Unit 7

42 11 14


It's been rather quiet around here lately. *shrugs* Must be end of year madness. Well then we can certainly look forward to a loud summer!!!... *remembers that I will have to work during the summer so it won't be a true escape from busyness* *cries*

Quote Of The Week Wall

*holding pizza three feet in the air, watching the cheese stretch all the way down*

"This pizza's cheese stretches longer than my lifetime." - Kyle, 5/1/2016

Piece Of Life Wall

If there's one thing that I don't understand, it's ironing. Why does it matter if my clothes have a few wrinkles in them? As far as I am concerned, the fact that I put on fancy clothes in the first place is what would matter, but nope, you have a wrinkle, so go iron it. Generally if a clothing article "needs" to be ironed, then I will try my best to avoid said article and instead just wear something else. Call me lazy, which is actually 100% correct. Such small visual details don't warrant the use of effort for me. But I have to wonder, whoever invented those things must've been quite the clean freak...

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "This week we have Ginko from North and South. Or would he be from Mushishi? Eh, who cares. Here he is!"

Ginko: "What's going on? I must've run into a strange undiscovered mushi..."

Kyle: "No no, we've just teleported you to a different time-space plane, no mushi were involved."

Ginko: "So if you teleported me here, then does that make you the mushi? They are certainly getting crafty with their appearances."

Kyle: "Why are you the only character that can't seem to comprehend this?! And why are you the one that keeps asking the questions?! Quick, which mushi has been the strangest one that you've come across so far?!"

Ginko: "That would be you."

Kyle: "He can't get it through his head!!! At this rate he would think that a computer or even artificial lighting would be the works of mushi!!!"

Ginko: *walking around the studio* "Hmmm... Now the question is how to get out of this trance..."

Kyle: *facepalms* "Someone send him back already!"

A/N: For those who do not know, mushi are creatures in the Mushishi universe that have a different sort of life energy, and which most people can't see. They cause lots of problems for humans, and it's Ginko's job to take care of those problems. "Mushi" literally translates to "insect."


Hm... I wasn't as crazy as I normally am this week. Maybe I should get myself checked out to make sure I'm not diagnosed with sanity. Now that would be a problem wouldn't it?! However, I guess I did have a mental conversation with myself today that went a little like this, so I guess I can't be completely sane:

Kyle: *insert joke here*

Kyle: "Haha, nice one Kyle!"

Kyle: "Wait, did I just talk to myself? In my own head? Maybe there are multiple Kyles running around up there..."

Are there more?! Will I ever find out?! Nope, but I'm going to say this anyways: find out next week on Unit 8 of Kyle's Book of Nonsense for Cool People!

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