Chapter 44

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Connie let her head fall back against the head rest of the drivers seat as she closed her eyes. The pounding in her head not dulling from the moment the sunlight had flooded her eyes that morning. It was safe to say, that whatever had happened last night once Jacob had left must have been pretty heavy.

Coming back to reality she looked around trying to open her eyes properly. She threw her hand down to the passenger seat grasping for her bag before pushing the door open and getting out. Lifting the sunglasses from the top of her head she pulled them down helping to eliminate some of the light.

She closed the door wincing in pain as the slamming caused her head to hurt. "Have a hen do they said, it'll be fun they said..." Groaning to herself she began taking cautious steps toward the ED, in no way trying to hide the hangover that covered her entirely. "Ah Mrs Bea-" "Shhh..." "Beauchamp..." Noel finished a lot quieter than he had started. "Post-" "Not today. Just throw it at me tomorrow."

Charlie watched in amusement as Connie strolled away from the desk and towards her office. Opening her door the smell of coffee hit her as she looked above the sunglasses to the cup on her desk. Smiling she dumped her bag before dropping into her office chair. Beside the coffee there was a packet of paracaetamol and a note.

Can't have a hungover clinical lead now, can we? Hope the night was as... Entertaining, as mine was once you'd gotten home sweet cheeks

She bit her lip desperately trying to think of what had happened once she'd got home but came up with nothing. Deciding it was probably enjoyable whilst entertaining him, she forgot about it leaning back in the chair. Nothing she did helped the headache, but this was the best as it was going to get all day.

Barely 10 minutes alone in the office and the door was opening with Alicia coming in looking worse for ware. "You look like I feel..." Alicia threw herself down onto the sofa reaching for her head in pain as she felt sorry for herself. "What happened last night?"  She looked over to Connie before her eyes widened a little. "You mean you really don't remember?" "If I did, why would I be asking Dr Munro?"

Alicia tried to hide the laughter before it was impossible. "Oh god, tell me it wasn't that bad..." "Okay, it wasn't that bad-" "Really?" "Hell no, you were hilarious!" Connie let her head fall to her arms as she groaned, neither noticing the few people standing in the doorway. "Anyone would think they went a little hard last night-" "Hmm... It would seem that way, here Jacob seems your fiancé had a little too much fun last night."

Charlie and Rita stood looking between the women before Alicia threw a cushion towards them which Rita caught. "How are you standing? That's not fair." Rita smirked at Alicia who was now sprawled across the sofa making Jacob laugh as he saw her. Connie lifted her head up to glare over the sunglasses stopping all laughter.

"What is it you all say? Something about a pissed off Mrs Beauchamp... Well guess what?" "We got one?" "Bingo. Now to put it politely, I'd quite like you all to pi-" "Ooookay then, show is over." Before any obscenities could leave her lips Jacob turned everyone away from the door. Charlie had walked away before returning with two glasses of water, one for Alicia and one for Connie. "I'll leave you girls to that important paperwork, a few hours you needed am I right?" "You're a lifesaver... Unlike that husband of mine!"

Jacob's head came around the office with a smirk as she threw the sunglasses down to the desk. "Just remember who put you to bed last night-" "Mhm, I love you..." A forced smile was on her face which he couldn't help but smile at. "Need anything just give me a shout Con." "Okay, thank you."

With that, the men left the office. As soon as the door was closed the room was plunged into darkness. Well not quite, but it was enough to allow their eyes to stop aching. Alicia remained curled up on the sofa, getting herself comfortable. "Never has this chair felt more uncomfortable than it has now..." "Want me to move over?"

Connie groaned again before standing up. She slipped her heels off under the desk before moving to the cupboard in the corner. She pulled several things out before turning and throwing something at Alicia. She tapped her stomach feeling the warmth of a blanket. "Thank you..." Alicia glanced around to see Connie now laying on her back on the floor. "You sure you're okay down there-" "I've slept in worse places, I'll be fine."

It was quiet for sometime before Alicia looked to a sleepy Connie. She had stolen some of the pillows from the sofa, laying her head across them with a large blanket draped over her body. "Connie?" "Mmm..." "Do you really not remember last night?" Alicia lay on her back staring up at the ceiling hearing Connie move about. Looking sideways she noticed the clinical lead propped up on her side looking to her. "Was it that bad?"

Alicia laughed causing Connie to grimace before seeing the brightness of a phone. Connie's eyes widened at a video Alicia had playing. "Jesus Christ, why did nobody get me down!?" "We tried, but you were adamant that dancing on a table was a good idea-" "So you gave up trying and joined me? While letting someone film it?"

She shrugged with a nod while Connie dropped her head down to the floor. "Your fiancé certainly enjoyed it-" "Excuse me!?" "You probably don't remember telling us all how you were going to go home and 'repay' the favour from earlier in the evening." Connie's groans were audible as she buried her head into the pillows. "Now his comment from earlier makes sense..." "You actually did it!?" "I guess so! That's the last time I ever let you take me out."

Alicia couldn't help but laugh before she darted upright. "Alic-" "I'm gonna be sick, be right back." With that she sat up watching her dash from the room before Jacob appeared. "You okay?" "Hmm? Yeah..." Jacob looked down to the floor smirking. "You look comfortable babe-" "It'd be more comfortable if you laid with me." She smiled sweetly as he rolled his eyes stepping further inside sitting on the floor.

She moved over before placing her head to his chest as his arm wrapped around her tightly. "Soooo... Was my dancing as bad as I'm assuming it was?" "You remembered?" Connie shook her head causing him to laugh. "Alicia?" A nod made his smile stretch further. "Well... I'd certainly be interested in a sober one, the whole hand-eye coordination wasn't really there last night, I won't lie."

Connie couldn't help but laugh as she covered her face at the thought. "Sorry-" "Don't be. From what I heard you had a good time in the end." She wrapped an arm over his chest becoming comfortable as Alicia returned. "You okay?" "Mmm, bit better now." Jacob shook his head watching as Alicia lay down. "You girls need some sleep, no talking okay?" When neither of them answered he lifted his head to see Connie already asleep and Alicia on her way out. He dropped his head deciding to get comfortable for a while.

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