Chapter 18

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As sunlight broke through the bedroom window Connie rolled onto her front seeing Jacob smiling from the bed beside her. Neither spoke a word as they looked at one another, they didn't need to. Connie lay her head face down into the pillow and stretched out yawning.

A small laugh erupted from the back of Jacob's throat as he watched her. Connie composed herself lifting her head up turning to face him. She moved from where she lay pressing Jacob's back down to the bed lifting her leg over his waist so she straddled him.

"You laughing at me Masters?" Connie leveled her eyes at him as he held his hands up in surrender. She predicted his next move and grabbed hold of his hands pushing them down to the bed before he could grab her waist. "You're getting good at this..."

Connie leant forwards letting her lips brush against his before lifting up slightly so that her breath blew across his lips. "You haven't seen anything yet." Jacob raised an eyebrow keeping a straight face despite feeling uneasy with her so close. "That so?"

In a quick movement Jacob lifted his hands flipping them over to her side of the bed. Connie was positioned beneath him as he held her wrists down to the pillow above her head. "I said good, not great." Connie kept her eyes on him as his eyes ran across her body.

"I never did thank you properly for yesterday." Jacob watched her not letting go of her hands. He lifted them slightly to lace his fingers through hers as she continued talking. "So why don't you let me go, and I'll show you how grateful I am."

She smirked up at him as she moved one of her hands from his and placed it to his chest. "I love you..." Connie laced her arm around his neck pulling him closer knowing he was distracted. Before her lips met his she pushed him to the side straddling him once again. "Like I said, you've not seen anything yet Staff Nurse Masters."

Before Jacob could talk this time she closed the space between them pushing her lips onto his desperately. He let his hands trail down her body until they brushed against her thighs. The small black dress she wore just covering the tops of her legs.

He nudged it up slightly as she deepened the kiss so his fingers ran across the lace material of her underwear. As things became heated between them Mia could be heard crying from the next room. Connie broke from his lips dropping her head to his chest laughing while Jacob sighed.

Sitting up across his waist she looked down at him. "She sounds hungry-" "Mmm, she's not the only one muscles." Connie winked before patting his chest and climbing off his waist. Just before she left the bedroom he called after her. "I'll take that as a hint to make you some breakfast shall I?"

"Yes!" Jacob laughed dropping back to the bed for a moment before getting himself up and trudging downstairs. Connie checked on Grace seeing she was still fast asleep before wandering into Mia. "Good morning beautiful, is someone hungry after, ooh only 2 hours sleep..." Connie could hear Jacob's laughter from downstairs forgetting that she'd left the baby monitor downstairs last night.

"I think Daddy's forgetting who's the boss around here don't you? Yeah... It's okay he'll remember when he's sleeping alone for the next month. Yes he will." Connie laughed as she heard Jacob objecting before sitting down with Mia.

After feeding and winding Mia, Connie changed her clothes before carrying her back to their room. She lay her back on the bed before grabbing her dressing gown and throwing it on. Scooping Mia up again she wandered downstairs to meet Jacob in the kitchen.

She walked around the kitchen counter as Jacob spun around to smile down at Mia. He leant over kissing her cheek before rubbing a hand against her stomach causing a smile to raise on her lips. He then lifted his head to place a kiss to Connie's lips.

Jacob returned his attention to the stove while Connie sat down at the table with Mia sat on her knees. There was a gentle thumping on the stairs as Grace came downstairs into the kitchen. She stepped inside reaching up as she yawned looking as though she was barely awake.

"Hey here's sleeping beauty... How'd you sleep?" Rather than answer Grace continued to stretch and moan. Connie shook her head with a smile as she finally laughed back. "So your sisters crying doesn't wake you, but you smell food and you can't move quick enough?"

Grace giggled before lifting herself up onto the chair opposite Connie. "She's definitely your daughter." Jacob turned to see Connie's glare from across the room causing him to dip his head.

"Watch it Masters." Grace bit her lip trying not to laugh as a plate was placed in front of her. Jacob spun around switching the radio on beginning to dance in front of the oven as he cooked.

Connie watched with a raised brow intrigued and entertained by the man she'd fallen so deeply in love with. He began singing along while still dancing much to the girls fascination.

Mia began to laugh causing Connie's attention to snap back to her. "Your fathers a joker isn't he... Definitely won't let him give up his day job don't worry baby." Grace laughed again before Jacob turned around to face them.

Connie placed Mia into her chair in the living room as she continued to babble happily. Wandering back to the kitchen Jacob reached for her hands and spun her around quickly.

Grace watched with her phone in her hands quietly as Jacob continued to spin Connie around. One of his hands settled on her waist while the other held her hand out as they danced. Jacob started singing again as he looked at Connie who was no longer able to stop herself from laughing.

They were both unaware of the younger Beauchamp filming the entire thing. Soon Jacob dropped her hand so that he could hold onto her thigh as he lifted her up from the floor.

Connie let go of a scream before wrapping her legs around his waist. Jacob held onto her as he spun again before slowing and placing his lips onto hers quickly. Grace smiled before ending the video and disappearing quickly leaving the 2 of them alone.

"I love you Jacob-" He smiled brushing the hair back from her face. "I love you too Connie." She closed the space between them kissing him passionately as she bought both her arms up and around his neck.

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