Unit 8...8888888...

51 12 16

Dedic8ed to RiverIvy for apreci8ing the best single digit number: 8.

Media is the 8 game from the Stanley Parable Demo. If you have five minutes and want to see something hilarious (besides this of course) then you should totally check it out.


It's here! The chapter that we've (I've) been w8ing for! That's right, unit 8 of this book, that by some awesome twist of fate is being released on the 8th of the month! Today will be a celebration of my favorite single digit number, 8.

Quote Of The Week Wall

"I love this more than I do onions. Too bad I hate onions." - Kyle, 5/5/2016

8 Reasons Why 8 Is The Best Single Digit Number

It was really hard picking only 8 reasons, but I restrained myself.

1. It's symmetrical... In two ways!

2. The day of the month I was born on was the 8th.

3. It's an exponent of 2, which is very important for programmers and fans of 8-bit graphics and music.

4. Each region has 8 gym badges in Pokemon

5. Very prevalent in the Naruto series through the awesome techniques 8 Trigrams and 8 Inner Gates.

6. My family has an interesting "tradition": the first born in each generation is a male. I am the 8th person to follow this tradition (1/256 chance).

7. You can say things like "G8? R8 8/8 m8."

8. 88888888... (The Stanley Parable Demo, as seen in media)

Character Interview Wall

Kyle: "'Sup? This week on the Character Interview Wall we have my favorite character from Insomnia Wake: Ariel!"

Ariel: *not paying any attention to Kyle* "Ooo, this studio is fabulous!"

Kyle: "Yes it is. Can you pay attention please?"

Ariel: *suddenly starts behaving* "Yes. I've answered a question, so can I go now?"

Kyle: "Why is it that my own characters always want to leave me immediately?! No! Not this week! We're going to have a second question this week!" *gets up from chair and gets down on one knee, pulling out a ring* "Will you marry me, Ariel ********?"

Ariel: "..."

Kyle: "..."

Ariel: "I don't believe that works. A fictional character cannot marry her author. And why did you censor my last name?! Are you that against giving your characters last names?!"

Kyle: *shrugs* "Well, that's too bad. I wrote this sapphire ring into existence for no reason it seems..."

Ariel: "Wait, did you just say sapphire? That's my favorite gem! I don't care about logic anymore, it's a 'yes'!"

Kyle: "Since when do either of us care about logic? Well I refuse to marry you."

Ariel: "...You better end this before I unleash my techniques that would be huge spoilers on you."

Kyle: *remembering that Ariel is stronger than him* "Errr... Seeing you next week, if I survive!"


Was it gr8 m8s? Do you now apreci8 8? Will there be a race to see who gets the 8th comment this week? Can I get to 8 followers now? (Currently coincidentally following 8 people :P) Will you start recognizing the scores of times 8 is in my stories?! School's almost out so have fun this week and don't forget to r8 8/8!  

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