Chapter 17

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Thursday morning came around and despite all the chaos that had been happening Jacob hadn't forgotten what day it was. He rushed down the stairs that morning with Grace knowing that Connie was already at work.

"You all set for tonight firecracker?" "Yes! I can't wait for Mum to se-" "Erh, keep it to yourself remember. We both know if you say it now, you'll be saying it all day!" Grace nodded signalling that her lips were sealed as Jacob wrapped an arm around her shoulders before leaving the house to take her to school.

Connie was strutting through the department out of cubicles when Charlie walked beside her. "Is today-" "Yes." He nodded continuing to walk. "And does Jacob know-" "Yes." "Are you going to celebrate it-" "No." He smiled pausing at the nurses' station watching as she continued to walk into her office.

Walking inside she let go of a breath dropping her hands as she noticed the roses on her desk. She rounded the table picking up the card perched in the top of the deep scarlet flowers. "He asked me to put them in here this morning."

Connie's eyes darted up as she heard Charlie's voice to see him leaning against her door frame. "You should have made him do it himself." She smirked as she watched him laugh shaking his head. Her expression became serious as she noticed a playful smile on his face. "Don't-" "Why not?"

Charlie continued to smile winding her up. "Come on Connie-" "Charlie, don't." He nodded wandering away from her door to her relief. She let her eyes drift back down to the card not noticing that he'd returned. "Happy birthday Connie."

Before she could say anything he'd disappeared laughing leaving her to roll her eyes and smile to herself. Eventually she dropped her eyes back down to the card finally reading what he had to say. Happy Birthday Sweet cheeks, have a good day beautiful. I can't wait for tonight... x x x

A smile returned to her lips as she thought about all the possible things he could mean by that but her mind settled on the predictable option. Jacob always had had a one track mind. Little did she know she couldn't be further from the truth.

For the next few hours Connie sat at her desk working her way through a mountain of paperwork. Since Mia's birth she'd been behind on the clinical lead side of the job, understandably. However recently she'd put even more distance between herself and the job knowing she needed to make time for Grace and Jacob to make up for how she'd been acting.

In the last week Connie had caught right up on everything until Hansen dropped another load of work on her desk. She was deep in thought completing some forms when a heavy but familiar knock bought her out of her trance.

She didn't bother to answer knowing that he'd walk in anyway. When she heard the door open she began speaking without looking. "Staff Nurse Masters as much as I appreciate the flowers, sex is not always on my mind despite it being on yours."

Jacob closed the door too smiling. "I won't deny that I do think about it a lot with you, but I don't think this one would appreciate our evening playing out that way." Connie looked up stunned as she put everything down standing up. "Surprise Mummy."

Connie wandered closer to them smiling. "Oh my gosh, Jacob what's she doing down here? They don't like you wandering off like this." Jacob smiled letting her take Mia from his arms. "Hey baby..." "Then I guess it's a good thing I didn't just wander off. She's coming home tonight-" "What?"

Jacob laughed seeing nothing but shock across Connie's face. "Please Jacob tell me this isn't some kind of joke-" "It's not a joke sweet cheeks, our baby's coming home tonight." Silent tears began to roll down her cheeks as she looked down at Mia again.

She stepped away from Jacob placing her onto the sofa with a pillow beside her to stop her from rolling. Turning on her heel she threw her arms around Jacob's neck. "Thank you so much." He laughed pulling her into him. "Happy birthday sweet cheeks."

Jacob stepped forwards, his lips colliding with hers. Connie responded instantly moaning against his lips as he deepened it. Jacob let his hands rest on her hips before lifting her up, Connie wrapped her legs around his waist as he held onto her.

Connie's laughter was infectious causing Jacob to break out into a smile. He placed her back down onto the floor as she wrapped her arms around him resting her head to his chest. "Thank you so much-" "I love you." She lifted her head and kissed him again as Mia began to grumble.

She turned her attention to her daughter scooping her up stopping her complaining instantly. "Someone's going to be a clingy girl... I'm going to go through and see Charlie." "Alright, I've got a few things to sort anyway." She quickly tiptoed up kissing his lips gently a few times before walking out.

"Come in... Con- Who's this beautiful girl? Is this..." Connie smiled closing the door as Charlie stood up. "Grandad meet Mia." She crossed the room so that Charlie was standing beside her looking down at her tiny features. "She's gorgeous Connie."

Connie passed her daughter across to Charlie who took hold of her carefully. "There you're a natural, she seems to like you already." Charlie laughed before looking down at her. Connie stood quietly observing their meeting for the first time. "You knew didn't you? That's why you were bugging me this morning."

Charlie laughed surrendering immediately. "Nothing to do with me, I may have just been informed of something taking place today." Connie spent an hour sitting with Charlie talking before Jacob interrupted and told her they were ready to head home.

The drive home seemed surreal. Jacob had prepared everything, made sure they had whatever they would need to get her home. For the entire journey Connie couldn't help but smile. Jacob stole glances at her the entire way taking in the happiness he'd managed to give her.

Jacob left Connie to get Mia from the car before they wandered inside. Connie closed the door while Jacob wandered in ahead of her. "Welcome home baby..." She was so occupied looking down to Mia talking she hadn't noticed what was before her.

"Happy birthday Mum!" Connie suddenly looked up into their living room to see banners hanging around the room. Some said 'welcome home' while others had 'happy birthday' written on them. Her face showed one of shock at the people standing before her.

"What's all this?" "We wanted to surprise you properly, and we couldn't have a surprise party without Mia too." Grace ran over to her enveloping Connie in a hug as she bent down to her level. Grace immediately smiled to Mia as she grabbed her finger with a laugh.

Also there was Zoe, Tess, Charlie and Alicia. "Happy birthday Connie... Come on, let's see the little sweetheart." Zoe stood beside her as she straightened back up. "Aww she is beautiful." Tess cooed in agreement as they wished Connie a happy birthday.

Mia was passed around while Connie took a moment to hug Jacob. "Thank you so much for all of this. I'll never be able to make it up to you." He shook his head with a smile. "You don't need to." She leant up pressing her lips to his as there was a knock at the door. "Jacob?" "I'll get it, stay here."

Connie watched suspiciously while Grace held Mia with a huge smile. "Grace what do you know?" "You'll see Mum." She rolled her eyes before hearing his voice. "Still the same old Beauchamp I see." "Less of the old." Connie automatically snapped hearing his voice before it registered with her properly. The older man adjusted his glasses briefly as Connie looked to him. "Elliot?"

Jacob stood back watching as Connie quickly crossed the room wrapping her arms around the older man. Elliot was shocked at her response before letting his arms wrap around her. "Maybe not quite the same Beauchamp..."

Connie kept hold of him for a while not believing he was here. "I thought you were-" "I couldn't miss your birthday could I? Besides, I hear there's a new addition I need to meet." She pulled away wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks. "Yeah..."

They turned around sitting on the sofa beside Grace. "Elliot, meet Mia." He took the small girl into his arms as he became speechless. "Don't be such a bumbling idiot Elliot-" "Okay, you're definitely the same Beauchamp I remember."

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