Chapter 42

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Connie got home to an empty house hearing laughter coming from outside in the garden. She stepped through abandoning her bag on the sofa. Placing her hands on her hips she stretched a little before noticing the smoke coming from the BBQ Jacob had on.

Heading into the kitchen Connie bumped into Harry. "Connie lovely to see you." "Hey, you too. What are you doing here?" She smiled hugging him before standing up looking through the windows to see Aleesha sitting with Mia on her lap. "Jacob invited a few of us around for dinner, you don't mind-" "Of course not."

She headed out behind him into the garden waving to Aleesha. "Oh Connie, good to see you!" "Hi... Alright sweetheart." Grace smiled from the swing set where she was sitting with Charlie laughing. Jacob stood beside the BBQ with Elliot talking as she wandered over to them. "Hey-" "Hey you. Good day?"

Connie smiled as she wrapped an arm around his waist while he bent down placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Busy... What's all this?" "Thought it would be nice to have dinner together before the wedding." Connie smiled turning to Elliot. "I'd say hello properly but I dread to think how awful I smell after today... I'm just gonna go freshen up, I'll be down soon."

Jacob smiled kissing her lips gently as she disappeared inside, heading up to her bedroom. She showered to the sounds of laughter floating through from the garden causing a constant smile to place itself on her face. Turning the shower off she wandered into the bedroom to be greeted by Jacob leaning against the wardrobe.

"Mr Masters I don't like the look I'm seeing on your face right now." She smiled as his eyes scanned up and down her body several times. All that covered her was a small white towel not leaving an awful lot to his imagination. Connie continued walking towards him as he blocked her way to the wardrobe. "You going to move out of my way or pass me my underwear?" She arched an eyebrow as his hands moved around her waist.

Jacob shrugged looking down at her. He neared her neck with his lips placing chaste kisses across her smooth skin. "What do you want me to do?" Connie smirked rolling her head backwards slightly. "What I want you to do is pass me my underwear Staff Nurse Masters because your parents are currently in our garden and them seeing me like this is not on my to-do list." Jacob normally would have argued back but he couldn't deny that she had a pretty good point.

He watched her wander across the room towards the table where she grabbed her hair brush letting her hair down. "Everything okay out there?" Jacob nodded with a smile as he passed Connie her underwear. "Perfect Mrs Beauchamp, as always when you're around." "Flattery gets you nowhere..." She snatched her clothes from his hands before his arm went tightly around her waist pulling her to him. "Seems to get me pretty far sweet cheeks."

Connie pushed her tongue into her cheek as she kept her eyes glued to his. "Let me get dressed and we'll see how far it gets you tonight." Jacob smiled slowly letting his arm fall from her waist so she could put her underwear on. She put the towel down over the chair as she looked into her wardrobe. Only a matter of seconds passed before Jacob stood behind her, his hands on her waist. "You can't help yourself can you?" "No... Can you blame me though?"

She reached forwards pulling out a white dress which caused Jacob to move away from her groaning. Spinning round she watched him fall down to the bed, still moaning. "What?" Connie watched as he turned his head slightly, just enough for his words not to be muffled by the bed. "You always look so good in that dress..." Connie scoffed shaking her head. "And that's a bad thing?" "When my parents and daughters are around, yes!"

Connie finished pulling the dress down over her body before sitting across Jacob's back. Leaning down she kissed his neck before placing her lips to his ear. "Well maybe later I'll let you take it off..." He moaned looking to her best he could as she moved to his lips. "But for now, we need to go downstairs."

She moved from his back to the wardrobe grabbing a pair of heels. "Come on then beautiful..." Connie turned taking his outstretched hand lacing her fingers through his. They headed downstairs straight into the garden. Connie watched Grace dancing around the garden to the music playing from the kitchen while Mia was sat in the small paddling pool.

Jacob moved away from her keeping his fingers laced through hers as he danced walking backwards. "No..." Connie spoke quietly shaking her head as he sang quietly pulling her into him gradually. He kept her hand in his spinning her in a circle before pulling her into his chest. Jacob settled his other hand in the small of her back dancing with her before spinning them both around.

Connie laughed as she reached up to his lips before he moved away to the BBQ. She turned looking to Elliot and Charlie moving to say hello properly. "Elliot." He looked up as she enveloped him into a hug. She took him by surprise as he wrapped an arm around her smiling. "How are you?" "I'm good-" "Yeah?" She nodded smiling. "Yeah, really good." He could tell just how happy she was from the way she stood before him.

"I have to say, you're like a different woman standing before me now." Connie looked up from where her eyes were on Mia to glance at Elliot. "What do you mean?" "You're happy, and not that fake, forced happiness that you tried convincing yourself to believe. You've really got it now." Connie smiled pushing her hair back behind her ear before stepping forwards to hug Charlie.

The rest of the evening was spent in much the same way. Grace had asked if one of her school friends was allowed over to which Connie agreed. They were sat at one end of the garden gossiping and laughing. Jacob stepped behind Connie wrapping his arms around her waist. "Mia's sparko, went out like a light-" "Thank you." Jacob shook his head. "No need to thank me sweet cheeks, anything to help my case for tonight."

Jacob winked walking past her before she caught his hand. Spinning back around he looked towards her as she stepped closer kissing him. Jacob was caught off guard as she placed a hand to his cheek. She felt his hand on her back while the other gently ran up and down her side. Connie trailed her other hand up and over his chest before curling it around his neck.

Harry and Aleesha had looked up from where they sat noticing the pair and shared a smile. It was good to see their son so happy, and with someone who seemed like the perfect match for him. When Connie pulled back from his lips she smiled to him. "I love you-" "I love you too." She pressed her lips to his once more before they moved to the table taking a seat beside Charlie.

He didn't say anything but just looked to Connie smiling which told her that they had all seen them then. She blushed before looking to Jacob as he passed her a glass of wine. A smile came to her lips as she took it from him before conversation started putting her at ease once again.

The evening sunshine cast a warm glow over the garden late into the night as they enjoyed each others company, talking and laughing. Connie was leaning into Jacob as he ran a hand through her hair gently. Turning her head she looked to him speaking quietly. "You know with Grace's friend over tonight that you'll have to wait-" "No chance sweet cheeks, you'll just have to be quiet." He smiled leaning down and capturing her lips before speaking again. "After all evening with you I won't be able to wait."

She smirked as he caught her bottom lip between his teeth gently before kissing her again. They turned their attention back to the group, both with thoughts of the wedding on their mind.

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