Chapter 28

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Connie had taken a few weeks away from the ED after finishing her clinical lead role. It meant she was spending all her time with Mia and Grace whenever she wasn't at school. Jacob had taken the weekend off to visit his parents with Connie and the girls.

Jacob had persuaded Connie into letting him drive and was currently sitting nervously in the front seat. "Hey... It's going to be fine you know." She sighed looking across at him dropping her hand to his thigh. "I know, I just... What if they don't like me? It's the first time they've met me and I want to make a good impression."

He smiled at how much Connie cared about this. "Sweet cheeks, just relax. Be you because that's who I fell in love with and they'll see that." Jacob rest his hand on top of hers squeezing it gently before finishing the drive. "You ready firecracker?"

Grace nodded enthusiastically from the back as Jacob got out of the car. Connie waited a moment before climbing out and getting Mia from the car. Before any of them had made it to the front door it had been opened.

"Jacob! Oh it's so good to see you son." He was quickly pulled into a tight embrace leaving Connie smiling from the car. "You too ma, let me give Connie a hand and I'll be in." "No, get yourself inside I can help her." Jacob glanced across at Connie to see his Mum already walking to her.

Grace skipped in with Jacob leaving Connie getting Mia's car seat out. "Connie, it's so lovely to finally meet you in person." "Hi Eleesha." Connie finished getting Mia out of the car before leaning down to get her bag. "Let me darling, you head on inside it's horrible out here."

Connie smiled heading for the door while Eleesha picked up the baby bag. Once everyone was inside Eleesha showed her through to the living room where Jacob was sat with Grace. "And who is this, you must have slipped past me sweetheart." "This is Grace my other daughter." Connie watched as Grace cuddled into him hearing how he introduced her.

Eleesha asked no questions but was just happy to meet her first grandchildren. "Oh my goodness, isn't she gorgeous!" Connie laughed as Eleesha looked down to Mia. "Can I?" "You don't have to ask, you're her Grandma."

Connie stood beside the sofa as another older man entered the room. "I thought I heard trouble." Jacob laughed standing up embracing the other gentleman. It was as though Jacob's double was in the room, he was the spitting image of his Father. "Grace this is my Dad, Harry." "Hello."

Grace smiled high-fiving Harry as he turned to Connie. "God almighty Jacob. Tell me this isn't your girlfriend. Punching above the belt there son, she is beautiful." Connie felt her cheeks flush crimson before Jacob smiled across at her. "Technically she isn't my girlfriend Dad, she's my fiancee."

Eleesha and Harry stopped what they were doing looking to Jacob. "And you didn't think to tell us?" Harry moved forwards hugging Connie. "Any lady mad enough to marry our son is welcome here." She placed her hands to his back before standing up. "Congratulations son." Jacob shook his Father's hand before everyone sat down.

Connie was still standing awkwardly in the door way beside the sofa until Jacob snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her down onto his lap. "I love you." He whispered into her hair before kissing her neck gently and sitting up. Connie leant into his chest holding onto his hands which were placed on her lap.

"Is this the reason for the visit? The wedding-" "That and I wanted you to meet us before finding out your son was marrying me." Harry continued to speak happily before coughing suddenly. Eleesha was immediately worried while Connie sat forwards on Jacob's lap. "Is everything alright?"

Eleesha forced a smile with a nod. "He discharged himself, won't let us take him back." Connie watched as he waved them all off. "I'll be fine, it's just the excitement of our boy getting married. So tell me have you got a date?"

Connie smiled nodding. "It's in 2 months-" "That's very soon. How an earth have you planned it all so quickly?" Jacob laughed nodding towards Connie. "She's a very clever woman ma, you'd be amazed." "After Jacob told me about you being ill, we wanted to make sure that everyone important to us was there."

Harry turned his attention to Connie looking slightly taken back. "There is something I wanted to ask you too... Mia and Grace are obviously 2 of my bridesmaids but I wanted to know if you would carry her down the aisle Harry." He seemed dumbfounded as he looked between Jacob and Connie. "What about your Mother?"

Connie smiled shaking her head. "My parents passed away several years ago, besides I want you to do it." Harry sniffed before turning to Eleesha who still had hold of Mia. "This is her is it? My granddaughter." Connie nodded watching as he took hold of her. He bounced her up and down gently as she curled into him immediately.

"It would be my pleasure. Thank you, thank you so much." Connie smiled relaxing back into Jacob as they watched Eleesha entertain Grace. Connie soon realised how stressed she was over nothing. The afternoon had gone smoothly and everyone was happy.

Connie walked out into the kitchen where Jacob was cleaning up after dinner. She wrapped her arms around his waist resting her head to his back. "Hey sweet cheeks..." Connie took a deep breath as he lifted an arm around her. "Everything alright?" "Everything is better than alright. I love you."

Jacob smiled leaning down to place a kiss to her lips before finishing the washing up. When he'd done he turned back to Connie and kissed her more passionately than before. She broke from his lips with a smirk. "Jacob your parents are in there looking after our children-" "Exactly..."

Connie laughed before he lifted her up so she sat on the kitchen counter. "I really do not feel like I should be doing this as a guest." Jacob laughed as he continued to kiss her neck and across her collarbone. "Then think of it as a second home." She rolled her eyes placing her hand to the back of his head.

He lifted his lips back to hers before hearing laughter from the front room. Connie jumped down from the side taking Jacob's hand. "Come on, sounds like we're missing all the fun-" "I was having a perfectly fun time out here." She nudged him in the side before returning to the living room. It was strange for Connie to be surrounded by so much family but as she watched everyone laughing she couldn't help but feel a part of it.

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