Chapter 10

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A week had passed and Mia had been doing well. They'd put her name on the birth certificate and she was improving with each day.

At first Connie found it difficult sitting in a room watching her baby knowing there was nothing she could do. Jacob had supported her where he could and Grace would sit with Connie every night at home talking about what she'd been up to.

Things were good but in the last day Mia had taken a turn. Connie was at the hospital while Jacob was working downstairs. She sat at her daughters side when the machine had begun to beep continuously.

It didn't matter how many years of experience Connie had as being a doctor, as soon as it happened she was lost. The nurse came over glancing at the machines before seeming to check several things.

"What's wrong? What's going on-" "It seems she's got an infection." Connie watched on not understanding the problem. "Then give her something-" "We will but because she's so small there are several risks with it."

Connie rubbed a hand against her forehead feeling tears come to her eyes. "We have to ask, what do you want us to do? We can give her something to clear up the infection, but there are risks with doing that."

"If she doesn't have it?" The nurse glanced at her charts and monitors before looking back to Connie. "Her chances of getting through it would be considerably lower."

Connie let her eyes fall to her daughter. Although it wasn't the same problems Grace had as a baby, being faced with a choice which could affect her life like this troubled her.

"Then give it to her..." "Are you sure?" Connie lifted her eyes to the nurse before nodding, tears escaping her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. She knelt down beside the incubator placing her hand inside so that Mia's hand encased the tip of her finger.

"Come on sweetheart, you can get through this and then you can come home." Connie watched as the medication was slowly fed in through one of the small tubes attached to Mia.

Her breathing slowed dramatically and Connie glanced up, worry written over her face. "It's okay, that's supposed to happen. It'll help her with her breathing but we won't know anything for a while. The next few hours will be crucial."

Connie nodded watching as the nurse wandered away. She placed her other hand on the outside of the incubator watching as Mia made small movements inside. "I love you so much."

She remained by her side for another hour before stepping into the corridor to call Jacob. She knew she should have done it sooner but in all honesty she didn't want to. She'd just made a huge decision for their baby, and if it didn't work then it would be her fault.

Jacob was happily moving around the ED talking to Rita. "Yeah, she's doing well. They don't know how long it'll be until we can get her home but I'm hopeful. We both are."

He was interrupted by his phone ringing just as Rita rushed off with a patient. He'd been keeping his phone with him as it had been Connie insisting he go back to work.

"Hey swee-" He had stopped moving after being cut off, all colour and happiness draining from his face. "Jacob?" Charlie stopped opposite him sensing something was wrong. "I'll be right there, I'm coming Connie."

"It's Mia, I've got to get upstairs." "Go, I'll tell Rita it was an emergency." Jacob sprinted off in the direction of intensive care not stopping until he saw Connie standing outside.

"Connie what's going on?" She held onto his hands as he looked through the window to Mia. "She's um... She's got an infection-" "Well is she okay?"

"I don't know..." Jacob watched as her eyes became watery before she turned away from him dropping his hands. She bought a hand up to her chest as she stared through the window. "They said the next few hours are crucial for her..."

Jacob closed his eyes taking everything in. One minute she was better than ever and now they were here. "If something happens to her it'll be my fault-" "Woah Connie none of this is your fault."

She shook her head. "This is. They asked me if I wanted her to be given anything. Because she's so small, it can have adverse effects..." Jacob continued watching Mia, a small smile on his face as there always was despite the situation.

"If she didn't have it her chances were slim but this could kill her Jacob if it doesn't help her." "Oh Connie... That's not your fault sweet cheeks." He turned her to face him as she gently pushed his arms from her.

"Are you not listening? This could kill her and I chose that! What if I made the wrong choice?" Jacob looked into her eyes keeping her gaze. "You did what you had to to give her the best chance." She nodded turning her head to the window.

"That's what I did with Grace, what I thought was best and look how that turned out-" "Connie. I am so sorry that you were alone having to do this." She looked back at him suddenly no longer worried about how she felt. "No, Jacob that isn't your fault. You've done so much for us both..."

Connie placed a hand to his cheek as she looked up at him. "You support me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I wouldn't have wanted you here to make that choice either. I wouldn't want that on you."

She tiptoed up placing her lips to his gently. Jacob returned the kiss but neither tried to deepen it. She pulled back resting her head to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Whatever happens, we'll do this together okay. I love you Connie. Come on, let's go sit with her." Connie nodded taking his hands as they moved back into the room awaiting any news or sign that things would be okay.

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