Chapter 41

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Connie awoke later than usual as she had the day off from the ED. She stretched her arms up looking towards the windows which sat wide open. The nights were unbearably warm so almost every window on the upstairs floor was open.

She sighed as the gentle breeze blew through the room, the thin cream curtains lifting in the wind. Connie had expected to wake to some sort of noise in the house but instead she was met with nothing but the noises drifting in through the windows.

Despite wanting to get up and investigate why everything was so quiet she didn't have the motivation to do so. Today she was happy to spend the day in a sleepy haze as it was one of the final days she had off before the wedding. Connie smiled to herself as she thought about marrying Jacob. Every time it never failed to put a smile on her lips.

As she lay her head down Jacob appeared in the doorway with two glasses. "Morning beautiful-" "Good morning handsome..." Jacob arched an eyebrow with a smile as he knelt onto the bed leaning over Connie as he placed their glasses down.

She took the opportunity to run her hands up his bare chest as she lay beneath him. "Someone's in a good mood this morning-" "Mmm, who wouldn't be waking up to you?" Jacob smiled leaning down to place his lips on hers gently. Connie invested herself in the moment completely and Jacob found himself unable to say no.

He lay closer to her, his chest on hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jacob pulled backwards rolling to the side as Connie followed him. She lay on her side facing him as he ran a hand down her cheek brushing her hair from her face. "Love you." Connie smiled as Jacob mimicked her expression. "I love you too... Can you be like this every morning for me?" Connie couldn't help but laugh as she watched him.

"Want to tell me why it is soooo quiet this morning?" Jacob propped himself up on his elbow looking down to Connie who had laid flat on her back again. Her fingers continued to trace the tattoo on his chest as they remain in the blissful quiet. "Good old Uncle Elliot fancied a day trip with the terrible twosome." "Hey, my babies are not terrible."

Jacob laughed falling down beside her. "Whatever you say sweet cheeks." Connie rolled her eyes moving from the bed into the bathroom. Jacob thought nothing of it until she returned with a cup of water sitting on the bed. "Take it back-" "Take what back?" She arched a brow tilting the cup slightly. Jacob laughed shaking his head. "You wouldn't... I know you-" "Wouldn't I?"

Connie kept a neutral expression as Jacob shrugged. "Our children are anything but princesses or angels sweet cheeks and we both know it." He watched as she seemed to consider it. "You might be right, but they're still my babies." With that she turned the cup upside down emptying its contents over Jacob's head and chest.

"CON! That's freezing!" She moved from where she'd been sat on the bed into the bathroom without any rush. As she came back she noticed Jacob standing on his side of the bed looking down at himself. "You should clean yourself up, shouldn't be having accidents at your age." "At my age!? Right you've had it..."

Connie turned running from the room hurtling down the stairs with Jacob chasing close behind her. She ran through into the kitchen around the counter before he followed her into the dinning room. "Constance Beauchamp get back here!" She laughed dodging his hand heading back to the patio doors and straight out of them.

Jacob was so close to her before he noticed the hosepipe beside the door. He picked it up turning the taps on before holding it out in Connie's direction. All that could be heard was her screams as he completely drenched her. She moved back closer to him fighting with him trying to get it from his hands. "No, no way sweet cheeks-" "Jacob..."

They continued fighting with it laughing as she tilted it up between them, the water going all over Jacob. He dropped it as Connie jumped back laughing at how wet they'd both ended up. "You'll pay for this-" "I'm sure I will one day." Connie smiled as Jacob turned back from the wall wrapping his arms around her waist with a smile.

Connie met his lips with a smile once before kissing him again. "I'd suggest a shower muscles but I'm not sure you'd appreciate the added water..." She spoke while moving her fingers down his chest. Connie finished biting her bottom lip as Jacob's arms encased her thighs lifting her up over his shoulder.

She squealed in disagreement to what he was doing walking inside. "Jacob you're soaking the floor!" "I think you'll find we are soaking the floor." Rolling her eyes she continued to gently punch his back trying to get down. "No chance sweet cheeks, you suggested the shower, you acted the tease... We are having a shower!"

Connie couldn't help but laugh as they reached the bedroom. Jacob placed her down just for her phone to begin ringing from the side. He sighed backing away from her annoyed that they never really got time alone, even when nobody was around.

She reached forwards grabbing his hand causing him to turn back to him. "Where do you think you're going?" Jacob frowned with a smile as Connie pulled his hand walking backwards into the bathroom. "That could be important-" "Could be... Guess I'll find out later." She smirked jumping up as Jacob carried her towards the shower, totally encased in the moment.

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