Chapter 43

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"Baby Hannah's here!" Connie groaned as Jacob entered the bedroom to see her falling onto the bed. "Do I have to go-" "Yup, off you go." Connie got up arching an eyebrow as he shrugged from the door way. "What are you waiting for? Leave." She huffed heading out of the room and made it to the front door.

It was her hen night and she had been trying to find any way possible out of this. "Con-" "Hannah." She watched glancing to Jacob who was trying not to laugh at his fiancé's childish behaviour. "Have a good night sweet cheeks-" "Funny Jacob."

He wrapped his arms around her from behind as she let him kiss her neck before moving to her cheek. "You never know, something might surprise you and you'll enjoy it... I love you-" "Love you too." Spinning around she kissed him once before walking out of the door. "Oh Con?" Turning back she stood at the end of the driveway looking to him. "You look incredible tonight."

Connie felt her cheeks flush as the smile stretched across her face. Her palms pressed to the cool black material that stretched across her thighs. The dress was short, incredibly so and Jacob struggled to stop his eyes roaming. "I love you so much-" "Have a good night." She nodded before getting into the taxi with Hannah. She wasn't sure what had been planned for her tonight, all she was aware of was a few work colleagues agreeing to come out.

They arrived at a small bar that Connie didn't even know existed heading inside. The music was loud and lights could be seen before they were even inside. "Do we have to do this? Can I just go back to yours and pretend I've had a wild night?" "Hmm, let me think... Oh, no!" Connie rolled her eyes pulling faces as Hannah took her arm leading her into the bar.

Wandering around a corner Connie's eyes fell to the group of women laughing together before they began cheering as they saw her. "About time the bride-to-be arrived-" "I thought this was supposed to be a few quiet drinks?" Hannah shrugged as Connie was passed something which she looked down at in disgust. "You do not expect me to wear that."

Before she could argue it was taken from her and placed over her head. "Suck it up Beauchamp, you're here and you'll enjoy it." Connie glared at Hannah taking the drink she was passed before looking to the group of women. Zoe, Rita, Robyn and Alicia stood to one side as Louise and Lily approached them.

Connie sighed deciding that whether she wanted to be here or not, she was stuck here. Looking down at her glass she shook her head drinking it in one before Zoe arched an eyebrow. "Is the thought of tonight really that bad?" "No... Worse, so can we just get this started?" Zoe tilted her head with a smirk as Connie watched her. "As you wish."

Within half an hour several drinks had been ordered and the women were dancing. Connie remained on the side lines observing everyone as Alicia stopped and stood with her. "You really don't like this, do you?" "What gave it away?" Alicia smiled before turning back to the bar. "Two tequila shots please."

Connie narrowed her eyes towards Alicia who shrugged with a grin. "Well if you're just going to watch, might as well make the most of it." Pushing a tongue into her cheek she took the shot glass from the younger woman. They were downing the two drinks quickly before Alicia got two more. Connie was oblivious to the others crowding around them. "Jesus Connie, where'd you learn to drink like that!?" "You don't grow up in Peckham not knowing how to drink."

Zoe laughed as she seemingly ordered them all another round of drinks. After a ridiculous amount of drinking, Connie felt Alicia pulling on her hand to the dance floor. No longer consciously thinking of those around her she gave in. The others were surprised when Connie began dancing around without an argument.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye as Connie sang at the top of her lungs with everyone else. Part of her was telling her to pull back, stop before she acted a complete idiot in front of everyone but honestly? She was beginning to have a good time and didn't care what anyone else thought.

She was oblivious to the chair behind her that Zoe had spun around from one of the tables until she was being told to sit down. Connie immediately regained her senses glaring at Zoe. "I said no strippers-" "Just shut up and enjoy it Connie!" Alicia leant down moving her lips to her ear. "You might change your mind when you see them-" "I'm sure I wo..."

Connie was caught off guard shooting up from the chair when Jacob wandered into bar looking around. She put her glass onto the table feeling her cheeks flush. If he had been any later he could have seen whatever Zoe had set up. His eyes clocked the group of women before he smirked to Connie. "Having fun ladies?" "Jacob? Why aren't you at home..."

He just smiled as he walked closer to her. She watched as he held onto her hands before Jacob walked her backwards. Connie sat down before her drunk mind began putting things together. "Ohhh... Oh!" Jacob laughed shaking his head as he watched the realisation wash over his fiancée's face. "You?" He raised an eyebrow as he pulled his shirt off causing several of the other staff to begin whistling from the sidelines.

Connie felt her cheeks fill with colour as she dropped her head to her hands with a slightly embarrassed smile. Here was her soon to be husband, now half dressed before her, about to act the part of the stripper for her hen do. She was unsure how to act as he stood before her, unable to do anything but laugh.

Robyn and Rita continued to shout from the side as Jacob leant closer to Connie, his lips only a tiny distance from hers. "Fancy something like this happening that could possibly make your evening enjoyable..." Connie smiled before he kissed her cheek continuing his little act. She couldn't deny that she loved every second.

Connie paid attention to every little thing watching him. "Please tell me you're going to keep your pants on, there are something's I'd like to keep private about our relationship and that just so happens to be one of them..." "Spoilsport!" Connie looked up to a drunken Alicia laughing beside the other women.

With her eyes away from him Jacob swept in taking her by surprise. He smiled before pushing his lips to hers, her arms wrapping around his neck as he lifted her out of the chair. Connie automatically let her legs wrap around his waist as she deepened the kiss. The whistles and cheers from the others didn't stop as he held onto her before they broke apart for air. "God I love you Mrs Beauchamp..."

She ran a hand along his cheek before he span around causing a laugh to erupt from within her. Everyone watching could see just how much they loved one another from the change in her mood. "I love you too Staff Nurse Masters..." "Fancy letting go so I can put my shirt back on?" With a shake of her head Connie leant down to his lips. "Not just yet muscles."

They were given sometime with one another, mostly spent in the same hold they were now. Jacob walked with Connie to the entrance of the bar where all the other women were climbing into a taxi. "Please, enjoy this now?" She forced a smile as he placed a hand to her cheek letting it fall to the back of her neck. "Okay... Only if you promise to wait up for me?" "Always." She smiled into the kiss before letting him drop her hand as she climbed into the taxi. As she did he smacked her bum before closing the door.

Stepping back he watched them drive away, rather loudly as Robyn and Rita hung from the windows shouting. What had he just let his beautiful wife in for?

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