Chapter 33

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Jacob was passed a beer almost as soon as they pulled off. "So where is it you're taking me exactly? Connie was not impressed that I didn't know-" "Awww is Jacob under the thumb now?" Cal nudged him as he sat shaking his head sipping at the beer. "You know if anything happens to me she knows where you all live." Iain couldn't help but laugh from the front as Jacob sat forwards on his chair.

"Don't know what you're laughing at, how's Nurse Freeman?" "Alright, alright." Cal, Max and Jez all began laughing and taunting Iain as Jacob sat back looking to the other side of the minibus. "Lofty mate, didn't know you'd be back-" "Well couldn't miss this." He smiled as Jacob patted his shoulder as his eye caught sight of the photo. "Tell me that you have only just put that picture up."

Cal glanced around smirking as Jacob's eyes went wider. "Tell me Connie did not see that-" "I'd say chances were pretty good yeah." He dropped his head to his hands as the bus erupted in laughter. Jacob sat up looking to the ceiling with a sigh. "Why did I agree to this-" "Because we would have taken you anyway?"

The rest of the journey was spent in much the same way until many hours later, Iain turned off into a small caravan park. "You bought me to Butlins on a stag?" Jacob climbed out of the minibus looking about before hearing a voice behind him. "Thought you could relive your youth days." Jacob turned around with a smile as three men got out of another car. "Good to see you Jay, see you did actually become a nurse then."

Jacob greeted the other men looking between them. "What no Brad?" "Apparently the quiet life is not just for you. Married with two kids, one of which decided their first appearance would be early hours yesterday morning." He laughed looking between his three school friends wandering when they all lost touch.

"Right we're down this end, three separate places so we'll split off down there." Jacob nodded grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder as they walked towards the small chalets. Jacob walked slowly looking out noticing they were beside a beach. The girls would love this place, he found himself smiling as he thought about them. "Look, can't keep from thinking about her for five minutes!" Cal jibed him laughing before they headed upstairs stopping outside three doors.

Iain chucked a key across the group to Lofty who almost dropped it. "Lofty I'm 'fraid you're stuck with Max and Jez for the weekend." "I'll take those..." Max nabbed the keys from Lofty's hand throwing them in the air to catch them. "Adam, Connor and Dan you alright next door?" "Aye aye captain." Iain smirked throwing a key over to Dan before nodding to Jacob. "You're stuck with us-" "Safer than either of the other two."

Everyone disappeared inside their rooms to ditch their bags before regrouping outside. Jacob had his phone out looking at the notifications on his screen. He unlocked his phone to see a photo of Connie, Grace and Mia in their pyjamas on the sofa together, smiles across all three girls' faces. The image made Jacob smile reading the text above it.

No husband and Daddy around makes three very happy girlies... Iain and Cal came out of the room sneaking up behind Jacob. "You're a lucky man, that's a beautiful family you've got there." Lifting his head he gave a grin before glancing at it again. "Sure is mate..." Jacob closed his phone slipping it back into his pocket before rubbing his hands together. "Come on then, what's on the cards for tonight?"

Several hours later they had all made their way to one of the bars at the edge of the beach. Jacob was carrying over a tray of drinks while everyone was talking and finishing off dinner. "Nah, I bet he has-" "I'm telling you Mrs B would never allow it." Jacob neared the table as Adam turned to look at him. "Jacob! How many times have you and Connie had sex at work-" "Am I supposed to keep count?"

Iain, Cal, Jez and Lofty's jaws dropped as Dan looked at them. "Told you, Jacob always had a way with words-" "If it was me initiating it I'd happily fess up but this is all on my beautiful fiancee." Cal shook his head taking his drink. "No way... Her office?" "Yup... And the upstairs store room... Oh and the on call room... Actually I think the staff room once or twice-" "Jesus Jacob leave us somewhere sacred to relax at work without your extra curricular activities on our minds!"

The evening continued on as they all fired questions off at one another. "Come on Max, you telling me you and Zo never-" "Well yeah, but she was no Mrs Beauchamp... She's all uptight and professional-" "Well not with me she isn't." Jacob smirked relaxing back as they continued chatting. "Is she good?" Iain rolled his eyes at Cal's typical questioning. "Better than good, nothing has ever matched it. Just think, maybe if you hadn't been such a dick you could have gone there."

Adam and Max began nudging Cal laughing while Dan looked to Jacob. "You got a picture of the woman who's turned our mate soft or what?" Jacob laughed taking his phone out and turning it to him. "That's her, and that's my two girls." Jacob showed a photo from when Mia had first come home, all of them looking happy. Then he flicked sideways to another image of them all out in the sun, smiling more than he thought humanly possible.

"Wow, you all look so happy. I'm happy you finally settled-" "Yeah, me too... But for the books, I don't see Con as settling. She's way more than that." Dan placed a hand on his shoulder with a grin before conversation erupted between them all again.

It was almost 1am and everyone was still sat round the table. It was a hot summer's night and so everyone was comfortably sat about in their shorts and shirts still. Jacob was well on his way to not remembering the evening as Max and Cal continued to buy him drinks. Iain kept a watchful eye over everything, not only for his own protection from Connie but for Jacob's sake too.

They stumbled back from the restaurant with one another, Jacob's arms draped around Cal and Adam's shoulders as they helped him towards the chalet. "Have I ever told you... How beau-beautiful my girl is?" "All the time mate-" "B-but have I ever really told you? Like she is amaaazing. That body outta those work clothes, man who'd have thought it? Beau-champ's got a booty..."

Iain rolled his eyes smirking hearing Jacobs' mumbled speech. "We got it Jacob-" "Yeah but have you seen her?" He pulled his phone out of his pocket with some difficulty before eventually finding his way into his photos. "See, she's gorgeous..." Cal's eyes widened a little at the photo of Connie in not so much clothing. Adam looked at the image of who he assumed to be Jacob's girlfriend in her underwear with a smirk. "Damn now I know why you never shut up about her!"

"That's nothing, take a look at this-" Before anything else could be shown Iain took the phone from Jacob. "I think that's enough show and tell for today... Otherwise we'll all be dead before the wedding." Jacob smirked while Cal had a face on at Iain ruining his only chance of seeing his boss in a way he'd wanted to for so long.

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