Chapter 40

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Since they arrived at work that morning, Connie and Jacob had barely seen each other. Connie had dropped Mia with nursery while Jacob took Grace to summer school. The ED wasn't particularly busy but Connie had been splitting herself been non-clinical and resus.

Being here, there and everywhere had its drawbacks as she very rarely got any breaks on these days. Jacob strolled about cubicles before stopping at the nurses station. He glanced up to see the lights off in Connie's office and resus completely empty. "Anyone seen Mrs Beauchamp anywhere?" "Not since her patient was transferred." Jacob offered a smile to Robyn before moving off to reception.

"Noel, I don't suppose you've seen Mrs Beauchamp?" "'Fraid not mate, sorry... How can I help?" Jacob nodded before seeing Charlie coming into the department. "Charlie, do you know where Connie is, nobody seems to have seen her for a while?" "She just went outside." Jacob sighed smiling before jogging out of the entrance.

He knew where she'd go so made his way around the front of the building before seeing her further along. Her back was to him, her hands on her hips as she looked up at the sky. The sun was shining down and just from her body language he could tell she was stressed out today.

Jacob wandered closer to her watching her a while longer before snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her sideways. Connie almost stumbled over grabbing hold of his hands on her hips turning to face him. Jacob leant back against the pillar as he pulled Connie to his lips. He kissed her gently before she smirked at him.

"You better be on a break Staff Nurse Masters and not just wandering off shift-" "Would it matter if I wasn't... After all, I was only checking on my fiancee who just so happens to be boss." Connie watched him carefully as he looked back at her. Connie sighed taking a step closer to him until their chests were pressed against the other. She let her arms go to his waist holding onto the white uniform at his sides.

Jacob didn't wait for her to talk again as he placed his lips onto hers. The kiss was gentle before he repeated the same action over and over. Connie responded to him moving an arm around his neck holding him closer. He parted from her lips, his breath blowing against her skin. "So I was thinking we could-" He was interrupted by the beeping of her pager.

He sighed in defeat dropping his arms from her waist. The loss of contact caused Connie to look up from her pager to Jacob immediately. Rather than respond to it she moved back into his arms pulling him into her, the kiss hotter than it was before. Jacob was surprised by the action moving backwards with her until her back hit the wall. She kept her arms around his neck moaning against his lips as he trailed his hands up her bare legs.

It wasn't until she felt his hands on her thighs that she pulled back from his lips. "Come and find me later..." She bit her bottom lip as Jacob smirked across at her. "Is that my boss talking or my girl-" "Well I guess you'll have to find out." He laughed pushing his lips to hers once more before letting her go. Connie ran a hand through her hair as she walked away not risking a glance back to Jacob.

She made it back inside before rushing to resus where she was needed to assist Lily with a patient. Jacob had in fact been on a break and so stayed outside for a while before moving back inside returning to cubicles. Lily's patient had been refusing treatment causing their condition to worsen before it was crucial that they began treating them.

After a very long two hours Connie was wandering out of resus sighing. She ran a hand across the back of her neck as Charlie fell into step with her. "Rough day?" "Could say that..." He laughed looking over at her. "Please tell me you're not about to ask me to take another patient." Connie sounded exhausted and Charlie thought for a moment.

"Want to check triage for equipment? Get you out the way for a while and nobody will know you're there." Connie slowly smiled taking the form from him. "You Mr Fairhead are a saint-" "So I've been told." She parted ways with him heading to triage.

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