Chapter 50

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Connie and Jacob were in a world of their own as they turned to face one another. The vows. Something both of them had taken weeks and weeks to perfect, and even still they felt as though the words they'd planned weren't enough for the other.

"Jacob, would you please start by giving your vows to Constance." "Hmm, Constance... What could I possibly say that I haven't before?" A smile came to her lips as she dropped her head slightly. Jacob lifted a hand to her chin bringing her gaze back to him. She watched him take a small breath before beginning.

"From day one I knew I had to have you, to at least know what it would be like to have you. I was mesmerised, day in, day out by everything you did. I could watch you for hours and never tire of seeing the slight smile which threatened to appear, or the way you stood tall with your head high despite everything.

You were always such a strong and independent woman, so much so that I feel like this is all a dream. Surely Connie Beauchamp isn't agreeing to marry a mere man who she relies on. But it is happening... This is real.

Nothing can or will ever change my feelings for you. There isn't anything in this world that you do or say to me to stop me loving you because it's too late for that. I've fallen hard for you and I don't think there's ever a way out of it."

He caressed her cheek gently keeping his eyes locked with her. "As if being with you wasn't enough, you've given me two daughters to cherish and love for the rest of my life. I couldn't ask for a better mother, you're the best role model for any girl and I'm glad that it's mine looking up to you. I promise, not only to you, but to those girls that I'll always do everything in my power to provide and care for you all.

Connie Beauchamp you are my dream girl and knowing you're finally mine... It's, I can't describe the feeling. You make me happy. You make me proud. You make me grateful for everything I've got. Falling asleep with you in my arms has to be the thing I love most. Being able to protect you, knowing you feel safe with me. It's the best feeling in the world.

I love you so much Connie, and I promise I always will." The smile on her face grew as he looked to her with an utter look of admiration. Things were quiet for a brief few seconds before Connie was invited to say her vows. "You know me, better than anybody else in this world... So you'll know that I practiced this for hours, wanted it all to be perfect but it couldn't be, because nothing I ever said would fit how I feel for you.

From the very start you went out of your way to make me notice you. It worked, maybe not how you wanted at first, but we got here didn't we? Through it all, everything thrown at us... Everything I threw at us, you never gave up hope that we would do this." Connie had to stop as her voice broke at the end.

Pulling her hand away from his she quickly wiped below her eye before shaking her head. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry today, but seeing you waiting for me, knowing that I was about to commit to spending the rest of my life with you... I can't help... I never thought... Thank you... For everything you've done for me.

Jacob Masters you are my everything, after so many years of waiting for it to happen it's incredibly surreal to finally be in this moment and I couldn't be happier to know that it's with you.

You wind me up, drive me crazy and know how to push my buttons. You purposefully do things to get to me, try to get under my skin to provoke a reaction. You changed everything. I hate cliché's and this will probably be one of the most cringiest things I will ever say, but you honestly did change my life and show me how to love again.

You showed me that there was another way to live. That I did deserve a future where I could be happy. That I could be loved and that not everything had to be against me. What I did to deserve your attention I try to work out every day, but as long as your with me I don't care how long it takes for me to figure it out. I never want to lose you Jacob."

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