Chapter 48

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Connie awoke at 8 o'clock looking about the room seeing everything was silent. Nobody seemed to be around so she got up wrapping the robe around her slim figure. Just as she stood in the bay window looking out below at things being set out her phone began ringing.

Without looking at the caller she picked it up hearing their voice sleepy but awake. "I can't see you, but we can talk right?" Connie laughed leaning against the wall as she overlooked the courtyard where flowers were being arranged. "I guess so muscles, although we were together 6 hours ago." "I know, I know... But can't a man miss his wife?"

Biting her lip at the thought of finally being able to call herself that she forgot to speak. "I'll take your silence as a yes sweet cheeks-" "Sorry... I'm just a little distracted this morning. You've given me a lot to think about today." A small chuckle was heard over the speaker before she sighed. "This place looks beautiful already Jacob, I wish you could see it-" "I will do, but right now you need to go get ready baby... And eat something, please."

She smiled at his thoughtfulness before responding. "Okay... I love you Staff Nurse Masters and I can never thank you enough for doing all you've done-" "Getting through today is all I'll ever need from you." As soon as she'd put the phone down Grace came hurtling through the door shouting.

"Mum! Mum! MUM! It's today, it's today!" "Woah, sweetie calm down... I know, believe me I know." Connie laughed awkwardly as Grace stopped bouncing on the bed and sat down crossed legged. "Are you scared Mum?" "I'm a little nervous, I just don't want to ruin this." "Mum you could never ruin it, Jacob loves you he doesn't care about the perfect day as long as you turn up."

Connie smiled at her daughter's logic, despite the overly excited attitude. "Anyway, where's your auntie got to?" "She's right here." Connie smiled as she rounded the corner with not only Mia, but Alicia and Hannah too. "Can you believe you're getting married today?" "Don't remind me, I'd just gotten past the realisation sinking in!"

Hannah smiled as they came inside sitting about the room together. One by one, they started freshening themselves up as the hairdresser arrived. Connie began fusing over Mia deciding she wanted to do everything for her girl as she normally would, while the bridesmaids were pampered.

Connie sat with Mia gurgling and laughing while watching Grace have her hair curled loosely. "I think you look beautiful sweetheart-" "Thanks Mum... I like my hair, it'll be like yours and Mia's." Connie nodded as Grace took a seat beside her, being careful not to mess up her hair. The other bridesmaids hair was straightened before being pinned up in the same way as Grace's.

Time was moving extremely quickly as one by one, their hair and makeup was completed. Soon enough Hannah, Alicia and Brianna were stood in their dresses with everything completed. "Oh my..." Connie looked to them before they moved forwards enveloping her in a hug as she fussed. "You're going to look incredible Connie..."

She took a breath sitting down on the chair beside the dressing table as they started with her makeup. It was simple, not a lot used in the process seeing as she didn't really need it. The neutral shades complimented her skin tone before a darkened nude was applied to her lips. The hair dresser began on her hair knowing it was going to take some time to perfect.

Connie's hair was curled into tight ringlets before it was all pinned up, section by section. The odd loose strand was left to fall naturally as the small pins were placed through out the bits pinned up. The small diamonds glittering in the light before Alicia passed over the larger one Connie had been given by the staff. It was placed just underneath and the glittering white butterfly looked perfect with everything else.

Gradually her chest was becoming tighter as she caught glimpses of herself and the clock in the mirror. Everything was so close, she could almost touch it but that scared feeling at the pit of her stomach that this could all be taken away at any second was still looming. Trying to ignore that she focused on seeing Jacob's face when he first notices her and it was enough to help.

Connie stood beside the window once again looking out below while Brianna quickly took a few pictures of her. Through out the morning she'd got a few photos knowing Connie would appreciate them later. "Right, I'll get the girls out of your way while you get into your dress... We'll see you in a bit." Connie smiled with a nod as they left, Grace wrapping her arms around her waist once more before going.

Brianna remained in the bedroom with Connie offering to help her into her dress. "Yeah, I could need some help." "I can't believe you wouldn't tell any of us which dress you went with!" Connie smirked shrugging as she took the dress down from the wardrobe. "Well, you'll see soon enough won't you?"

Connie was helped into her dress as she continued taking deep, steady breathes. Getting into the dress helped cement everything in concrete that this was actually happening today. Brianna helped pulling the dress up seeing that it was tight fitting.

The dress was a sheer white colour that fit her figure impeccably. It had long sleeves that clung to her arms. The sweetheart neckline dipped just enough to show a little without being too much. Classy yet incredibly stunning. The back of the dress scooped down to her waist leaving her shoulder blades and back bare.

Her figure was emphasised due to the tightness of the dress but it only made her look better. There were a few diamantes encrusted across the bust and waist before it loosened a little around her legs. "Wow... Connie you're going to blow my brother away." She stepped into her white heels before letting the dress fall back over them. Standing before the mirror she looked up at herself letting go of a breath.

Brianna took another few pictures of her before there was somebody knocking at the door. Opening it Brianna looked to an older gentleman whose eyes were trained onto Connie. He was left speechless entering the room as Connie turned to see him. "Charlie-" "Connie my goodness, you look, you're... You are absolutely beautiful." She felt her eyes prick with tears before he enveloped her into a hug. Yet another image Brianna got.

A photographer would be at the event but Connie had decided she'd need as much time before without one. Brianna figured there would be a few moments, like those though that she would want to remember. "I'll go find the others, see you soon..." Connie nodded before looking back to Charlie. "I'm so scared Charlie-" "Don't be. Jacob's reaction is sure going to be something seeing you like this."

Jacob was already on his way to the venue along with Iain the best man, and Dan, Connor, Kieran and Adam his closest friends. "You look nervous mate, unlike you-" "I'm about to marry the most powerful and beautiful woman that I've ever come across... I think I have the right to be a little on edge."

They arrived at the hotel and Jacob couldn't help but smile as he looked around the courtyard. He saw what Connie meant now by how good it all looked. Jacob was met by his parents outside who were quick to walk up to him. "My god boy you'll be star struck when you see her-" "You've seen Con? Is she okay?"

Harry laughed nodding with a hand to his sons shoulder. "Connie is fine, Charlie is with her now." Jacob relaxed nodding a little before his eyes fell to the bridesmaids. Alicia and Hannah smiled seeing him before Grace looked up. "Jacob!" She ran from the lobby out to him and into his arms. "Grace..." He held onto her tightly, mesmerised by the little girls beauty. "You look just like your Mum."

Grace smiled looking down before Jacob hugged her again. "There's my gorgeous little girl..." He took Mia from Hannah with a smile seeing his daughter. "Alicia, Hannah. Tell me honestly, how's Connie?" "A nervous wreck, but a beautiful nervous wreck." Jacob sighed with a smile before people were being ushered inside already.

Harry stood with Jacob for a moment looking to how he held Mia. "I'm proud of you son." Jacob's eyes lifted to look at his father as he nodded tight lipped. "Thanks Dad, it's all I ever wanted to do... Make you proud." "And you have. A beautiful wife, two incredible daughters and a career. Don't ever think we aren't proud son." Jacob hugged his father passing Mia over before wandering to the front of the reception taking his place beside Iain.

With everything in place music played quietly in the background. It helped to calm Jacob as he listened to the lyrics that he had chosen with Connie. All of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. He stood beside Iain who couldn't help but smile as he looked to Jacob. "Apparently I should watch to see if you cry when seeing her-" "Shut up mate."

Outside, Connie stood on the stairwell with all the bridesmaids having a few images taken. Soon enough they were getting in place to take the first few steps in together.

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