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The next month and a bit was a whirlwind. Work become more hectic as I worked on lesson plans for my upcoming classes. I also went on a trip out with some colleagues to Joshua Tree to take a quick survey of the area and it's wildlife and to meet with some of the rangers at the park so they would be familiar with me and my work and make suggestions for where to find coyote packs. It was on this trip that I met Gaby, a southern California local who was in her second year of her post doctoral position. Gaby was a young and bubbly Latina girl who's family had immigrated from Mexico just before she was born. She was short, and curvy, and styled her hair in an adorable pixie cut. And she was a geek about just about everything I was. We spent the first hour of our trip to Joshua Tree talking about Harry Potter. We even made the two tenured professors driving us stop at Skull rock so we could pose for a photo like we'd both summoned the dark mark. We became fast friends and ended up hanging out quite regularly. She introduced me to the geeky world of LA, and I was loving it.

I was still seeing Chris of course, but he was in and out of town for usually a week or more at a time. When he was back, it was usually only for a day or two, which he'd want to spend the whole day together. I was happy to oblige. He never spent the night though. Just the day. We'd started to become quite comfortable just being around each other without actually having to go on a date. Not that we weren't doing that too. But I was actually finding it just as nice to be at home working on my laptop while he sat on the sofa reading over scripts.

By the end of August we still hadn't had sex, or really done anything much more heavy than a few long make out sessions. But Chris seemed to be becoming more trusting of me, and just in general more comfortable with us. We were both getting quite antsy though. And I didn't think he'd be able to continue going slow for much longer.

In September he invited me around to his house. He hadn't done that yet, and I never pressed him about it. I figured it was probably just a case of a horrible house mate, or maybe he spent all his money on that car, and was embarrassed by his crappy home or something. It didn't bother me in any case.

It was late afternoon when I drove into his neighborhood, the crappy home theory was quickly pushed out. Before I left, after punching in the address into my GPS, I didn't realise how into the Hollywood Hills he actually was. Once again the words Porn Star flashed through my head.

I pulled into his driveway. The house wasn't a massive mansion, and anywhere else it may not have been a million dollar house. But here, it was a million dollar house. I can't tell you why, but I suddenly felt a little sick. It was a two story high white brick house, that you accessed via a walkway between the higher up drive way and the second story. I could see below me and to the right was a hot tub in an outdoor entertaining area, and I could only imagine how good the views were on the other side of the house.

I went to knock on the door, but Chris pulled it open as I raised my hand, and immediately embraced me, picking me up and kissing me as he held me above him.

"Well, hello there handsome." I said, slightly breathless, "It's nice to see you, too."

A funny bulldog darted out the door and started dancing around us, wagging his whole body and snuffling around our feet. I crouched down and started petting him, as he tried to lick my face. "Chris, you have a dog! Why didn't you tell me you had a dog?"

"That's East. He's the best."

"You should have bought him everywhere with you. I miss having a dog around so much."

Chris grinned his goofy grin and dragged me inside.

"Is this really where you live?" I asked staring around the room as he lead me to his lounge room. The house was white inside too, but with exposed dark wood beams on the ceiling.

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now