Unit 9 + An Idea

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So after Unit 8 I actually got to and surpassed 8 followers :D Thanks so much guys! Is this where I'm supposed to make a new goal? Hmmm... How about 16 followers by July? Yes, that sounds good. Always keep it in multiples of 2! Anyways, let's move onto the actual stuff of this unit!

Serious Wall

So I had an idea that I would like to propose to you all. Most of us here (maybe all at the moment) like pokemon a lot, and up writing and reading lots of fanfiction of it. But do we ever play the games as a community? I think it would be fun to do this, so I propose that we have a tournament or something to have fun and become more connected as a community :D Here are some ideas that I have for a tournament:

1. A tournament structure that lets you have more than one loss, so that people can still participate even if they aren't the best. At the one tournament they went to they used a format called Swiss battles I think that was pretty cool and meant people would battle in every round.

2. We use the Pokemon Showdown online battling system so that it's easy, don't need to train our pokemon, and that we can raid each other's' battles with comments :3 (Stormlocke came up with this part)

3. Each round lasts several days that way the contestants can pick out a time in their busy lives that is also open for their opponent.

4. Maybe a special battle format that we come up with? We would have to be on our honor with following this, but I'm sure we wouldn't have a problem with that. I'm rather against using Smogon stuff because I don't like how controlling they are about the game, but that's just me.

5. At least 10 people would be need to be interested for us to do this.

Well, those are my ideas. If you like it and want it to happen then spread the word and comment that you'd be interested so that we can have enough people to make it fun. If we do get the necessary numbers I'll make a separate book to organize it. Then we can find out who in this community is the best that there ever was :D

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "So this week we brought in the character 'A' from the Latin alphabet! It's an incredibly important character that appears in every single story we write!"

A: "A."

Kyle: "Wait, who wrote this script?! That's not the type of character that I interview!"

A: "A."

Kyle: "You wrote this A?! Figures. You must be think you're hot stuff because you're the first letter in the alphabet, which is partly named after your Greek name. Why can't you say anything other than your name?! Are you like a pokemon or something?!"

A: "A."

Kyle: "Well let me ask you this, A, what grades did you get in high school?!"

A: "A!"

Kyle: "Hm. So I see you're not all just talk. Very well. I suppose you have some reason to be so cocky. See you next time on the Character Interview Wall, when we'll hopefully get a character that isn't so self-centered."

Piece Of Life Wall

So I am a good student... most of the time. I'm also a terrible procrastinator. A few days ago I had to finish not one, but two, final projects for a class, and only one night to do it. They were video games, one I was doing myself and another was doing in a group that I was leading. That's all fine and dandy, except for the fact that I was about a quarter semester behind on the group project and about half a semester behind on my individual one. I stayed up all night that night and by some magic finished both of them with little over an hour to spare. The individual game was an attempt at adapting Insomnia Wake as a game, and ended up just being you clicking through the story that's interrupted every now and then with a minigame. The group game was trash racing game but apparently met all the requirements so I got 100% on both of them :P After that experience though, I can tell you that it's not a good idea to put off a quarter semester of work off until the last night. Just saying XD


It's been a busy and crazy week for me, with another busy and crazy week to come, but I'm very glad I have time for Wattpad. You guys are awesome, and see you next week!

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