Unit 41 - A Duel! I Mean Challenge!

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As happens on the occasion, I have received a challenge, not surprisingly from LogicalCabbage (and maybe another person I forget). Let's go!

1. Describe yourself as you would a character in a fanfic.

The lanky nerd typed furiously on his laptop while sitting in the corner of his bed. He had hair in need of trimming that was naturally blond, but starting to turn more brown. His thick black glasses rested on his nose that will someday be a large old man nose. He wore a nerdy t-shirt showing the "many" emotions of Spock, as well as his typical jeans, despite it being summer.

"Now stop writing about me please," he said.

2. Do you have a ritual before/during/after you write?

Not so much of a ritual... But I'm almost always sitting on my bed while I do it. Most of the time I will listen to music that has the same-ish feeling as what I'm trying to convey, and I make what is the equivalent of a very rough outline before each chapter.

3. Which fanfic is/was your favorite one to write?

That's a tough one. I had a lot of fun planning WSGABATA, but I'm having more fun writing Heart of Ghost, probably because I'm a lot more confident in the latter and sneak in way more details and subtle character development. (I'm still waiting for you nerds to realize something maniacal I did lol)

4. Authors you admire?

Real life: Tolkien really amazes me, especially the effort he put into designing the languages for the Lord of the Rings (actually he made LOTR for his elvish language). The creativity of J.K. Rowling also impresses me, and I think Eiichiro Oda, writer of One Piece, is simply amazing for his work ethic and ability to entrance his readers.

Wattpad: Hard to say since I don't read much. izayoix, d_s_t_e, @shinymewgirl, and blue___22 probably amaze me the most, for various reasons.

5. How many words do you think you can write in an hour if you really concentrated?

I think my top speed is somewhere around 1400 words per hour, though I think I average at about 700 (writing, not typing of course).

6. What was your first fanfic pairing and plot?

Flora and Elron (aka Floron) from WSGABATA, and the plot of WSGABATA itself.

7. Inspiration, time, or motivation?

I could really use some more time lol, I have plenty of inspiration, and motivation happens about every two or three days.

8. Why do you write?

Simple! I want to make others happy to lighten up their days, and I want to let off excess creative energy that doesn't funnel well into video game development. I'm so used to big, amazing stories and worlds, I thought "why can't I do that too?" So I did.

9. Are you planning on writing any other fanfiction?

After I finished WSGASLA, I thought I was done with fanfiction. Of course that wasn't true, as I'm writing Heart of Ghost now. I think this'll be my last one... but who knows really? If I do anything else, they'll likely be short things for the Pokemon Watties and maybe a sister story/sequel to Heart of Ghost. Staying within the realm of Pokemon though.

10. What inspires you the most?

For writing... crazy anime like Gintama, Naruto, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventures probably. I mean, just look at what I write lol.

11. Out of your fanfics, which one is your favorite?

Probably Words Aren't Enough. I feel like I did a really good job with that one. Heart of Ghost is likely going to take its seat soon though for my slot of favorite though, mainly because of the higher than ever levels of shenanigans and attempts at details.

12. Strangest thing you wrote or ever thought about writing?

In high school my friends and I wrote crappy mythical stores in Spanish class using our limited Spanish abilities. I forget the details, but it was chronocling the journey of a magical spoon through crazy journeys, such as a slime king eating it and a mouse family being cursed by it. Idk guys, it was weird.

13. Which fanfic do you wish you have written better and why?

What's So Great About Second Love Anyways. It. Was. Trash. Except for Granny, she was surprisingly great. The failure to create a correct pace for a romance as well as proper and logical romantic tension is the reason I will probably not write romance ever again. I'll stick to my crazy stuff... there's enough romance stories out there anyways :P

14. What is the best fanfic you've ever read (not your own)?

I don't really read much, and I've never really finished any that are really amazing literarily. Out of the ones I've finished, probably @LogicalCabbage's Hail to the King, despite my disagreements about the theme.

15. What is your writing guilty pleasure(s)?

Wait, people can have those? O_o I guess it makes sense. Maybe that I am lovingly ripping off a few stylistic elements from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures for Heart of Ghost. I'm adding my own spin on things of course, but Semishades are very similar to Stand users. To be fair though, I had the idea for Heart of Ghost before watching Jojo's, they just happened to turn out to be similar things.

16. Do you plan out your story before writing it or do you just wing it?

A little bit of both. I come up with the major points before hand, then wing a lot of the shenanigans in between. Works out pretty well in most cases it seems.

17. Are you a fast writer?

I don't think so, no.

18. How old were you when you started to write stories (fanfics or not)?

I think my first full story, which was never published here, was written when I was about 15 or 16. I'm 20 in a few days XD (what a scary thought)

19. Why did you start writing?

Refer to the second reason in question 8.

20. List six sentences from your works that you are really proud of?

I'd rather not look through all my books to find a few sentences kthxbye.


Pretty sure anyone who I would tag has already been tagged, and I'm lazy anyways :P


So I'm working on yet another game engine of my own (but not a specific game yet) and today I implemented multiplayer and, for the first time ever for me, non-keyboard controllers. I made it so Xbox 360 controllers and Nintendo Switch joycons and pro controllers can play as well, which I think is freaking awesome, especially for the joycons. Since my games usually only require a few buttons (6 buttons in this engine, including the four directions), the joycons work absolutely perfectly, and should make multiplayer really fun :D

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