Chapter 1.

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Its been 2 years. 2 years since i left to new york and the boys went off to their tour. I havent spoken to them since then. I've seen them everywhere and i know they have been doing great. They're getting big and im happy for them. I really am.

Me however. Im not doing so well. I've been struggling with my photography for ages. I've got one job, its doing photos from kids birthday partys. That doesnt pay much because not many people want a photographer, so i hardly have any clients. Another job i have is at the local newspaper, that pays just a little more than my other but not much. Luckly they both pay for my bills and food. I cant go out that much but then i dont really have anyone to go out with. I mean I talk to some of my nieghbours but they all keep to their selves.

Today Im going to a kids party. I dont actually know who the people are all i got told was that they arent from here. That they came here for some reason and having there childs birthday in new york. Also that they wanted photos from all of the party. So my boss said that she wanted me to do as the place isnt that far from where i live.

It was 9 and the party started at 11. So i got up and had a shower. I got dressed and then curled my hair.
(Outfit - -)
As it was warm i wore shorts and a vest top. I put my bunch of bracelets on so it will cover up my scars. I dont like people looking at them so i just cover them up. I took one last look in the mirror and then left. I got in my battered old red car and off i went to the address the party was at.


Its been 2 years. 2years since Valery left and we left to go on tour. I've kept the letter with me everywhere i go. I reread it now and then. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time. Me and the boys miss her. She was always fun and a laugh to be around and now shes just gone. I showed the boys the letter and they felt the same as me. She was like a little sister to all of them, excluding me. But i alwasy thought i felt something more with her, but im with Ashley. Yes im still with Ashely. We have been ever since the day she came back to me. I still have to thank Valery about that. Theres so many things i wanna tell her but i cant , i know i cant.

One direction is still going strong. The fans are the best thing about it and they make it all worth while. We finished our first tour a while ago and have just been doing interviews, photoshoots and some recording. We are going on our second tour soon and we all cant wait.

Today is Lux's birthday. We are in New York and i was hoping that we would met Valery but New Yorks a big place so i doubt we will. Anyway Lou called a local photographer to come and take photos for lux's birthday and apparently the one they chose to come today is amazing. Hearing about photography makes me think of Valery even more because she went to school her to learn photography and she was really good at it. I guess she's probably doing some amazing jobs, not a kids birthday party. I mean come on shes amazing surely shes got amazing job that anyone would be jealous of.


This is the sequel to 'Wish You Were Here'. I haven't finished this yet but im getting there. I have put this on youtube and its got loads of good feedback so I wanted to share my work more because I love wrting. So please vote and commeny because it would mean the world to me. Thank You!:P

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now