Chapter 7

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Jacob woke up when Grace moved beside him. It was only when he opened his eyes that he remembered where they were.

He lifted his head looking across at Grace with a smile. "Good morning you-" "Noooo, it's too early." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk before reaching his hand around her waist and tickling her.

"Jacob! Stop! Please!" She laughed between words as he continued to wake her up. "Still too early?" Grace laughed shaking her head as she tried fighting back despite knowing it was pointless. "What do you say to trying to find some breakfast?"

Grace sat up with a smile while Jacob climbed off the bed checking his phone. He frowned noticing a text message from Connie assuming he'd missed it yesterday.

Good morning muscles. Charlie told me where you were yesterday. Thank you. Look after her this morning for me? I'll see you soon xx

His frown soon turned to a smile before he locked his phone turning back to Grace. He found her laying spread out across the bed with her eyes closed. "I don't think so firecracker... If I'm up, you're up!" He stepped over to her picking her up causing her to laugh yet again.

Jacob walked from the room with Grace on his back before heading down into the department. "Good morning Grace-" "Hey Zoe. Jacob's finding me breakfast." "Well if you find somewhere good be sure to let me know!"

Grace waved as Jacob continued walking towards the entrance of the hospital. "So where are we going?" "There's this place just around the corner, I take your Mum there when she refuses to leave work. It's funny, I normally have to carry her out of there too."

"Well I am my mothers daughter, what do you expect?" Jacob laughed before letting Grace get down. She took his hand wandering across the road with him before stopping. "Why haven't you been to see Mum yet? Or the baby?"

They got a table sitting down before Jacob passed her a menu. "Because your Mum wouldn't want me with anyone else right now. Besides, I know they're both in good hands and I couldn't have you going hungry could I?"

Grace smiled knowing he was doing this on purpose. This whole time she'd been worried about being forgotten, and it was still on her mind. But she wanted to know her Mum was okay more than anything else.

As if he had read her mind Jacob spoke. "She's fine, your Mum. She text me this morning telling me to look after you. We'll find her when we go back." Grace smiled with a nod before they both ordered breakfast.

Connie lay awake as she had all night. Not that she was about to let on to anyone else that's what she'd done. They'd only complain about her getting rest, and looking after herself but how could she when her baby was lying ill all alone?

A knock at the door caused her to come out of her daze as a doctor she didn't recognise walked in. "Can I help you?" "Mrs Beauchamp, I'm Ellie. I came down to talk to you about your daughter."

Connie sat up suddenly interested in what she had to say. "Is she okay?" "She's doing well considering how early she is... But there are some problems. Her lungs aren't fully developed and breathing is difficult for her right now."

It was a horrible feeling of deja vu for Connie. The idea of yet another baby being stuck in intensive care scared her. "Will she be alright?" "I think so, all signs are pointing towards a good recovery but it could be a long one."

Connie sighed letting her head fall back to the pillows. "There was something else Mrs Beauchamp... I'm afraid we can't let anyone in to see her just yet-" "What?"

The strong death stare returned to her face as she looked towards the younger doctor. "Due to her condition it's best that she's left for now. We'll let you know as soon as you can see her." Connie was lost for words. Part of her wanted to scream at this woman but the other part knew it wasn't her choice, just a job she had to do.

"I'll let you rest. If there's any change I'll find you right away." Connie nodded watching her leave the room before settling back down. All she wanted was to be able to hold her little girl, see her for the first time but nothing ever did run smoothly for her.

Another passed and Connie was lying half asleep while Grace watched through the window. "She looks sad." Jacob stopped beside her catching Connie's gaze. He smiled seeing her reaction to noticing them. "She doesn't now..."

Grace opened the door and ran across the room into Connie's arms carefully. "Grace. I love you so much sweet heart." "I love you too Mum, I'm glad you're okay." Connie wrapped her into a tight hug placing several kisses to her forehead.

When she finally let go Grace looked about the room. "Where's the baby?" Connie plastered on a fake smile which Jacob saw through immediately. "She's upstairs being looked after at the moment-" "Can we go see her!?"

Jacob stepped in when he realised Connie was clearly holding something back. "Not right now firecracker... Your Mum needs to rest and your baby sister is in a quiet ward at the moment." Grace nodded with a smile sitting down in the chair beside the bed.

Jacob stepped closer to the bed wrapping Connie into a hug for the first time in what felt like months. He pressed his lips to the top of her hair speaking quietly into her hair. "Later..." He kissed her again as she composed herself against his chest.

He ran his hands through her hair before standing up and putting a smile on his face, just as Connie had done. The 3 remained sitting in the hospital room for hours until Charlie knocked on the door.

"Hey, how are you feeling now? Better than last time I hope-" "Just the one bus now..." Charlie smiled giving her a gentle hug before Jacob stood up. "I'm going to get Grace home to pack a few things. Sam offered to keep her for a few more nights."

Connie nodded before Grace embraced her Mum again. "I love you Mum, I can't wait to meet my little sister. I'm sorry-" "You don't need to be sorry baby, it's okay. Get some rest tonight alright and I'll see you soon."

Jacob left promising to be back in an hour leaving Charlie sitting with Connie. "Now honestly. How are you feeling?" He looked into her face noticing how her eyes twinkled with unshed tears immediately. "I can't go through this again Charlie. I keep trying to be strong for them, for her but I can't. I can't..."

Charlie moved from his seat to comfort Connie as the tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She sighed wiping her cheeks as she looked to Charlie. "I haven't even seen my daughter yet Charlie... Almost a day old and I haven't met her."

"Hey, I know it's hard now but everything will be okay. You have Jacob and Grace, let them help you. As for me, I can be here for you whenever you need me to be." Connie forced a smile as she rest back trying anything to remove the thoughts consuming her mind.

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