Unit 36

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At this point in the semester, I am literally staying at college for one more test on Wednesday and nothing else, which is quite a great feeling. It's kind of like having a five day weekend before the last day of school, and is excellent conditioning for the upcoming month of winter break (college winter break is OP).

So now we have the dilemma: what the heck to do with all this time. I sure hope I'm not forced into doing work by my father, as that would just suck, but unfortunately that might happen. I'd like to say that I'll write a lot, and perhaps I will, but who knows: maybe unproductivity is the answer. If I don't end up having to work, chances are everyday will be a new whim, which is the fun way of doing things you know?

Anyways, forget the future month, let's get onto today's nonsense!

Piece of Life Wall

I have the physically incapability of putting clothes in a hamper properly. It's like every hamper is guarded by an anti-Kyle-residue field that is impenetrable using today's science. When I'm at home, all the clothes end up in a pile on the floor on the opposite side of the room as the hamper, only to properly go there when the laws of physics are already broken and I'm having a guest over.

The situation in my dorm room is interesting as well. Clothes only kind of go in the laundry baskets. Clothes end up being thrown on top of them, and some kind of find their way in, while others seek to collapse the collapsible baskets as their one last wish as dirty clothes. Well, this is okay though, as my laundry baskets can't both be properly filled at any given time lest they push each other out of their allowed spaces, and I have yet to have a guest in my room.

Quote of the Week Wall

"Nothing says 'good morning' quite like waking up in the afternoon" - Kyle, just now

Idle Chat Wall

Anthony: Where the heck is everyone?


Anthony: I guess it must be a day off or something. I should probably head home then.


Anthony: Wait! Today was the day that I was supposed to get the gifts for the holiday season! *falls to knees and throws hands up in the air* And the money!!!


I need more Cosmogs in Moon ;w;

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