating and there were huge wet patches on the parts of my clothing that sat closest to my skin.  

     He put the coffee and bag down on the bench I kept on my patio and he stalked over to me.  "You look amazing."  He said going to wrap his arms around me, but I twisted away.

     "Gross, Chris.  I'm gross, don't try and touch me."  I said feeling a little disgusted in myself. I went to unlock my front door.  

     "You don't look gross." He said, a sexy growl to his voice.  

     I made a sound of disgust and stepped inside.   He grabbed the coffee and bag and followed me in.  

     "You didn't answer my question."  I said turning on him as the door closed.  

     "I just felt bad about how things ended last night." He said.  "I get the feeling you were disappointed.  So I bought you coffee and  -"

     I took the coffee from his hands and put it on the table as he talked then turned to him and placed my finger over his lips.  "Don't.  You don't need to explain. And you definitely don't need to apologise."  I said pressing myself against him.  "Do you think that if it were the other way around I'd be at your house saying sorry?  Because I wouldn't be."

     "I just didn't want to think I don't want you, because I do." He leaned down and kissed me, pushing me up against the wall.  I ground my body against his. I could feel his cock stiffening through his jeans, pressing against me.  He broke away, and held my face in his hands.  "It's just ..."

     "Seriously, stop.  You don't have to explain, and your trying is making me feel like the worlds biggest jerk.  You can say no to sex for whatever reason you want."   I suddenly remembered I was a sweaty, stinking mess.  I pushed him away from me.  "Ugh, no.  Shower.  I need to shower.  Make yourself at home.  I'll be super quick."  I quickly gestured around my two room apartment at my kitchen, TV and couch.  

     I showered as quickly as I could while still washing my hair.  I wrapped my towel around me and stepped into the hall.  I glanced down to the lounge area to see Chris looking over my shelf of comics.  He turned as he heard the door close. 

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now