Chapter 25

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12:24am - Connie lay wrapped in Jacob's arms as they both slept contently. After another long shift they were both glad to be able to fall into bed with one another. Connie had fed and changed Mia while Jacob put Grace to bed but it had taken several hours to clean up downstairs before they could go to sleep themselves.

Just when they both thought they would get away with it, Mia could be heard through the monitor beginning to shuffle about moaning. "I'll go..." Connie lifted a hand to Jacob's chest patting it before dragging herself from the bed. Glancing at the clock as she went she groaned realising they'd only be laying there for 10 minutes.

"Hey baby, shh come on..." Connie lifted her from the cot resting her head to her shoulder and a hand to her back rubbing in gentle circles. "Shh, please don't wake Gracie up I don't need two grumpy girls tomorrow." Mia began to quieten down as Connie's voice drifted quietly through the room. "Good girl... The days when you sleep through the night will be a godsent."

Mia began to fall asleep on her shoulder as she rocked back and forth in the chair. When she was certain she was asleep she moved back towards the cot placing her down onto her front as she had been in her arms. Wrapping the blanket around her she placed a kiss to her forehead leaving her to sleep, returning to her own bed.

1:38am - Mia's crying came over the monitor causing Connie to groan while Jacob leant forwards. "I'll go, get some rest." He kissed her lips delicately before lifting himself from the bed pulling a shirt on over his head.

Running a hand over his face as he yawned Jacob pushed the bedroom door ajar and headed towards Mia's cot. "Excuse me, you are supposed to be letting Mummy and Daddy get some rest tonight." He lifted Mia out of the bed before pulling a face. "Ooh, I understand the crying now. I certainly would be if I had to smell that darlin'."

After changing a very sleepy babies nappy Jacob was able to lay her back down almost instantly. He watched her for a moment before going downstairs and straight outside. "God... Definitely did not get that from me, we'll blame your Mum." Binning the nappy he headed back to his bedroom smiling as he saw Connie fast asleep.

2:03am - Jacob rolled over hearing Mia mumbling in her sleep. Connie was flat out bringing a smile to his lips just as Mia got louder. "Alright baby, Daddy's coming..." He sighed traipsing himself across the landing to the bedroom and pushed the door too. "Hey fighter... I was really hoping you wouldn't fulfill all aspects of being a fighter because Daddy needs his sleep."

Mia gurgled contently as Jacob lifted her out of the cot and into his arms. He placed a hand to her cheek which she grasped straight away bringing it to her mouth. "Please tell me you are not beginning to get teeth, it's way to early for that..." Mia continued trying to bite Jacob's fingers as she looked at them intently.

He sat down on the beanbag Grace had dragged into the room the other day. Sighing he continued to gently bounce Mia up and down as she yawned stretching her tiny fingers and toes making Jacob laugh. "You really are your Mummy's daughter, just as beautiful and captivating as her, hey?" He leant down kissing her forehead as she cooed in response.

"You know you love your Daddy? Well I'd appreciate you falling asleep right about now... Yes I would." He couldn't help but smile down at his daughter as she let her head lull to one side as she tried to force her eyes open. "You're going to be a handful aren't you? My beautiful little devil." With that Mia yawned once again before contently voicing her opinion as she fell asleep.

3:16am - Connie woke up glancing at the time amazed she'd managed a few hours sleep. She ran a hand through her hair sitting herself up before heading downstairs. She boiled the kettle leaning against the side with her head in her hands. Sleep was becoming a rare thing to be cherished in this house but whenever she looked down at Mia, no matter what the time, she couldn't help but smile.

She shuffled across the kitchen in the shorts and shirt she'd grabbed from the bedroom making up a bottle for Mia. As she screwed the lid back on she began to shake the bottle leaning against one arm on the counter with her eyes drifting closed.

Connie could feel herself falling asleep before she inhaled standing back up to pour the hot water into the jug. Once the bottle had heated up enough she moved back upstairs towards Mia's room. By the time she was inside her daughter was rolling around the cot kicking her legs in the air. "Mummy's not forgotten about you sweetheart..."

Taking a seat in the corner of the room she lay Mia across her lap beginning to feed her. Immediately the room fell quiet as Connie kept her eyes on her baby with a smile. "You're gorgeous but you probably already know that with how many times your Daddy tells you." Connie placed a finger to her cheek gently brushing against her warm skin.

Jacob woke to the empty bed hearing quiet mumbling from Mia's bedroom. Smiling to himself he got out of bed walking to her bedroom door, pausing outside as he over heard Connie talking. "Me and your Daddy are going to get married, and you're going to wear a beautiful dress... And you'll sit with your big sister... And you'll both be with me every step of the way."

When he stepped inside he smiled seeing Connie pacing back and forth across the room winding Mia. Connie turned on her heel smiling up as Jacob stepped further into the room. "Alright in here?" With a small nod Connie smiled before Jacob stood in front of her.

He placed a hand to Connie's hip while the other brushed against the back of Mia's head as he turned to face her. "My little princess..." Connie smiled before he pressed his lips to hers as she rest her head against his chest, Mia hugged gently between them. "Want me to finish up?" "No it's alright, she'll drift off soon enough. Besides I give it an hour before we're up again anyway."

Jacob nodded with a smile. "If you're sure?" "I'm sure, go back to bed." He placed a chaste kiss to her lips once more leaving Connie to put her back down. "Night night baby girl." Running a hand over her head once more she pulled the blankets over her leaving the room yawning herself.

4:34am - Connie was enveloped in Jacob's arms as they both groaned hearing Mia. "It's your turn muscles..." "I'm sure it's yours..." Neither made any attempt to move until Connie buried her head into the pillow. Jacob still had his eyes closed before Mia's crying got louder.

She was determined that she was not getting up again as she felt Jacob's hands on her waist. Before he could pull her closer she kicked her leg out pushing Jacob from the bed. He hit the floor with a thud as Connie tried concealing a smile. "See how it is sweet cheeks..."

Jacob got himself up from the floor walking to the door. "Love you." Connie mumbled from between the sheets as Jacob grunted in response closing the door behind him to see to Mia.

6am - The shrill alarm beside the bed began to pierce through the silent room making Connie fling her arm up from under the duvet. She tapped her way across the bedside table without looking, failing to turn it off. Lifting her head she switched it off dropping her head back into the pillow.

When nobody spoke beside her or tried wrapping an arm around her she noticed Jacob wasn't in bed beside her. He wasn't due to start work until 9 so it was strange for him to be awake at this time. Standing up she wrapped her dressing gown around her slim frame, tying it at the front as she stepped out of her room.

Seeing Mia's room door closed she stepped closer until a smile came to her face. On the floor of the bedroom there was Jacob, fast asleep as Mia slept curled into him. Her small hand rested on Jacob's chest as his arm wrapped around her keeping her safe.

He'd obviously pulled a blanket up to cover Mia during the night which now lay discarded to the side. The warm feeling which filled Connie at the sight before her made her grateful for having someone like Jacob in her life. All the sleepless hours was worth it for moments like this, and she would never take them for granted.

Closing the door again Connie got Grace up, getting themselves ready quietly leaving the sleeping beauties to catch up on the sleep they'd obviously lost.

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