Chapter 9

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It had been 3 days since Connie gave birth to Mia. They still hadn't met her and Connie couldn't bring herself to go upstairs only to be turned away.

Jacob and Grace had gone for a walk one morning and stopped by the intensive care unit glancing through the window. They stood there looking in guessing with each other which one they thought she was.

It wasn't until Jacob's eyes moved across the back of the room that he saw her. "There-" "Where?" Jacob lifted Grace up pointing towards the far corner. "How do you know?" Truth is he didn't, but something deep down was telling him he was right. "I just do... That's her, that's your baby sister."

Grace smiled looking for a while longer before taking Jacob's hand as they walked back down the corridor. "Do you think you and Mum will be able to see her soon?" Jacob sighed as they continued to walk back. "I sure hope so firecracker... I hope so."

When they got back downstairs Connie was nowhere to be seen. "Wait here Grace and I'll go see where she's gone." Grace nodded sitting down on the bed while Jacob moved to the small reception desk.

"Excuse me, has Connie Beauchamp been taken for any tests?" The young girl at reception didn't seem to have much of an idea at what she was doing as she glanced from different screens and files. "No, she should be in her room."

Jacob rolled his eyes tapping the desk and pushing away before bumping into someone. "Sorry, I-" "I know I annoy you but trying to push me over is pretty harsh." Jacob laughed before wrapping his arms around her.

Connie smiled before slowly returning the hug. "Where were you?" She stood up before smiling at him. "I was discharged when you took Grace out for a bit." "That's amazing, Con you can home."

He pulled her into his chest again but when she didn't answer he knew she didn't plan on spending much time at home. "Tell me you're not going back to work-" "No, but I want to be here for her. I can't be at home while she's stuck here."

Connie wandered back to the room with Jacob behind her. "Mum! Are you coming home?" Connie just nodded glancing to Jacob as she moved across the room to hug her. "Careful baby, I'm still a bit tired and sore-" "Sorry... I'm just happy that you're coming home."

Connie ran her hands through Grace's hair pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I've missed you." Grace stood back up before someone else entered the room who Jacob didn't recognise.

"Is everything okay? Has something happened?" Jacob and Grace watched as Connie pushed for answers obviously knowing who this doctor was. "Everything is fine. I came to say she's doing extremely well, you're welcome to come up and see her."

Connie stood quietly not sure what to say. "You mean she's doing well-" "Better than well. She's showing signs of beginning to do things for herself. It's extremely quick for someone of her age, obviously there's still worries but for now we're happy."

Jacob placed a hand to Connie's lower back as he stepped beside her bringing her out of her daze. "You're welcome to come up this afternoon, I'll tell them to expect you." Jacob smiled as she disappeared leaving the 3 of them together.

"You ready to meet your baby girl?" Connie looked to Jacob, fear and happiness taking their turn to show on her face. She nodded gently before turning to Grace. "Sweet heart, I want to take you downstairs to see Charlie." Grace nodded taking Connie's hand wanting to do this alone with Jacob.

Entering the ED there were several people watching Connie. She strolled through the department as though she'd never been away but there was something a little different about the way she moved with less confidence than before.

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