Chapter 22

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"Sweetheart just give it a chance okay? If you're not happy and want to come home then all you have to do is call me." "Promise?" Connie looked down at Grace placing her hands to her cheeks. "I promise." Grace nodded as Connie kissed her gently.

They'd talked Grace into seeing Sam this weekend despite her saying she didn't care. Connie wasn't his number 1 fan but she didn't want to keep him from seeing his daughter. Connie wandered around the living room in her black night dress when there was a knock at the door.

She put the few toys down she had in her hands before walking to the front door pulling it open. "Hello Connie." When she finally looked properly she noticed Sam standing in the doorway, his eyes moving across her body. She pulled the dressing gown over her body folding her arms against her chest.

Sam smirked as Connie turned into the house. "Grace! Your Father's here." Connie moved inside a little further as Sam closed the door behind him. "Good to see you again Con-" "Mmm." He sighed dropping his head. "Are we really at this stage now?" "You've only got yourself to blame for that."

Connie glared across at him but couldn't help the feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked at him. "We both know you don't mean that... We were both in the wrong before." Connie dropped her gaze for a moment as Sam stepped closer to her. "What are you doing?"

Sam stopped opposite her leaning his hands against the wall. "Nothing, why? Want me to?" "Funny." She glared up at him as he laughed standing back up. Connie watched him as he turned away from her quickly taking a steadying breath.

"You're looking good anyway Con. Not sure how I let you go when I see you looking like that." Connie didn't dare look at him again. Instead she tried to walk out of the corridor before feeling Sam's hand hold onto hers. "Wait... Please Con, just hear me out."

The first time they'd had contact in almost 10 months and she found herself buckling at the knees already. Pull yourself together. Connie swore at herself as she found her eyes meeting his again. "I miss you-" "And I miss you too... But that doesn't change things Sam."

He took a step closer, pressing his chest to hers as she watched him. "How can it not change things?" "Because I love Jacob... What we had at the end, it wasn't love Sam." He moved his lips closer to hers before Connie moved back hearing Grace coming down the stairs.

Connie coughed smiling to Grace. "All ready to go sweetheart?" "Yeah, I'm just going to say bye to Mia." Connie nodded as Sam frowned looking to Connie. "Mia? Jacob have a child he didn't tell you about or something?" He scoffed as she looked back to him. "Mia's my daughter Sam."

Before he could answer she was walking away from him into the front room where Grace was. "I mean what I said sweetheart. You're not happy you call me, straight away." Grace nodded wrapping her arms around Connie who kissed the top of her head before picking Mia up from her chair.

"Someone's missing their Daddy aren't they?" Connie began rocking with Mia in her arms as Grace laughed. "Are you going to see Da- Jacob at work?" "Probably sweetheart, I'll tell him you said goodbye shall I?" Grace nodded with a smile as they both noticed Sam in the doorway.

He watched Connie as her eyes met his. "You ready Grace?" She nodded moving back to the front door as Connie stepped forwards. "You had another baby?" "4 months ago... Sam nothing is the same anymore. I'm happy, Grace is happy. Don't ruin that for us."

Connie couldn't help the small part of her which ached for his touch but she wasn't about to act on it. "I'll pick her up Sunday Sam." "Okay." Connie watched as he walked out the house almost awkwardly with Grace as though he no longer knew how to act with her. She hoped Grace enjoyed herself, she didn't want her daughter to grow up without her father.

Within an hour Connie had fed Mia and was making her way to the hospital. As they approached the entrance Connie noticed Jacob standing under the shelter of the ED. It took a few more minutes for him to notice her but as soon as he did a smile spread across his face.

Jogging towards them Jacob didn't stop until he was beside them. "Hey, how was Grace-" "Okay. Sam was his usual self." He looked down at her watching as she shuffled uncomfortably. "Did he try-" "No. Nothing happened, or did either of us try Jacob." He sighed shaking his head. "I know you wouldn't, it's him I don't trust Con."

She forced a smile nodding as Mia began to mumble. Grateful for the distraction Jacob's attention turned to his daughter. "Oh and he knows about Mia now, that was definitely an interesting moment." Jacob laughed as he lifted Mia up into his arms. "You here to see Hansen?" Connie placed a hand to the back of Mia's head as she nodded. "Mind taking her for a few minutes?" "Course I don't... I'll see you in the staffroom, probably surrounded by people wanting to take her home."

Connie rolled her eyes walking inside with Jacob before leaving the pushchair inside her office. "Everything is in the bag if you need anything. There's a bottle in there but she shouldn't need it, I fed her before we left." "Sweet cheeks, I can manage okay. Go on." He leant down kissing her gently leaving them to it as she went and had what was sure to be a boring meeting.

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