Chapter 2.

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I parked outside the address of the party and saw a massive house. It was huge.

"Wow..." I whispered to myself as i got out the car. There were some other cars on the drive and i guess they are the guests.

I walked the drive and knocked on the door. I saw it was a couple minutes past 11 but im sure they wont mind.

Suddenly the door opened to a lady who looked in her twenties. She had grey, blondey hair and a bright smile on her face.

"You must be the photographer, right?" She asked and i noticed she had a british accent. I know why my boss said they werent from here now. But hearing that accent made me miss home and Harry more.

"Yea, Valery" I said with a smile.

"Im Louise but you can call me Lou." She said. Suddenly a little girl run up and hugged her leg. She giggled and Lou picked her up. "And this is the birthday girl, Lux" She said and i cooed. She was so cute.

"Hey Lux" I said waving and she waved back. "How old is she?" I asked

"Shes one today" She said and i nodded. "come on in and then you can get going with the photos." She said and i followed her in.

"What do you want photos of?" I asked

"Just of lux and her friends and some of everyone talking and laughing and what not. Also i will tell you when i want group ones" She said and i nodded. "Not everyone is here yet so group ones will be when everyone is" She said and i nodded again. "Well i'll let you do your job then" She said and i smiled and thanked her.

I got my camera out and walked out in the garden part where everyone was. The adults were sitting chatting and the kids were running and playing around.

I kneeled down and got some photos of the kids running and laughing. Then i turned and got some of Lou laughing with her friends. The photos were coming out great.

There was a loud knock coming from the door but i ignored it as Lou got up and got it. I just carried on taking photos of Lux and her friends. I was sitting on the grass with my camera in my hands.

I heard Lou talking about drinks and then someone tapped me on the shoulder...


Me and the boys were going to Lou's for Lux's birthday. But first we had to go get our girlfriends, so we of course was late. When we got there is was 11:30. We were half an hour late but im sure Lou would be fine with it. We all walked up to the door and knocked and a couple minutes later Lou opened it with a bright smile on her face.

"Finally your here" She said hugging each of us and our girlfriends.

We all followed Lou out to the garden where everyone sitting. We all greeted eachother with a hug. I looked around and saw Lux and her friend running round. I heard a snap of a camera. I looked around thinking it was paps but then saw a girl with blonde hair sitting on the grass. She must be the photographer that Lou said about. I saw she was taking photos of the kids and us. I guess thats what Lou asked for. I turned back to everyone else and saw them talking.

"does anyone want a drink?" I asked

Everyone said yes or no.

"Ask the photographer, Valery i think she said her name was? Shes been her for half an hour." I nodded but stopped and thougth about that name. Valery. It brought so many memories. But one minutes shes got blonde hair, photographer, she names Valery. This couldnt be my Valery could it? I looked at the boys and they were thinking the same. Louis nudged his head towards her and i nodded. He wanted me to find out so i went up to her and tapped on her shoulder...




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now