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 The following day began the catching up with people from Canberra part of the trip. Oddly the first catch up we had was with Ben from Comic Con. He'd asked if Chris and I would stop by the store and maybe we could go get lunch. I had been keen to go to the my old comic haunt anyway but it actually took a lot to convince Chris to come along.

"Emily, I just don't think it's a good idea. The way we met ... how do you know he's not just trying to be friends with the guy playing Cap?"

"How do you know anyone you meet from now on won't be that person? How do you know I wouldn't have been that person if we met after Cap? I like him, we talk of Facebook a lot. About comics and politics and science. Never about you. Besides, it's my comic shop. I was really friendly with the owner. I bought my comics there for nine years. I'd like to stop by and say hello. If you don't want to come, don't come."

He eventually relented, mostly because he didn't want to be left at the hotel alone. We parked out the front of the store, and went inside. There was a gentle ring of bells as the door shut behind us. We wended our way through the racks of comics and other merchandise to the counter up the back. A woman came out of the back room.

"Emily!" She exclaimed. "Are you back in town? How was America?"

"Hi! Only back briefly. Just bringing this guy in to see my home town." I said patting Chris on the chest.

"Oh yes, and who is this?"

"Dee, this is Chris." I said as way of introduction "He's my boyfriend." I said the last bit at a loud whisper. Like it was a conspiracy.

Ben came out of the back room about then. "Emily! You're here." He came around and hugged me. "Nice to see you too, Chris." They both shook hands.

"How do you know Emily's boyfriend?" Dee asked looking slightly confused.

"We really strangely met at Comic Con. It's that small of a world I guess. You know who this guy is though, Dee?" Ben said. I felt Chris stiffen up beside me. I reached for his hand. "He's the guy playing Captain America in the new movie."

"Oh my gosh! I thought you looked familiar!" Dee gushed. "Feel free to say no, but do you think I could get a photo with you? And maybe could you sign a figure or two?"

And now I felt bad. I shouldn't have put him in this position. What was wrong with me?

"Um ... yeah, sure." Chris said. Dee and Chris took a selfie together and then he signed a few Cap toys.

"Hey Dee, if you're planning on putting that on social media, do you think you can hold back for two weeks? Just so I know there won't be people trying to spot him while we're out?" I asked.

"Of course, Emily." Dee assured me.

Ben, Chris and I then headed out of the shop to grab lunch next door. It ended up being really fun. Chris relaxed a fair amount and actually did seem to enjoy himself. Ben didn't get a very long lunch break though, so even if he hated every minute of it and was just acting, it didn't last long. Ben actually seemed a little nervous to talk to Chris. So most of the time was just us talking about other people we knew or comic arcs we liked. When Ben went back to work, Chris and I headed to the car.

"I am so sorry." I said, when we were both seated. "I should have thought something like that might happen. I'm just so used to no one really giving a shit about us."

"Probably something we're both going to have to get used to from now on." Chris shrugged. "It wasn't so bad. You're right, Ben is a nice guy. And obviously you were on good terms with Dee too. She remembered you and where you moved to. You weren't just some customer. I feel fine doing the celeb thing for people who we're friendly with." He raised his eyebrow at me "I will of course punish you later."
I clapped my hands. "Oh fun! I'll have to put you in awkward social situations more often!"

Part of Your World:A Chris Evans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now