Chapter 16

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The sun was beating down as a warm summer breeze blew through the garden. Grace was dancing around the garden to the music she had playing through the radio. Connie couldn't contain her laughter as her daughter played happily.

Grace ran back towards Connie falling onto the floor before her. She leant forwards wrapping her arms around her daughter placing a kiss to the top of her head. The girls had spent the morning spread out together while Jacob worked.

"So come on, what's got into you?" Grace shrugged as she sat back up opposite Connie. "I'm just happy Mum. Mia can home and you're smiling again." Connie couldn't help but smile again as she ran a hand through Grace's hair quickly. "No concerns with Mia coming home, because if there are don't feel like you can't tell me..."

Grace shook her head smiling. "I was scared you wouldn't have time for me, but now I just want her here. I saw how upset you were when she was ill, and I didn't like it. I couldn't make you happy while she wasn't here. I think I can cope with sharing you."

Connie continued to smile as Grace frowned. "What is it sweet heart?" "There is one thing." Grace watched her Mum nod before continuing. "Now Mia's okay, will you start thinking about the wedding again?"

She didn't want to admit it, but relief washed over her as she heard Grace's only worry. "I don't know baby, it might take some time-" "But why? You have all of us to help with Mia, and you have your wedding planner here to help."

Connie shook her head laughing. "Okay, I'll think about it. BUT I'm not promising anything this quickly, alright?" Grace smiled standing up and pulled Connie up with her. She rushed down the garden pulling Connie along.

Several hours went past with the 2 chatting and laughing under the sun. By the time Jacob's shift had finished he decided to take a quick trip up to Mia. He sat with her for a few minutes babbling to her unaware of the happiness that was currently surrounding the other two girls.

Connie jogged up to the house picking her phone up from the table opening it to see a picture Jacob had sent her. "Oh god, please don't let Jacob dress Mia all the time Mum." Connie laughed noticing Grace leaning over her shoulder staring at the same photo.

She placed her phone back down before turning on Grace and chasing her down the garden. Grace's laughter radiated from her as Connie caught her wrapping her arms around her waist swinging her round in a circle. Connie's laughter was just as loud and infectious as her daughter's as they both fell to a heap on the floor.

Jacob arrived home an hour later into a silent house. The first thing he heard was a high pitched laugh coming from further in the house. He wandered through to the kitchen seeing the girls through the window. Grace continued laughing before he heard Connie's voice speak up.

"Grace sit still before this goes everywhere! Grace!" "Mum!" She imitated her Mother's voice before laughing once again. Nothing had ever sounded so right to him. The way they sounded outside now, you wouldn't think the last 3 months had happened.

He wandered outside to see Connie painting Grace's nails. "Hey Jacob!" "Hey yourself firecracker, what we got going on here?" He wandered out taking a seat beside Connie who finished what she was doing. "Having a girly day, why do you want to join? You are living with 3 girls now, you never know you might enjoy this."

Connie bit her lip trying to focus on not laughing while Grace burst out into hysterics at Jacob's face. "How's my baby anyway?" "I'm good thanks sweet cheeks, busy day-" "Not you, idiot..." Jacob smiled looking to Connie who had finally finished what she was doing. "Our baby is perfect, as always."

She smiled as Jacob leant forwards and kissed her quickly. "Had a good day together?" "The best." Grace chirped up before Connie could even respond. "It's been lovely... Just what we both needed." Jacob smiled placing a kiss to Connie's shoulder as he sat on the grass beside her.

"I'm gonna grab a drink, either of you want anything?" Connie shook her head as Grace spoke up. "No thanks." He headed towards the house turning back once to look at the girls smiling to each other while gossiping. With a smile he went inside leaving them to it for a while.

By the time Jacob came back outside Connie and Grace were finishing up. "How are my beautiful girls doing?" Connie smiled watching him as he sat down on the sun lounger. "Mum can I go on the trampoline now?" "Course sweetheart."

While Grace ran off Connie pushed herself up from the floor and wandered towards Jacob. "Sweet cheeks, you okay?" She nodded before sitting down between his legs laying back against his chest. Jacob smiled resting his hands on her thighs as she took a deep breath and relaxed.

"I'm glad you 2 had a good day, I think you both needed some time together again." Connie rolled her head to the side as Jacob looked around to see her smile. He leant round and kissed her as best he could sitting this way. Gently she let her head fall back to his chest again as they watched Grace.

Everything was quiet for a while before Grace came skipping past. "I'm going inside, can I play on my iPad?" Connie nodded with a smile before she disappeared inside. Jacob continued to draw small patterns on her bare thighs until she placed her hands on top of his.

Connie lifted herself up and twisted around to straddle his legs. Jacob pulled a face as she got comfortable sitting across him. "Can I help you Mrs Beauchamp?" She half smiled moving her arms around his neck as he ran a hand through her hair.

"I want to set a date-" "What? Seriously sweet cheeks?" She nodded slowly sitting back on her legs. "Me and Grace were talking earlier, I just want to be your wife more than anything else right now. I want to know that when people meet you, they know that you're mine."

A smirk came to Jacob's face as he ran a hand across her cheek. "That so sweet cheeks?" "Mmm, I think Beauchamp's come to the end of its term don't you?" Connie sat up pushing her lips to his when he didn't respond. Immediately Jacob dropped his hands to her bum as she knelt up pushing herself closer to him.

Jacob deepened the kiss as she moaned against his lips. Things became heated as Connie ran her hands down his chest until they got to the bottom of his shirt. They parted quickly so she could pull the shirt over his head before discarding it to the floor. Their lips crashed together as soon as she'd dropped it before they lost their balance.

The chair went toppling over as they fell to the floor with one another. Connie's small scream alerted Grace to something happening. Running to the window she looked out to see her Mum lying with her back pressed to the floor while Jacob rested above her as they laughed. A smile came to her face as she watched Jacob press his lips to Connie's.

She stepped back from the window rolling her eyes as she heard her Mum continue to laugh. Outside Connie had a hand pressed to the back of his neck. "I love you." She manged to speak despite laughing still, Jacob's lips cutting her off as soon as she'd finished speaking. "I love you too future Mrs Masters."

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