Chapter 3

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Connie pulled up outside Grace's school noticing her laughing with her friends. "Come on loser-" "Mum!?" Grace waved a quick goodbye to her friends before running down to the car.

She pulled the door open hastily climbing into the car. "I thought you had to work tonight, Grandma said I was staying with her." "And this is one of the many perks of being the boss sweetheart... So what do you say to shopping and dinner?"

Connie pulled away from the school and headed along the road. They'd been driving for a few minutes when Grace glanced out of the window. "Umm, Mum this isn't the way to go shopping-" "It is to go shopping in the city." "Really!?"

Grace turned back to look out of the window, a smile radiating from her face. The radio played in the background before Grace started to sing along turning it up as she did so. They continued to drive for another hour before they were getting out of the car.

"Grace I need you to carry something for me darling." She skipped around to the back of the car stopping when she was passed her own bag while Connie took out another one. "Mum?" "Just follow me, come on."

She took Connie's hand as they wandered a little way down the street before walking up a set of steps into a big open hall. Connie strolled straight up to a reception area while Grace hung back looking around.

"Thank you... Grace, if you want any time to go out tonight you might want to hurry up." Grace ran after her as they got into the lift. "Why are we here Mum?" She followed Connie along the corridor before entering a room.

Connie put her bags down before turning to Grace. "What? You didn't think I was going to come all this way for one night did you?" Grace dropped her bag before running across the room and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Woah, careful baby..." "Thank you Mum." Connie smiled placing a kiss to the top of Grace's head. "I love you sweetheart-" "I love you too Mum." They remained quiet for a few moments before Connie stood back.

"Right, we've got somewhere to be in half an hour so take this and get changed." She passed Grace a bag which she tried looking in but Connie just spun her round ushering her into the bathroom. "And hurry up sweetheart."

A few minutes later and Grace came out of the bathroom spinning around in the black dress. "Wow Mum, where are we going?" Connie stood in a figure hugging black dress which emphasised her bump more than she'd ever seen. "You'll see baby, come on get your coat."

They got a taxi to a small restaurant where they both ordered and were served quickly. "How was school today?" Grace smiled before retelling her entire day. "Miss said that she was being silly but Harry was the one who started it all-" "I hope you didn't get into trouble because of it."

Grace shook her head continuing to eat. "I don't get into trouble anymore, it was stupid and I know it didn't make you happy." Connie had a sad smile on her face as she looked up to Grace. "I'm sorry that I haven't made time for you recently darling. I just want you to know that I love you so much." "I know Mum."

An hour later and Grace was walking out of the restaurant with Connie. "I thought we could take a little walk." Grace smiled wandering along beside her as they came to a walkway which ran alongside the river.

Up ahead music could be heard playing before Grace noticed some bright lights and people queuing outside of a large building. "So, you know how last year you told me you were enjoying drama and music?" "Yeah what about it?"

Connie nodded ahead so that Grace looked up at the building which had been the cause of all the noise. "And I know you always used to love watching Annie at home-" "No way! Mum this is so cool!" She ran ahead before stopping and turning back. "Come on Mum-" "Okay sweetheart, I am 6 months pregnant remember."

Connie couldn't help but smile the entire time at the look of happiness on Grace's face. She hadn't seen her this happy in a while, and they had definitely been long overdue on some time alone together.

By the end of the performance it was already 10:45 and Grace was sleepily talking about it as they left the venue. "It was... Amazing... And... I loved... It." " I think someone needs to go to sleep, don't you?" Connie helped her into the taxi before she settled down with her head resting on her shoulder.

They made it back into the hotel room in one piece before Grace collapsed down onto the bed. "Come on you, get in it..." Connie laughed as Grace wiggled about before settling down. She lay down beside her running a hand across her cheek before running her fingers through her hair. "I love you sweetheart, good night." She pressed a kiss to her forehead before closing her eyes and drifting off.


The morning rolled around and Connie woke to see Grace sleeping beside her still. She took it as an opportunity to let Jacob know they were okay as she hadn't spoke to him since letting him know they made it here.

She wandered out towards the balcony pulling the warm fluffy dressing gown tightly around herself. "Morning handsome-" "Hmm morning gorgeous, how was last night?" Connie sat down talking to Jacob for a few minutes before Grace came outside.

"Is that Jacob?" "Hang on... Morning sweetheart, yes did you want to talk to him?" Grace nodded so Connie passed over the phone. "Jacob? Yes it was sooooooo good, why would you pick work over coming to this?" Grace laughed before she pulled a face. "Oh... Yeah okay, I'll give you back to Mum."

Grace passed the phone back before going back inside. "Jacob what-" "I told her that you booked it for the two of you, that you didn't tell me about it until a few weeks ago." Connie frowned unsure why Grace had walked back inside. "Look I need to go talk to her, I'll call you later."

Connie wandered back inside to see Grace sitting in the middle of the bed. "Gracie? Sweetheart, why are you upset that I didn't tell Jacob?" She shook her head smiling. "I'm not upset... It's just, I feel bad for something I said to him last week."

"Grace?" Connie took a seat on the bed beside her brushing her hair back from her face. "I got upset when I came home and you were asleep because we were supposed to go out. I said to Jacob that you'd forget about me, that him and the baby would be more important to you than me."

Connie smiled letting her hand rest to Grace's cheek. "That could never be true sweetheart... I know I haven't had a lot of time lately, and I know when the baby first gets here I'll have even less time. But that doesn't mean I'll forget about you or that you'll be less important to me. You will always be my baby girl."

Grace smiled wrapping her arms around Connie. "You should have talked to me-" "I didn't want to upset you, I know how happy you are about having this baby-" "But I care about you being happy too Grace. Promise you'll talk to me if you ever feel like that."

She nodded sitting back up before Connie smiled. "Now, what do you say to some serious shopping?" "Yes!" Connie smiled as Grace jumped up going to get dressed. She knew it would be a long day but she was happy to have some time alone with Grace just like they used to.

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