Chapter 32

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After the day he had Jacob was glad to be getting out of the house for the weekend. Connie had been giving him the cold shoulder and snapping at him no matter what he did. He had no idea what had pushed her so far over the edge today and she didn't show any signs of telling him either.

Tonight was the first night of Jacob's stag do organised by the ED staff and a few of his old school mates. Connie was having a quiet evening with Mia and Grace so she was standing in the kitchen when Jacob grabbed his bags from upstairs taking them to the front door.

"So why do you have to go Jacob?" "Because firecracker, it's classed as one of my final nights of freedom so I have to go out and enjoy it." Connie scoffed from where she stood rolling her eyes. "Try not to drawl all over other women while you're 'free' then." Connie put her mug down on the side with some force before storming out of the room.

Jacob threw his arms in the air calling after her. "Well obviously not, if that's why I was going out I wouldn't be marrying you!" Connie spun round on her heel to face him. "So now I'm stopping you from doing that?" "What? No!" "If marrying me is such a hindrance Jacob then feel free to call it off and enjoy your permanent freedom."

Connie turned around causing Jacob to move past Grace after her. "Woah! When did I say marrying you was a problem?" "You didn't have to. It doesn't matter go out and do whatever you want, I don't doubt you would anyway." Jacob shook his head in shock before walking away. "You're unbelievable sometimes Con-" "Me!? I'm not the one emphasising the 'good old days' of being free to go out and sneer at women!"

Jacob walked outside as Connie slammed the bedroom door shut, both angry with the other. Grace remained standing in the living room unsure why they'd both been so mad with one another. Mia began to stir from her moses basket in the living room so Grace took herself over to her sister. "Did Mummy and Daddy scare you? They didn't mean it, not really."

Mia began to coo up to Grace as she grasped hold of her finger pulling it to her mouth. Grace laughed watching her sister who had grown incredibly in the last few months since she'd been home from the hospital. Never did she think she would be so happy to no longer be the only child in the house. Despite her parents split attention things had never been better, ignoring whatever was going on today.

As the evening drew in the atmosphere hadn't improved. Jacob had been playing with Mia and Grace while Connie spent most of her time anywhere but the same room as them. At 7 o'clock Jacob was getting up from the floor as someone knocked at the door. "Right that's me, be good for your Mummy please you two."

Grace gave him a sweet smile like butter wouldn't melt as Jacob enveloped her into a hug. Connie had turned hearing the door knock and watched him wander out into the hallway. She glanced down at the floor not wanting to admit she had been wrong earlier but couldn't let him leave this way. Jacob opened the door smiling as Iain and Cal began cracking jokes with him laughing.

He walked out putting his bag into the minibus where everyone else was waiting. Returning to the door way Connie had moved into the hall. Jacob sighed looking to her as he stepped up to her taking her hands in his. "Promise me you'll be safe tonight..." Connie didn't look up from their hands as Jacob smiled. "Aren't I always?" This caused her to look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

Jacob smirked as a small hint of a smile finally gave way. "I promise." With a small nod she tried to drop his hands and turn away but he kept hold of her. "Hey... There's more to it than that isn't there?" She wouldn't turn around not wanting to show him the tears that had fallen earlier. Jacob stepped up behind her moving his arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder.

The closeness caused Connie to gently release the breath she was holding to keep back the tears. As soon as she let it go, they began to roll down her cheeks. "Hey... Babe what's wrong?" He stepped around her placing his hands to her cheeks wiping the tears away. "It's just what you were saying earlier, everything you used to do-" "If you're worried about me messing you around it's not what I'm going to do."

Connie shook her head as he kept his hands on her cheeks. "There are going to be so many young, attractive women out who are clearly more your type of woman than me-" "Stop there. Don't you ever say something so stupid again. For someone of your IQ you're not very smart sweet cheeks."

She frowned trying to look away but he wouldn't give in. "Is this what today was all about? You're worried I'm going to find someone better?" Connie shrugged telling him everything he needed her to. "Come here-" "What? Jacob no-" "Just do it." Jacob pulled her outside to where everyone was waiting in the minibus.

"Alright Mrs B? You know a stag do sort of means you have to stay at home." Connie pulled a face to Cal as he settled down in his seat. "Jacob why am I standing out here-" "Just listen for a minute yeah?"

Jacob turned to the minibus of friends and colleagues before talking. "Could I get ever get anyone better than Connie?" She watched him before noticing the faces of several of her staff. "Better? Jacob mate I'm amazed you managed her-" "Seriously? You couldn't pull a better woman if you tried Jacob." Several remarks were made, some actually rather insulting ones towards Jacob but it had done what he needed it to.

Twisting back to Connie he took her hands again. "Okay? Connie you have nothing to worry about. I know you're too good for me, I'm not about to throw all that away on someone who means nothing to me." Jacob lifted a hand to her cheek caressing it gently as she leant into it. "Okay?" "Okay." Connie nodded with a small forced smile as Jacob dropped his hands to her waist.

"I love you, so much." Connie smiled as Jacob looked at her nearing her lips. "Really? Here, in front of half of my staff-" "Well I gotta give them something to shut them up." Connie laughed before letting his lips press to hers. When he parted quickly she lifted her hand to the back of his neck pulling him back into her, her lips crashing against his.

Jacob's hands were securely around her waist as she deepened the kiss. Everyone on the bus began whistling and calling out from where they sat. Connie smirked against his lips before he pulled back laughing. "Love you-" "Go." Jacob ran his hand down her face tucking her hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead once more.

He climbed into the bus being bombarded and mocked as soon as he was inside. Connie moved forwards closing the door as Iain walked around to the same side she was standing. "Don't worry I'll keep him safe... At least if there are any accidents there's plenty of professionals-" "Mmm suppose that's something." Iain smiled before jogging round and getting into the drivers seat starting the engine.

Connie stood back on the footpath watching as they pulled away. Jacob smiled with a wave, everyone beginning to mock him once again shouting from the windows. Connie couldn't help but laugh as she saw the picture of Jacob that had been stuck to the back window of the bus. She was sure it would be an interesting weekend, she just hope nothing too drastic happened.

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