Unit 10

49 10 13

Dedicated to Stormlocke for trying to become my tenth follower, but unfortunately missing her chance, in the end settling for becoming follower number eleven twelve times.


For me, summer vacation is here! For most of you... sorry to brag :P It's been a hectic week, but I look forward to having more time to write for you guys!

Serious Wall

So we had a few people show interest in the tournament... But pretty much only my friends, lol. In order for it to be actually worthy of being a tournament, we'll need more people. I'll wait a little while longer to see if more people decide that they want to participate or not. Also, after talking to several people, I decided that the format should be just the normal battle spot setup. However, I think that people should try to use more fun teams, such as an all steel team (aka, me), to make it more interesting. Don't be that boring person who relies on super safe strategies to win--you won't be as 1337 :P I (probably) won't force you to use weird teams though.

If you like the idea, I think a good and easy way to spread the word would be to tag a few people that you think might be interested in the comments :D Or just tag them even if they might not be interested, because games of tag never get old, no matter how old you get :P

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "I'm so tired of introducing this segment. Here's Flora from What's So Great About Being A Trainer Anyways?!"

Flora: "Wait, how do you punctuate that correctly? The title ends in a question mark, so that makes things difficult."

Kyle: "...I don't know. Let's try again. Here's Flora from WSGABATA!"

Flora: *waves hands at adoring fans*

Kyle: "So Flora, why exactly do you wear a swimsuit under your clothes at all times?"

Flora: "Hm... That's a good question. I think it's because you didn't want to write scenes about how you would be able to see my undergarments through my clothes when I get unexpectedly doused in water. Because that's the first thing guys think about when clothes get wet apparently."

Kyle: "..."

Flora: "..."

Kyle: "Why do you have knowledge into why I write the way I do exactly?"

Flora: "Because you enjoy fourth wall jokes and don't put them in your stories. That's why."

Kyle: "..."

Flora: "..."

Kyle: "I'll have you know that isn't the first thing that pops into my mind! See you next week!"

Piece Of Life Wall

So I've had a little bit of a running joke thats punchline was met today. Way back in my freshmen year of high school, my friend and I made a joke where we would wait a long extent of time then say something that we thought was slow in comparison to the wait. For instance, we would get each other's attention, then wait a few minutes, then say "Internet Explorer." Well there was something that I tried making a slow joke on, but he said it was far too slow to be used, and that we would have to save it for the time that we graduated. Little did he (or I) expect that I would actually remember all the way until today and that I would put my hand on his shoulder after graduation and utter the punch line that was so well waited for that we almost cried laughing. That regrettably slow thing was: cancer research.


Hehe, this unit had a strange feeling to it. I blame... the fact that I can't actually come up with a good excuse for it to be that way :P Anyways, thanks for being awesome and have a great Monday! If Mondays can be great! If not just make it great! XD Okay I'm done.

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