Unit 23

51 7 15


Well today was amazingly devoid of the will to actually be productive. Oh well, there are always those days.

Does this count as productive? Hmmm... Well, I am "producing" for sure... I'm going to count it :P

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "Here we go with yet another original protagonist for a fanfiction: Spot Leslie! Here's quite the Ace Janitor I hear."

Spot: "This room is filthy! I can see a speck of dust on the table! How can you possibly live like this?!"

Kyle: "I am now regretting writing you to be so picky."

Spot: *slams hands on newly apparated desk like in the AA anime opening* "Objection!"

Kyle: *blown away by force of objection* "Woah now! This courtroom is a place of evidence! Can you support your conjecture?!"

Spot: *almost falls over from rebuttal, but gets back up and points accusingly at me* "If you didn't do that, then my punny name would make no sense!"

Kyle: *shocked*

Judge: *gavels several times* "Order! Order! I will have order in my court! Now Spot, you do realise that isn't evidence, right?"

Kyle: *straightens ties* "Y-yes, you do right? You aren't just wasting this court's time, correct?"

Spot: "Uh yeah, sure! Here, I'll show it to you!" *rustles around in janitorial equipment and pulls out a water bottle*

Judge: "What is this?"

Spot: "Water you talking about? This is the evidence you needed to see, right?"

Judge: *shakes head in disappointment* "No, it is not. I hereby find the defendant, Gil T:

N O N E X I S T E N T"

Judge and Spot: *fade out from scene*

Kyle: *wondering what the heck just happened* "Well I am officially out of ideas for this thing. Who do you want to see be interviewed next?"

Misadventure Wall

So I had an idea for this new wall which should make things very interesting. Now that I think of it, it could probably have it's own book, but that would be a little gimmicky ;P

Then I type up a long explanation of this idea, only to get suspicious that people have already done stuff like this. I look around on Wattpad only to find out that I was pretty much going to have you all do what is actually apparently a thing already: role play. I bang my head against the wall and erase everything that I had before. "No," I think. "I can do better than this."

After an entire 23 seconds (approx.) of brainstorming I come up with a solution. There is a fun and unique way of doing this: reverse the process. So here's how this will go.

I will give you an action, and then you all can come up with a scenario to match, with the best answer showing up in the next unit: almost like a competition. Unless you all suck at this and then I rebel and substitute my own solution. Hehe.

Anyways, here's an example:

My prompt: "Equip apple"

Your best answer: "I put the apple on my head. Surely in time an archer will come and shoot it off my head, fulfilling the apple's new purpose in life. Hopefully that happens before it rots."

We'll see if any of you can pull this level of shenanigans/want to do this in the first place. Doppelgengar, you should try bro. *remembers that I have a collab to work on and shudders* Also if we do this it will continue off of the last one, so it will in the end be a very interesting story.

Here's your prompt: "Observe your surroundings"


One week of college: complete! I'm getting involved in clubs, getting stuff done quickly in classes, and am slowly meeting new friends! College is fun ^^

I'm also trying to get the first chapter of "What's So Great About Second Love Anyways?" out by Wednesday, so please beat down my door or something if I fail to do this XD I have most of the ideas ready, I just need to actually get the motivation and sit down and write them down. You know, that sort of writing limbo.

I don't actually know a good way to end this, so here's a lack of closure:


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