Unit 22 - Kyle Goes To College

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The title says it--I have officially left the coop (except for breaks) and am at college! :D

I haven't even been here two entire days or started my first class, but I can already tell that it's going to be a blast. The food is amazing, the campus is fun, my afternoons are mostly free, looks like I might try out a few clubs: it's just looking like it'll be great! Of course, there are things that are less than perfect, like how my roommate likes to leave the room unlocked and that freaks me out, but it's pretty good overall. Haven't really met anyone yet, but that will surely change! Hopefully! XD

Piece of Life Wall

Pep rallies? No thanks. I have about as little school spirit as you can possibly get. In high school and now college that is very evident.

School cheer? Everyone else loves it but it bores me.

Fighting spirit against rivals? I don't see why I should care.

Bleeding school colors? I would be worried if I did. I'm not a horseshoe crab.

However, there are good things about lack of school spirit! I can have civil conversations with our rivals, can do things more productive than sports games, and if I switch schools or something then there's no attachment!

All freshmen were essentially required to go to this big meeting thing and pep rally, were all they did is say how great our school is. Yes, it's great, I get that, but saying it seventy times only makes it annoying. Luckily, my white hair was there to save the day! My friend was able to locate me out of the entire huge crowd because of it.

Eventually I ended up participating in some of the cheers because I was really bored and wanted to stretch my muscles instead of looking like a delinquent and not participating.

Who knows, maybe I'll come out of college with school spirit after all haha.

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for characters now aren't we?"

Ryuusuke: "I take offense to that."

Kyle: "So let's take a fence to that!" *pulls out sword*

Ryuusuke: *shakes head*

Kyle: *puts away sword and clears throat* "Anyways, we have Ryuusuke from WSGABATA!"

Ryuusuke: *flips cape dramatically*

Kyle: "So with the end of your story--" *phone buzzes* *pulls out phone*

Ryuusuke: "Hey!"

Kyle: "One sec, there's a Diglett on Pokemon Go."

Ryuusuke: "I am sitting right here in front of you!"

Kyle: "Shhh! I need my concentration! Only one pokeball left. My dorm is actually a pokespot, which is both a blessing and a curse. I have the spot, but I consume pokeballs way faster than I can get them with all of the spawns."

Ryuusuke: "Wait a minute! You're just making this into a second Piece of Life Wall aren't you?!"

Kyle: "Yeeess!! Caught it!" *looks up from phone* "What?"

Ryuusuke: "I said--"

Kyle: *phone buzzes and is pulled out* "Oh great, yet another email from campus. They send these out constantly. And a kik message! Brb, time to answer these."

Intermediate Wall

Elevator music plays in the background as you sit in an otherwise quiet room. Whoever designed this room has a terrible sense of style. I mean, just look at those orange walls and those purple hammocks! You wonder to yourself what kind of waiting room has hammocks in the first place.

"Player one, please enter the next part of the unit," says the intercom above that is shaped like a megaphone. You know that real intercoms don't look like this, but you let the cartoon-logic by this time.

I must be player one, you think to yourself. You step walk across the room and through the door.

A voice stops you shortly before you walk through it though. "You're not player one! What are you thinking?!"

You are thinking that if you keep reading you'll end up in the next part of the unit anyways, so you keep reading.

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "Okay I'm done now."

Ryuusuke: *tapping foot on ground* "I better hope so. Please ask me my question before people forget that my character exists."

Kyle: "Actually I don't have a question for you. I was too lazy to come up with one."


So yeah, with the adventure of college on my plate I don't know how long it'll be before I can actually write. Hopefully only a few days. I want to get back onto IW after the two week absence and wish to start the sequel to WSGABATA almost immediately, because I wish for that to be done by mid October. I'll try to keep you guys posted, but my writing schedule will be rather volatile until I settle into college life. Hope that you guys are okay with the wait :*)

Also ouch, it hurts to break my very clean update record so hard :(

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