Unit 38 - I Lives! Kinda.

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Hey guys, I'm still alive! Mostly just inactive, but with summer upcoming hopefully I can do something about that. Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a few updates (minus game development stuff... I'll keep that separate) and attempt a few of a certain cabbage-lover's challenges :)

First up: serious stuff. The main reasons I haven't been active are as follows: college, girlfriend (biggest time-sink lol), and feeling inadequate at writing. The first two are pretty self-explanatory, but the writing is a little bit different. I don't know what exactly triggered it, but I have lost a lot of confidence in my writing. Sure, I accomplish my goal of making silly and fun stories to make at least a few people happy, but at the same time, I feel like my writing, plots, and character development are sub-par, even for just doing it as a hobby. It probably doesn't help that my favorite stories that I've written minus WSGABATA aren't really read by many people, but there's no helping that. However, I am planning out a way to make a comeback and attempt to improve! And that method is...

Insomnia Wake reboot!

*groans from my Pokemon fanfic readers*

Yes yes, I have finally decided to start over the fun but messy story that I adore too much. I'm taking a different approach to the story, splitting it up into shorter "parts" that force me to start and finish plotlines in decent amounts of time, and I'm throwing the cast across different parts to give them each better character developments. In short, I hope for higher levels of nonsense, better writing (via my girlfriend who knows how normal people write), finished plotlines, better world building (as much as I like trees 70% of the original IW's settings were pure forest), and just a better overall experience. When it comes to the point of release... well hopefully a few of you are willing to give input :P Anyways...

Challenge Wall

LogicalCabbage Hopefully I didn't forget anything

Everyone else: sorry if you've challenged me and I don't know it, I haven't been too good at keeping up on random books :P

Love Life in Five Words:

She gives me bad advice

Path Not Taken Challenge:

Lance's (hehe) Magikarp used its venomous pre-evolutionary fangs to fight off a Buzzwole who was banished to our realm as he waited out his parole. Oh yeah, and Cubone was there too.

Pokemon Question Challenge:

Q. What was your first Pokemon game?

A. My sister's copy of Yellow that I didn't let her play until I finished it.

Q. What's your favorite region?

A. Hoenn, though I am quite biased on this one because Emerald is my favorite game. In my defense though, water is seen to be a very positive aesthetic to the human mind ;)

Q. If you were a Gym Leader, what type would you specialize in?

A. Steel type definitely. This is actually the only type I've made a serious mono-type team for and competed with, and I feel like I know this type the best. I'm too into technology and things made of metal to favor any of the other types, though I could go for electric or psychic too.

Q. What's your favorite pseudo-legendary?

A. Based on the last two questions, you can probably guess. Metagross! :D Back in the day I was incredibly focused on the Beldum evolutionary line... because they're so awesome! Brains, brawn; psychic and steel, what a great combo! I also use Metagross on almost all of my teams ever, so there's that. *realizes he needs to replay Moon*

Q. If you had to join an evil team, which would you pick?

A. HEY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT... IT'S MAH BOI GUZMA! Team Skull of course :3 I mean, from puns to not taking anything seriously to having the best team leader ever, how does any other team stand a chance, especially when trying to recruit this dork?

Q. What Pokemon do you think is the cutest?

A. This is a tough one... but I'll go with Mew.

Q. What Pokemon do you think is the scariest?

A. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to run into mah boi Guzzlord!

Q. You're stranded on a deserted island. Which game rival would you want to be stuck with?

A. Cheren, because he's most likely to take it seriously.

Q. What Pokemon would you like to see get a Mega Evolution?

A. Either Arcanine or Flygon probably.

Q. Describe a concept you'd like to see in a new game.

A. I'd really like to see Pokemon put forth a little bit more effort and actually give the player choices during the plot. As a game developer, I know how hard this is, so I'm not necessarily saying huge choices, but seriously, if you have that big of a budget... You can do it.

Tags: Anyone who still reads my ramblings and hasn't already done these things.


*Comes up for air* Well that was a lot. That's all from me for today. See you all later!

P.S. Jojo's Bizarre Adventures is so great! :D

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