Chapter 45

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Today was a big day. Today was the last time she would ever hear her staff call her 'Mrs Beauchamp'. Her thoughts were sidetracked by a strong pair of hands on her shoulders. "Why good afternoon Mrs B..." The smirk was evident on her face as he rounded to walk beside her lacing his hand through hers.

"Let me guess, last chance for you to use half of those stupid nicknames?" "Of course it is..." He spun around walking backwards as he winked at her disappearing into cubicles. Connie rolled her eyes as she began signing some documents. "Good afternoon Mrs Beauchamp-" "Charlie."

The pair smiled before she shook her head looking down. "Is it really going to be like this all day?" "Like what?" He smirked walking away from her as she placed a hand on her hip noticing Jacob again. "Hey, Beau-champ!" "Oi, don't start." He laughed as she grabbed the folders following after him towards a cubicle where he did actually need help.

The day drifted slowly on as Connie continuously worked in a fairly relaxed manner. She was oblivious to a few of the staff slacking through the morning, but she was hardly in the mood to snap at them. Several staff made comments about the wedding which was in a few days, wishing her luck as it would be the final time they saw her.

Connie was wandering past the staffroom when Alicia called after her. Spinning on her heel she smiled up at her. "Alicia, what can I do for you?" The girls walked in time with one another before Alicia smiled. "Nothing, you seem really happy today." Connie wasn't able to hide the smile, but she didn't mind. "Final day I can call you Mrs Beauchamp."

She nodded as Alicia mimicked her smile. They stopped at the nurses' station where Alicia spotted Jacob ahead of them. "Why's Jacob grinning like an idiot?" "Ugh, is he still here?" Alicia laughed as Connie dropped her head. "Not really how I thought you'd react to the guy you're about to commit to spending the rest of your life with..." "Oh there's still time to change that."

Jacob had gotten closer and was leaning over the desk. "Please, you couldn't last without me Queen Bee-" "Call me that again and I may have to sting you." "Ooh Mrs Beauchamp I love it when you talk that way." Connie groaned again as she swung a handful of files into his chest. Jacob laughed grabbing her wrist pulling her into his chest, his arms wrapping around her waist while his chin rested on her shoulder.

Turning her head slightly Jacob tried to meet her lips but she pulled back slightly smirking. "Don't pretend you don't love this-" "Oh I'm not pretending muscles... Enjoy your last day yeah?" Jacob laughed as she slipped out of his arms returning to work. Jacob was left looking after her unable to tear his eyes away. "You two have it all..." Jacob turned to Alicia with a smile scoffing. "Nah, we don't but she's everything I need."

Several hours later and Connie's shift was drawing to a close. From across the department she observed Jacob walking about. A cheeky grin on his face as he sweet talked his way around. Patient's were always happy in his care, and staff were happy to be working alongside him. She had never met anybody as caring and kind as Jacob, and here she was getting to marry him in a few days.

She had to bite her bottom lip to try and refrain from smiling crazily as she watched him. Charlie came up behind her before speaking quietly. "3 days? Come around quickly hasn't it?" She didn't remove her eyes from Jacob as she nodded. "Too quickly almost, yet not quick enough at the same time..." Charlie laughed seeing her still fixated on him. "You know it's not illegal to talk to him."

Connie finally looked away rolling her eyes. "I know... It's just nicer when he doesn't talk." Charlie smiled as they wandered through the department before she was ushered into the staffroom where several staff had gathered. "What is this?" She glanced around at everyone gathered in there together with a card and a small white box.

Robyn held out the card with a smile to the clinical lead. "We wanted to say good luck for Friday." Connie took the card speechless. She opened it smiling before seeing the many handwritten messages from her colleagues. "Wow... You really didn't have to do this Nurse Miller." Robyn shrugged before taking the box from David. "Oh and we heard you were still looking for something new, so we thought we could help there."

Connie frowned taking the box removing the lid carefully. Her eyes widened as she took out the small silver clip. "Alicia mentioned you needed something for you hair still-" "It's beautiful." The light glimmered from the small diamonds encrusted along the side. It was perfect. She found herself beginning to feel the weight of how close the wedding was as a pair of arms snaked around her waist.

She immediately relaxed into the hold as she looked to everyone around her again. "Thank you, and I really hope that we'll see most of you there..." Turning around she looked up at Jacob with a smile. Lifting a hand to his face, she cupped his cheek with a sly grin. "I love you Staff Nurse Masters." He smiled as she neared his lips, pressing them to hers gently. The few staff members left clapped and cheered reminding Connie they were all still there.

Parting from his lips she stayed close. "You're my world sweet cheeks." Her eyes twinkled as he wrapped his arms around her as she stepped into his chest, her head resting against him. He kissed the top of her head noticing everyone had left the room. "I guess I'll see you at home tonight babe?" Connie stood up frowning as she observed him. "What?"

Connie pushed a tongue into her cheek with a devilish look. "How about we make the most of the time we've got right now without a child around?" Jacob arched an eyebrow looking down at Connie in disbelief. "What? Come on, you're telling me you haven't thought about it all day-" "Well yeah but-" "But nothing... Today is the last chance I can do this as Mrs Beauchamp."

Jacob nodded once before dropping his hands to her thighs lifting her up. "You're the boss Mrs B... I guess your final wish, is my command." She smiled biting her lip before his lips covered hers in a passionate kiss.

In a matter of days she'd be stood before him making the promise to be beside him for the rest of her life. The thought should have scared her, Connie Beauchamp didn't do this. But she wasn't Connie Beauchamp anymore, not really and to finally wave goodbye to that part of her was exciting.

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