Chapter 11

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The few days after were intense and trying for everyone. Mia reacted well to the medication and treatment was continued.

After much persuasion Jacob returned to work leaving Connie alone with Mia. He'd been noticing the distance she had began to put between them and didn't like it. He knew that soon it would be a lot worse and it wouldn't be an easy ride with her.

Connie sat beside her daughter, her eyes never moving from the place she lay. Jacob moved upstairs after taking his break, watching from the window. In the 20 minutes he'd been standing there Connie hadn't moved once.

She hadn't slept in their bed for nights and he wasn't sure when she was taking the time to eat, if she was at all. "The silent observer from the door now?" One of the nurses from the ward stood beside Jacob with a smile.

"Seems that way. I feel like no matter what I do it'll be wrong for someone." The nurse gave him a sympathetic look before turning away. "If you want my advice, do what's best for her. Whatever that may be and whether people like it or not."

Jacob remained outside for a few more minutes before he realised Connie was watching him. Once he noticed her she turned back around to face Mia. He took that as his queue to go inside and crouched down beside them.

"How's she doing?" "As expected... The infections cleared up, why aren't you working?" Jacob's eyes turned to Connie as he suppressed the anger inside him. "Not that it matters but it's my break-" "Well don't be late back."

Jacob scoffed looking down at Mia before back at Connie. "She's my daughter too, you're not the only one suffering." Jacob stood up leaving the room not wanting to fight with Connie.

She closed her eyes rubbing a hand against her forehead as a dull ache began to take over. Mia's fingers gripped onto her finger catching her attention.

"Hey baby girl, what's your Mummy doing hey?" She watched as Mia turned her head towards her upon hearing her speak. "You need to get better so you can come home..."

Connie kept her eyes on Mia as she thought about the last few days. She hadn't left the room for more than 10 minutes at a time because she was scared that when she returned something would have changed.

There was no way that she could physically carry on this way but she didn't see what else there was that she could do. Mia had to be her priority now. Nobody else. Jacob would get over it, he always did.

At the end of the day, if there daughter wasn't his priority then maybe it was best for everyone for the distance to grow between them. Connie's mind played over several scenarios, all of which caused her head to hurt even more.

Mia released her finger before grasping another. Her hands held onto her finger just above the ring Jacob had given her almost 2 years ago.

What was she thinking. There was no way she could raise Mia without him. She was barely making it through this without seeing him. Even when they didn't talk, or they walked away from one another just his presence for those few moments helped her.

"Your Daddy's mad for loving me, everything he puts up with from me. I know I'd have walked away a long time ago if I had to deal with myself." Connie rubbed her thumb across the top of her hand as tears came to her eyes.

She took out her phone and pulled up the most recent contact. When it went straight to voicemail she knew she'd messed up this time.

Glancing down to Mia once more she spoke in a soft voice. "Mummy's just got to go for a few minutes. I promise I'll be back soon, I love you sweet heart." Connie released the small hand from hers and stood up wiping a hand across her face.

"Sorry I've just got to go out for a while. If anything changes-" "Then we'll call. I'll watch over her." Connie glanced back once more debating with staying but before she could make that choice she walked outside.

Pausing at the window she took one more look before walking down the corridor. It felt strange walking away after so many days of being with her baby but in those days she'd forgotten about the other people she should be looking out for.

The department seemed quiet when she first entered but nobody paid much attention to her which she was grateful for. "Mrs Beauchamp?" "Have you seen Staff Nurse Masters anywhere?"

Rita stopped for a moment before nodding. "Just went into the staff room... He's-" but before she could finish Connie was walking away. "He's annoyed though." Rita watched knowing that for one reason or another someone would be storming out of there soon enough.

"Jacob?" He didn't look up hearing her voice but just spoke coldly. "What are you doing here?" "I run it remember... Look I want to talk to you."

Jacob lifted his eyes to look at her closing his locker as she stood opposite him. "You know, I've tried all week to talk to you. I've text, called, physically been there and all you've done is ignore me-" "Jacob I'm sorry, I was scared."

"And you don't think I was!? She is my daughter too! My only daughter and you treat me like I'm no one to her." Connie took a step back as he shouted. She hadn't expected him to react like this.

Jacob shook his head walking for the door. "Jacob please-" "You promised me Connie. You promised you wouldn't do this, and you broke that." He turned away walking from the room leaving her standing alone but she wasn't ready to give up.

Following him outside she walked into the department following him. "Jacob-" "Just go back to her Connie. I'll see her later when I'm finished because that's what's important right now isn't it?"

She pulled on his arm trying to turn him around but he just continued walking. Connie walked after him but stopped when they'd walked through several corridors. "Fine! I'm sorry!"

Connie's voice shook as she spoke across the department to him. "I'm sorry that I pushed you away. I'm sorry that I made you feel like she doesn't need you. I'm sorry that I made you think I don't need you."

Jacob stopped what he'd been doing but didn't turn to look at her. "I'm sorry she's sitting up there unwell because I wouldn't listen to you. I was scared, Jacob. I was scared that I was going to lose her like I almost did with Grace."

By this point several members of staff had gathered around watching the events unfold. "I'm sorry that I'm such a bad mother..." Connie gave up and disappeared upstairs before Jacob could give any sort of answer to her.

"Jacob go up there, they both need you right now." Charlie stood beside him after the others had began to work again. With a single nod he walked away in the direction of intensive care.

When he got upstairs he couldn't see Connie inside. Looking through the window he lifted a hand to his forehead as he heard a pair of heels across the floor. They abruptly stopped after turning the corner causing him to look up.

"I didn't expect to see-" "Don't." Connie nodded dropping her head before finishing the distance between them, standing beside him. "They say she's doing well again. Maybe a few more weeks if she keeps going like this."

A small amount of relief caused Jacob to smile. He glanced to Connie's whose eyes were focused on Mia. He lifted an arm around her shoulders and placed a kiss to the top of her head. He couldn't stay mad at her no matter how hard he tried.

Connie leant into him before he pulled her into a tight hug. "Tonight I'm taking you home and you're going to eat and sleep. No ifs or buts... You're my fiancée and no matter what's going on, that comes first."

She tightened her arms around him not wanting to let go. "Thank you-" "I love you, and I'd do anything for you and that little girl in there..." Connie lifted her head looking to him. "Grace must hate me right now-" "She's worried, we all are. She just wants you both safe and home, she's a good girl."

They went back into the unit and sat with Mia talking with a few smiles. The evening passed quicker now that she wasn't alone and soon he was walking her out into the car park.

Connie couldn't deny she needed a night to sleep properly but her thoughts never left Mia. "She's safe here sweet cheeks. Tomorrow we'll bring Grace with us too and stay for a while if you'd like." "Please... I love you." "I love you too Connie, just remember that."

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