Chapter 21

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Connie was sitting at the nurses' station with Mia in her arms as she read through a set of patient notes. She gently bounced up and down rocking Mia as she quietly moaned. "Shh, hey baby. Shh come on please."

Charlie walked across the department with Duffy walking beside him. "Connie?" She lifted her eyes to the pair as she rolled her eyes. "Thought a change of scenery might help settle her... Apparently not." Connie sighed as Mia continued to cry gradually becoming louder.

"Do you mind if I try?" Connie looked up towards the older woman shaking her head leaning closer to her as Duffy reached forwards. "Oh, aren't you a beautiful little girl. How old is she?" "4 and a half months."

Connie watched as Mia settled as Duffy gently swayed back and forth. "Still got it I see." Charlie smiled across at her while looking down at Mia. "I certainly have got an incredible granddaughter." Duffy looked to him not asking but just smiled.

Charlie returned his gaze to Connie who was leaning back into the chair she sat on. "Why, don't you go find Jacob and take a break? Look like you could do with one Connie." "No, I really shouldn't... Mia's going to need feeding soon and I've got paperwork stacked up to here."

He continued to just look at her until she lifted her eyes to return the gaze. "Connie, take a break. You need to eat anyway and I'm sure old grandad here can manage an hour with her." Connie watched Mia with a smile considering it.

"Are you sure Charlie?" "Yes. Go find Jacob." Connie stood up smiling enveloping Charlie into a hug before kissing Mia's forehead gently. "Thank you, both of you." Duffy smiled watching as Connie wandered away through the department. "Clinical lead and a young baby, that's tough." "You don't know the half of it."

Charlie wandered towards his and Rita's office settling down with the pair giving Connie the time she needed to take a break. "So then grandad, care to explain that one?" Charlie laughed as he took a seat beside Duffy.

"Connie's like a daughter to me, has been ever since she set foot in the door. Her father passed away several years ago and I guess I've kind of taken her under my wing. Mia's a perk of that." Duffy smiled as the young girl grasped Charlie's finger in her hand. "She definitely likes you anyway."

Jacob was finishing in cubicles with Ethan as he noticed Connie walking towards him. "Sweet cheeks? Everything okay? Where's Mia?" "She's fine, Charlie made me take a break." He pleaded a hand to the back of her neck running his fingers through her hair lightly.

"Do you think you can take a break?" Tears began to build in Connie's eyes as Jacob stepped forwards. "Hey, of course I can let me go find Rita." He pressed his lips to her forehead as she quickly ran her hands under her eyes composing herself. "Okay."

Jacob headed to find Rita while Connie went outside for some air. She wandered along the path staring at the ground as she went. Nearing the small garden she stopped and leant against the wall taking a deep breath, letting it go slowly.

After finding Rita, Jacob jogged outside to find Connie. He paused momentarily seeing her with her head back against the wall. Jacob crossed the path to where she stood making her look back to him. "Hey-" "Hi." She forced a smile as he reached for her hand. "Let's take a walk."

Connie smiled following him around the hospital wandering through the gardens. "How was Grace this morning?" "Perfect as always sweet cheeks... Doesn't want to go to Sam's this weekend but I said we'd talk tonight."

She sighed closing her eyes briefly before Jacob spoke up. "You want to tell me what's bothering you?" "What your mind reading abilities left you useless today?" Jacob mocked laughter before becoming serious again.

"It's just having Mia. Going through everything we have, it's made me realise what I really want... And I, I can't carry on pretending like this is what I want." Jacob struggled for words as he listened to her speaking.

"I can't do this, how things are now. It's not going to work for any of us." Connie stopped with tears springing to her eyes. Jacob turned to face her but didn't make any move to get closer to her. "What are you saying then?"

Connie sniffed lifting her eyes to his. "Honestly? I don't know, I don't know what to do Jacob... And that scares me more than anything else because I can't control this." He placed a hand to her arm soothingly as she began to cry.

"If it wasn't for you I don't know what I'd have done... You were the only thing to keep me going, making me stay strong for our baby girl." Jacob let her lean into his chest sobbing while he comforted her despite feeling it was wrong in some way. "I love you so much Jacob-" "Then don't do this"

Connie pulled away from him looking up at him confused. "Jacob-" "No Connie, I won't stand by and let you do this. I thought we were happy. You know we were talking about getting married soon and being a family."

Jacob tried to continue talking but Connie placed a hand to his mouth. "I wasn't talking about you or us." He stopped finally looking at her as she dropped her hand. "Then what were you on about?" "This. The job, being clinical lead Jacob. God I could never leave you."

Connie moved a hand to his cheek as she laughed. "I need to stop, I can't be the Mother I want to be to our baby while worrying about paper pushing for Hansen. I'm going to resign and drop my hours so I can be there for Mia and Grace."

Jacob smiled leaning down and kissing her gently. "You do whatever you feel you have to, just know that I support you 100%-" "As long as it's not leaving you right?" Jacob laughed with a nod. "As long as it's not leaving me."

Connie smiled hugging him once again sighing. "You know... We've still got 20 minutes until they're expecting us back." Jacob pushed Connie back raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "I think I like what your implying their Mrs Beauchamp."

Jacob grinned lifting Connie from the ground as she wrapped her arms around his neck leaning down to kiss him deeply.

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