Unit 35 - An Almost Year In Review

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Better strap in, because this is going to be a big unit! Get ready for lots of rambling and, of course, nonsense!

This is it! Close enough to a year since joining that I can talk about it! In this "introduction", I'll talk about what I've thought of this year here on Wattpad and what it has meant to me, and also my plans moving forward. If you only came for the nonsense... Then just skip it of course.

Almost a year ago I stepped onto Wattpad, high with hopes to find my place. I came with about a dozen chapters of Insomnia Wake hiding on my Google Drive, anxious to see what the world thought of the crazy story that I simply adored.

A month or so passed, and I wasn't really using the site. However, I was observing in the shadows, and I came to the conclusion that simply publishing something as crazy as Insomnia Wake wouldn't be enough. I determined that my path towards finding a community would be via some sort of fanfiction. I didn't really have to think it through to know that Pokemon was my answer.

And then I met LogicalCabbage. Out of all the people I checked the profiles of, she seemed to be the most like me, so I decided to shoot her a PM. She was surprisingly willing to talk to me, and even was willing to read my first published works. I had found a link. I remember talking to her, wondering about who else I could meet, and she pointed my to my bro Doppelgengar.

I hardly had to read anything of his before I decided that it was pretty much exactly what I liked, which is important because I am very picky about what to read. Several comments, PMs, and minor chats about Rubik's cubes and shenanigans on our profiles later, I had found my second link. This was an especially important one to me, because he was a guy like me in the sea of girls, and also because we had several common interests.

Now, I'm not 100% sure who followed me first out of the two, but it was definitely these two who made up my first supporters and got me to stick around and give the site a proper chance.

Slowly but surely, I met more and more of you guys, and those of which were kind enough to talk to me I eventually grew to like and joke around with. You know who you are: the ones reading these very words and leaving sassy comments. It was at this point that Wattpad became fun, even when I wasn't writing.

At some point there was the Super Mastermind Plan Alpha 8. The insane idea was to write entries to the remaining five categories in the Pokemon Watties in secret, then release them all at once on one random day as summer ended. I had a few co-conspirators on this plan, several of which had plans to do very similar things. I don't think any of us actually finished :P I came pretty dang close though: writing all of them but the Romance in time for the competition. To anyone who wants to copy this idea: don't, it's a stupid idea that doesn't expose your stories properly. It was still fun though.

Fast forward lots of shenanigans later, I find myself with a 5th place in Action/Adventure and a 1st place is Miscellaneous in the Pokemon Watties. To be honest, I expected almost these exact results, thinking that I would get 4th with WSGABATA and somehow pull through with winning with "Words Aren't Enough", as these were regrettably my only strong entries. I am content with these results, as they show me that there is at least a little potential with me, but that I also have lots of room to grow. I am also very happy with how many of my friends did very well in the competition: our group rekt it. Special congratulations to LogicalCabbage and Sheare for place in their categories! I had a feeling that LC would win actually, and I didn't know enough about the Romance competitors to really judge it, but it doesn't surprise me at all that Kat won as well. Nice job, proud of you nerds! :P

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