Chapter 15

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Hi everyone, so this goes for all of my fics. I'm away this weekend so this could be the only update until Sunday evening. If I have internet then I'll try put something up tomorrow night! Thank you for all the incredible comments recently, it's so nice reading what you have to say and puts a smile on my face :) xo
Jacob stood just outside the doors leading into Mia's room. He couldn't pull his eyes away from his daughter, the way she looked in Connie's arms. Everything about the view he had right now was perfect, in fact it was everything he'd ever dreamed of since the day he'd met Connie.

She paced back and forth across the room speaking softly to her daughter. Connie was oblivious to Jacob standing with his eyes fixated on her. A smile fell across her lips as Mia began gurgling and making noises in response to Connie.

Everything about the way she was with Mia fascinated him. There was no denying the natural instincts she had with children. She was incredible, he had no idea how someone so confident and caring could ever doubt herself like she did.

With each passing day Mia was looking more and more like Connie. From her big green eyes to the smile she only showed to them. Connie watched as a smile grew on her face. "I can't believe I was so worried about you..."

Jacob quietly came inside when he realised she was talking to Mia, curious as to what she was saying. "You'll never know how scared I was about losing you. I never want you to feel like I did, watching you, feeling so helpless. Knowing that nothing I did could help you. It hurt so much, it hurt knowing that I was so close to giving up."

She lifted her hand placing it gently onto Mia's tummy. Straight away she lifted her hand to Connie's grasping for her finger. "You and Grace will always be the most important girls in my life, I'm not going to mess this up... You're certainly a little charmer aren't you? Wait until your Daddy starts getting wind of that, he'll never shut up."

"Oh he already knows how many hearts his princess is gonna break." Connie lifted her eyes seeing Jacob wander closer to them. He didn't hesitate in wrapping an arm around her waist while she held onto Mia. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he looked over at their daughter.

Connie let her head rest back against Jacob as he stood up. "She is 100% your daughter though... From the moment I saw her I couldn't pull my eyes away." Jacob turned to Connie as she lifted her eyes to him. "Is that so Staff Nurse Masters?" "Certainly is Mrs Beauchamp, I'm not sure if you'd heard but I was crazy about you from the moment you tried putting me down."

There was a glimmer of a playful look in her eyes, something he hadn't seen in her for a long time. "Well it clearly didn't work, because you're still just as arrogant-" "And you're still just as demanding, but you and I both know that what you really wanted did work."

The days of her and Sam seemed like a lifetime ago. She would never say she regretted the life she had with him, maybe the way it ended with him and started with Jacob could have been better but they were here now. That's all she cared about.

"Do you want to hold her? I could do with drinking that coffee I know you bought for me." Jacob flashed her a smile taking Mia. "As if I could ever say no to this beauty." Connie smiled passing her over before retiring to the chair laying her head back.

Jacob laughed holding Mia up as they looked towards Connie. "Look what you're doing to your Mummy... You're going to be just like her when you're older. Beautiful, powerful, in control and I'll be so proud of you, of everything you do."

Connie sat forwards drinking her coffee as she smiled up at them. Things had gotten easier since Mia was given the all clear but she had kept something back. It was like she didn't want to let herself be happy until she knew it couldn't be snatched away from her.

Talking to Connie today Jacob had finally felt like he had a hint of the old Connie back. He knew things would take time and of course having a baby would change things, but how they worked, how they were would always be the same.

"Mrs Beauchamp, Mr Masters? Has the doctor spoken to you both yet?" Jacob watched as Connie's expression changed to one of fear. He immediately stepped closer and carefully bent down to her level placing a hand on her thigh. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh everything's fine, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Mia's reacted better than we thought since having contact with the pair of you. We want to send her home at the end of the week." Jacob smiled looking down at Mia. "You hear that baby? You're coming home."

Connie looked towards Jacob and Mia, everything finally feeling like it should have all those months ago. "I told you, she was never giving up." Connie smiled quickly while the nurse disappeared. "Jacob can I speak to you outside?"

He watched as Connie stood up and wandered towards the doors. Jacob glanced down at Mia who seemed to be falling asleep in his embrace. He carefully placed her down watching as she immediately settled.

Jacob crossed the room shutting the door behind him watching as Connie spun around to face him. "Sweet cheeks-" "I can't believe our baby's coming home." He watched as the smile spread across her face, the first time he'd seen her genuinely happy without Mia in her arms.

He laughed nodding as she crossed the corridor towards him. She stepped up to him placing her arms around his neck as his fell around her waist. "Thank you." "Don't be stupid..." Connie lifted a hand to his cheek as she pressed her lips to his.

Jacob was taken aback for a moment before he responded to her running a hand up her back to settle into her hair pulling her closer. Connie deepened the kiss as she pressed herself against his chest. Jacob leant back into the wall as he held onto Connie savouring the moment.

When they parted Connie looked up at him, a sly smile playing at her lips. "There she is..." She dropped her gaze feeling colour rise in her cheeks before Jacob placed a hand under her chin lifting her eyes backup to meet his. "I love you." A smile returning to Connie's face before Jacob kissed her again.

Connie stepped backwards taking his hand before pulling her lips from his. A laugh escaped her as Jacob tumbled forwards letting her pull him along the corridor back to Mia's room. He walked quicker so that he was directly behind Connie, his hands on her hips as they joined their daughter once again.

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