Chapter 23

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Connie stood outside his office, her palms sweaty as she dropped her head thinking about what she was about to do. Resigning as clinical lead had never been on her to-do list ever since she was given the job. But as things in her life began to change she couldn't keep up with it all. She was not about to make the mistake of putting her work above her kids.

As she stared at the door before her she thought over what she was going to say. Connie had been the one to ask for this meeting but now she had no idea how to even broach the subject. "Come on, all you have to say is your stepping down for your family..."

Connie sighed closing her eyes lifting a hand to knock on the door before stopping. She turned around walking away from the office towards the stairwell. Pushing open the door she wandered down a flight before standing opposite the window glancing out at the gardens below.

She sighed watching as people dashed about below getting out of the pouring rain. Standing here she'd contemplated so many things in the past. Any major decisions in her life had involved staring out of this window, the only thing missing was...

"That's a sight I haven't seen for some time. Must be something pretty important bringing you up here." Connie glanced over her shoulder as he came to a halt beside her. The friendly smile on his face as he mimicked her gaze out the window. "Amazing isn't it?"

Connie rolled her eyes sighing. "What?" "How something so small can help you clear your head." She closed her eyes briefly before looking out across the city. "Come on, what's bothering you Connie-" "I know we haven't worked together for some time but have you completely forgotten who you're talking to?"

"Oh no, you're still the ice queen Mrs Beauchamp but don't forget who you're talking to." A smirk rose on her face as she finally looked at him. Elliot readjusted his glasses as she dropped her hands to her sides moving from the window. "I'm resigning."

Connie sat down on the steps as Elliot turned to watch her. "From the hospital?" "No from the other job I have in between my hours here. Yes the hospital." Connie snapped as he moved closer sitting beside her knowing she meant no harm. "But..."

Sitting back up she raised an eyebrow towards the older father like figure. "But what?" "Come on Connie, we both know leaving has never been an easy choice for you." Looking away from him she felt a small smile creep onto her face.

"You know I sometimes wonder if things would have been any easier if I'd have stayed... Never gone to America with Sam. Would I still be here?" "Terrorising us you mean? Letting me scatter all your papers just as you like them scattered... Yeah, me too." Connie laughed before looking back to Elliot.

"What if I make the wrong decision again?" Connie sighed looking down at her hands. "Well, you'll figure out a way to make it the right one. Connie Beauchamp always found a way somehow."

He watched a smirk fade from her lips before sitting back leaning against the wall. "Thank you." "I didn't do anything." He smiled down at her standing up and walking up a few steps. "I best get back-" "What to that work you spend so many hours doing?"

She lifted her eyes to where he stood before he nodded walking away. Connie huffed before standing up heading back towards Hansen's office after a few more minutes.

This time as she strode up to the door she didn't hesitate. The deep voice she wished she never had to hear told her to head inside. "Ah Mrs Beauchamp I did wander where you'd got to." She forced a smile moving across the room pulling a letter from her pocket.

Placing it on his desk she stepped back. "My resignation from clinical lead. I was late because I was considering my place at the hospital all together." Hansen picked it up twiddling it between his fingers. "Your resignation?"

Connie nodded watching as he sat back opening it. "No longer able to fulfil the requirements-" "The long hours, stupid amounts of paperwork and kissing up to the men in suits... I can't do that and be a mother. I know which one comes first to me." He nodded watching before speaking in his monotone voice. "And your place at the hospital? What about that?"

She pushed her tongue into her cheek with a small laugh. "I have no idea anymore. Being here, being at home makes no difference to me..." Hansen watched as Connie sat down opposite his desk. "You're questioning your place in medicine?"

When she didn't answer he sat forwards at his desk. "Mrs Beauchamp, I can't deny your skill set is beneficial to this hospital even if it comes with a controversial delivery." Connie's arched eyebrow assisted her sarcastic tone. "Complementing me Henrik? You must be desperate."

A rare smile crossed his face before being replaced by the neutral expression he always held. "You have always been an important part of this hospital Connie. All I'm saying is simply think about this. Take some time, consider it." "And what exactly am I considering?"

Connie's gaze returned to watching Hansen as he sat straight in his chair. "Remaining the ED's lead consultant. Running things from the outside leaving the paperwork to someone else. No long hours, no hassle-" "You obviously have no idea what an emergency department entails."

"Quite. Think about it." Without another word Connie stood up leaving the office walking slowly towards the department. As she wandered down the stairs she crossed paths with Elliot once again. "Twice in one day, you're spoiling me." Connie rolled her eyes as he spoke to her.

"Thought about what you're going to do?" She folded her arms against her chest taking a deep breath. "I'm going to be a Mother, Elliot. And then a wife... Right now the doctor can wait." He smiled placing a hand to her arm as she turned to walk away.

"Oh Connie, does that mean I'm now the best clinical lead to remain here-" "Please Elliot you've never been the best." He smiled as she mirrored his expression. "I'll be back... Probably sooner than you think after Jacob finds out." "Good. It wouldn't be Holby without you here. I'll see you soon Connie."

She nodded as he disappeared through the doors leaving her looking out the window yet again. It wouldn't be Holby without you. Whether the hospital was a part of her or if she had become part of it she didn't know.

Either way it was inevitable that she wouldn't be gone for long. At most she'd last a few months before she was back in the department somehow and maybe that's how she liked it. Having a place, belonging so strongly somewhere. It gave her purpose everyday.

Connie smiled to herself as she strolled down the stairs. So she could leave Hansen begging for awhile, no big deal there. The thought of being away from the ED for more than a week put fear into her anyway. Maybe all she needed was a reminder of that, how important this place really was and she'd definitely realised that.

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