Chapter 27

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Connie was standing by the door as Jacob watched her. "What?" "Nothing sweet cheeks." She smirked pointing towards the pile of envelopes on the table. "Make sure you actually give those out today. Otherwise you're going to look like the most unpopular groom to have ever existed."

Jacob laughed as he wrapped his arms around Connie. "You're sure you've invited everyone-" "Yes-" "Everyone." She elongated the word emphasising it as much as she could. "Yes. Now will you go, to wherever it is you're going. I'll hand them out."

Connie nodded kissing him gently before grabbing her bag and pushing Mia towards the door. "We'll come by work later. I love you." "Love you too sweet cheeks." As she left the house she sighed looking down at Mia. "What's your Mummy doing hey?"

They walked along the road and towards a small cafe before heading inside. Connie sat down seeming slightly on edge as she looked around. "Everything okay?" Connie jumped not noticing the waitress looking down into the pram. "She's beautiful-" "Oh thank you, sorry a little distracted today."

The young waitress nodded before walking away to get Connie's drink. She lifted Mia out of her push chair and onto her lap as she smiled down at her. Smiling at Mia she didn't notice anybody walk inside. "Connie Beauchamp?"

Her eyes darted up to the woman before her. She was a lot younger than she was, and incredibly beautiful. "Yes-" "Hi I'm Brianna. I won't say I wasn't surprised when I got your call." Connie smiled as she took a seat opposite her.

"Who is this gorgeous little princess?" "This is Mia, my daughter." Brianna lifted her eyes back to Connie. "Is she-" She stopped when Connie nodded causing her to look back to Mia. "Can I hold her?" Connie knew she was playing with fire doing this but she could hardly say no.

Brianna carefully took hold of Mia and rocked her gently. "She likes you, she doesn't let many people hold her." Connie smiled as she ran her eyes over the younger woman. "Let me guess, not what you'd expected?" "To be honest, I had no idea what to expect. He'd never mentioned you."

Connie noticed the sad expression in her eyes as she forced a smile to Mia. "I'm not shocked, we didn't exactly part on the best terms... I walked away when things got tough and no matter how many times Jacob tried to contact me I ignored it all. Wanted to run from everything you know. I was 15, it was all too much."

Connie found herself wanting to ask so many questions but something held her back. There was something about Brianna which reminded her so much of her younger self. "So what do you do if you don't mind me asking?" "I'm training to be a nurse... Funny, Jacob always spoke of going into medicine. Guess he rubbed off on me a little."

Brianna passed Mia back as she began to grumble. "How did you meet each other? Sorry, not my place to ask." "No, it's okay. It's funny actually, he did become a nurse. A very good one actually, I just so happen to be his boss." Brianna laughed shaking her head. "No way. Typical Jacob... Is he happy?"

Connie placed Mia back into her push chair before returning her gaze to Brianna. "Incredibly... Look I called because we're getting married. I want you to be there, even if he doesn't know. He'd hate himself if you weren't there-" "Connie it's been almost 11 years."

She sighed nodding. "I know, but I also know Jacob. Please, it would mean everything for you to be there." Brianna glanced away watching out the window. "I have another daughter, Grace. I'd love for you to be a part of their lives. Please?" Mia gurgled from the pram causing both women to laugh briefly.

"Why are you doing this Connie?" Brianna placed her hands around her warm mug as she looked down into it. "Because... No matter what happened, you don't turn your back on family." Brianna lifted her eyes to Connie's finding comfort in them. "Okay. You said you have another daughter?"

Connie smiled passing over her phone. "13 going on 30 thinking she owns the place." Brianna laughed looking to the picture of Grace, Mia and Connie. "You all look so happy... How long have you and Jacob been together?" "Nearly 4 years, but a lot happened before that. He got me out of a place I couldn't get myself out of. He's a good man."

Brianna smiled handing the phone back. "He always was. Looking out for everyone around him, he did so much more than any child should have had to." The women continued exchanging stories slowly becoming used to the others company. By the time Connie glanced at her watch Brianna smiled. "It's okay you've got somewhere to be, I won't hold you up."

Connie smiled as they stepped back out into the fresh air. "I guess I'll wait to hear from you again?" "Here, this is everything about the wedding..." Brianna accepted it gratefully before dropping her eyes to the floor. "I know it might not seem like it, but I did love him. I still do even if I have a funny way of showing it." Connie placed a hand to her arm in a soothing manner.

"You don't need to explain it to me, I understand. I'll call you, I could always do with an extra pair of hands with wedding plans." Brianna laughed before looking back to Connie. "I'd like that. Thank you." With that she walked away leaving Connie standing with Mia who was beginning to cry. Turning her attention to her daughter she began walking towards the ED to see Jacob.

She didn't like keeping things from Jacob, but sometimes things were better left unspoken.

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