Unit 37 - Where's Kyle?

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Hey all! Man, it's been a long time since I've posted. I guess that was for several reasons, but hey, here I am again, returning like a boomerang. You all can't get rid of me :P

Anyways, a lot has been happening for me, so if you're interested in what all is going on in Kyle's world. If you're here for the nonsense instead... then skip to the section about this book I guess?

Life in general: Honestly life has been treating me pretty well recently. I spend a lot of my time being a dork with my friends and girlfriend, and college has been quite entertaining. My grades are doing pretty well, though missing almost of week of school for GDC (below) messed me up a bit, but that's fine. No complaints really :)

Wattpad in general: I have been doing a horrible job of keeping up on things here... oops lol. I really need to sit down and at least skim through all of the random books to learn what has been happening with you all, and I should probably read more of the stuff I was supporting. Really I just need to put some time into this site I feel lol

Insomnia Wake: Ahh, Insomnia Wake, my child story. I feel bad for not updating this, though at this point I am contemplating different routes. Rewrite it with more solid and crazy storytelling? Plow forward and try my best to improve? Somehow transfer it to another media form, which I'm not sure what would be? I'm not sure what exactly to do with this story, but dang, do I want to flesh it out more.

What's So Great About Second Love Anyways?: I've kept you all waiting on this for waaaaay too long, especially considering that it's only a few chapters away from the end. Sorry about that ;-; I really just need to sit down and get this thing out of the way, because like IW, I don't want to give up on it, especially with as many readers as I do have.

The Book of Nonsense: Clearly this is not the same nonsense as usual, and I am using this as a normal random book, but that's okay. Because it appears that so many of my friends have become inactive here, I'm not quite sure that it's worth updating anymore. If I'm wrong though, please tell me, because I have no clue who actually enjoys my craziness :P

Messan in a Bottle: Development is at a bit of a standstill with this right now, not because I'm not working on it, but instead because I found a big flaw in the first engine that I'm trying to rewrite the engine into a new language. It was in C#, but that was Windows exclusive and has been discovered to have some looping problems with music (it uses the same code as Windows Media Player), so I decided that was no good. Instead I am attempting to convert it to C++ using a platform called SDL, which has a lot more of what I need and can be put on Windows, Mac, Linux, and even, with a bit of extra work, Android and iOS. C++ is a lot harder of a language though, so RIP me. My hope is to have a demo of the game out by the end of April though.

Spring break: This Saturday marks the beginning of my week-long spring break. I hope to catch up on my shows, work on Messan, catch up on the many video games I have yet to finish (or refinish in the case of Moon), and maybe write a bit. Who knows if I'll actually do any of that though, let's be honest here :P

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: I am rather entranced by this series, mainly because of how fun and crazy it is. I'm almost to the end of reading part 5 of 8 and I'm loving it :3 It's also possibly reinspired me to write again, which is why I'm here lol. Maybe some Jojo-esque stuff should end up in my stories lol.

Game Development Conference: Just a few weeks ago, I took a 5 day trip to California for what is called the Game Development Conference, or GDC for short. Pretty much it is a convention for game developers for big and small, but man, it had a lot of people! I'm told that attendance got close to 30000, which is more than the entire population of my college. Above all, it was inspiring, educational, fun, and intimidating (I did not feel like I had a right to be walking alongside the people there lol). The hostel we stayed at was a bit sketchy, but eh, what are you going to do really when travelling on the cheap?

Naka-kon: This is a Kansas City anime convention that I went to last year, but this year it wasn't fun for me. I'm not sure if anime conventions in general have lost their appeal to me, or if this one was just especially bad (which it was), but I suspect that it's both. I think this'll be my last convention of this sort, but oh well, I had to end somewhere right? :) It was fun while it lasted.

Pi day: Just a few days ago was the 14th... Pi day! Considering my username, this day is a pretty big deal to me, and I memorized over a hundred digits for the occasion. While I won't get into, a pi reciting event that I had been waiting weeks to attend ended up not being something I got to attend, so I was super bummed out about that, but my girlfriend made it all better by giving me handmade handwarmers with pi symbols knitted in :3 (I have very cold hands)

School: Just last night I finished my first project of the year that was sort of challenging for me, so that's exciting! Even though that's supposedly the hardest project I'll have all semester, I'm still happy that I'm starting to reach new material so that I can grow as a programmer.

Pokemon Writing League: A lot of you (an entire 3 I think) invited me to this thing... So I should probably look at what it is. The problem is that I don't necessarily plan to write more pokemon stories after WSGASLA, so I'm not sure that it would be good for me to join. We'll see I guess!

How have you guys been doing? Chances are if you read this far you're statistically someone who I need to catch up with, so send me a kik or direct message :)

Until next time!

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