Chapter 35

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Sunlight rained through the open curtains as Connie rolled over forgetting Jacob wasn't there for a moment. Instead as she opened her eyes she found Brianna, Grace and Mia all sitting beside her. "The girls kind of insisted on you not remaining in bed all morning-" "Did they now? Well seeing as Mia's yet to talk, I'll hold you accountable Grace."

The younger Beauchamp laughed before Connie's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her backwards on the bed. Brianna kept hold of Mia who was abnormally loud this morning. "I think someone's realised Daddy's missing..." Connie smirked looking across at Mia with Grace pinned beneath her still.

Several hours away Jacob wasn't quite getting the same wake up call. "Morning sunshine." Jacob squinted shielding his eyes from the light which encased the room. "Please. Close the curtains-" "Nope... You Casanova should probably check your call log." Jacob's eyes widened as he watched Iain leave the room before scrambling about for his phone.

He was sure he'd put it on the night stand last night but as he moved around he couldn't find it. Throwing his head down onto the pillow he felt a vibrating from beneath. Reaching his hand underneath it he pulled out his phone to see a text message from Connie.

I hope your head isn't too bad this morning although based on last night's conversation I'm assuming your about 98% of the way to serious liver failure. Oh and Masters, do not think you're off the hook for showing my staff images of me half dressed.

He frowned reading the text as his eyes ached from the brightness. Flicking back through his phone he noticed the last phone call to Connie at 2:47 that morning. Groaning Jacob dropped his head back to the bed hearing Iain's laughter from the other room. "This isn't funny!" The door opened up as Cal traipsed inside looking worse than him.

Dropping down to the bed beside Jacob, Cal moaned holding his head. "What the hell were we doing last night?" Cal shrugged smirking at Jacob. "All I know is that my boss looks good in no clothes." Jacob laughed nodding, not paying much attention to the statement before he realised what he had said. "Hey! That's my fiancee you're talking about-" "And don't we know it!"

By the time Jacob had got out of bed everyone else was congregating out the front. Stepping outside in shades he looked about the group who were all laughing. "Alright, alright... This really isn't that funny-" "Pretty funny from where we're standing." Jacob rolled his eyes much like Connie would before they all began descending the stairs towards the cafe.

As they neared the small complex where the cafe was, Jacob's phone began to ring. He pulled it quickly from his pocket before groaning slightly. Dan looked over with a smirk taking the phone from his hand. "Hey-" "Jacob Masters phone, he can't come to the phone right now because he's acting the baby after a heavy night can I pass on a message?" "Dan!"

Connie sat with her legs up on the chair outside. "Can you tell him his future wife has a few choice words for him." She listened as who she assumed to be Dan began laughing. "Jacob maaaaate you are in the dog house! She does not sound happy..." Jacob snatched the phone back while the rest of the group laughed heading inside.

Hanging back Jacob took a breath preparing himself for more embarrassment at what he said last night. "Morning baby-" "Hey you... How's the head?" Jacob chuckled letting go of the breath he had held hearing her soft tone. "Fine?" "Truthfully-" "I'm in agony sweet cheeks, is it possible to turn your blood into vodka?" "No-" "I think I have."

Connie couldn't help but smile as Jacob's pained voice came over the speaker. "Con-" "Let me first. Don't start apologising for what you think you did last night because I didn't call for that." Jacob wandered to the top of the hill sitting down on the stones overlooking the sea. "You didn't?" "No... Despite my staff seeing me in fewer clothes than I ever hoped, I called to check that the man I love was still alive."

A smile spread across his lips as he looked out over the water. "The man you love is probably getting what he deserves." "Good, I wouldn't want it any other way... But just know when you get home, you are sooo busted." Jacob's laughter never failed to make Connie smile even when she wanted to be annoyed with him.

"Did you have a good night?" Jacob thought back trying to piece together the night. "The food was good but other than that not an awful lot springs to mind-" "Seriously? Me naked and food is all you can remember?" Connie's arched eyebrow caused Brianna to laugh. "Looks like your Mum's hearing all about your Dad's... Interesting, shall we say, night."

Grace smiled tiptoeing up to see her Mum smiling shaking her head. "Sounds like Dad, winds Mum up like mad but gets away with it. You should see them-" "Yeah, maybe I will." Brianna smiled as they returned to sitting at the table leaving Connie to talk.

As the waves crashed against the stones in front of him he stopped studying the pebble in his hand dropping it. "Shit..." He thought he'd got away with it, saying it quietly but it seemed not. "Jacob?" When there was no answer Connie sighed heavily. "What have you just remembered-" "How much do you love me exactly?"

Connie got herself comfortable in the chair knowing that whatever he was going to tell her was sure to annoy her. "Jacob. What did-" "I told everyone that you were good in bed." He waited for her response but didn't receive one for a while. He stayed quiet letting her speak first. "I guess there is worse things you could have said-" "Really?" "Well yeah. You could have said I was bad for a start." Jacob smirked laughing as he lay back on the stones. "I could never say that sweet cheeks, even if I tried to."

"Jacob! We're ordering you coming?" He turned to see Iain standing a short distance from him before hearing Connie again. "Go... I can talk to you when you're home-" "You serious? I'll call you before I go out tonight." Connie smiled looking across the garden before her eyes settled on the clouds getnly moving across the blue skies.

"Okay." Jacob's smile faded becoming serious as he looked up at the bright clear sky. "I love you Connie-" "I love you too Jacob. Stay safe for me, please?" "For you, anything sweet cheeks. I'll speak to you soon." He ended the call jumping up and moving back inside while Connie stayed outside for a moment longer.

Soon enough Grace emerged sitting beside her Mum with a smile. "Alright sweetheart?" "Yup, Dad okay?" Connie nodded with a smile as Grace leant into her side. With an arm wrapped around her she placed a kiss to the top of her head. "I can't wait until we can all be a proper family. You, Jacob, Mia, Auntie Brianna and me... It's gonna be totally amazing."

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