Chapter 4.

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After a couple of minutes, i done group photos for Lou and then she said that as i was friends with the boys i could stay i little if i wanted. I had no choice really because the boys wanted me too stay so i did.

"Eleanor this Valery, Valery, Eleanor, My girlfriend" Louis said introducing her too me.

"Hey" I said

"Its so nice to met you. Louis told me so much about you" She said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

"I hope it was nice stuff" I joked.

"Of course" Eleanor said

I carried on talking to Louis and Eleanor and i could tell they really loved eachother. They had the same personality and could mess about and laugh together. You could tell they loved eachother by the way they looked at eachother. They had that smile and sparkle in their eyes. It was perfect. I wonder when i will be like that? Will i ever get something like that?

"Valery?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned round and saw Zayn and Perrie from little mix?

"Yea?" I asked confused.

"this is my girlfriend, Perrie, Perrie This is Valery" Zayn said and i smiled wide.

"Its so nice to met you" She said

"Same here, i love your music by the way" I said and she giggled and thanked me. We carried on talkking till Liam came and introduced me to his girlfriend Danielle. After talking to them i went over to Niall.

"Hey Niall" I said bumping his shoulder.

"Hey Valery, you alright?" He asked and i nodded.

"So how was the tour?" I asked

"It was amazing..." He went on describing to me how it was and telling me all the stories which i laughed at. These guys are mad...


Before the group photos were taken Ashely had to go so i said goodbye and then come back for the photos.

After the photos were all done Lou said Valery could stay. I went over to Lux who was playing with her new toys. I sat down next to her and started playing with her. While i was doing this i couldnt help but watch Valery. I saw how she talked and smiled with all the boys and their girlfriends. She really was happy. I heard about her amazing job and that this is just a side one. I knew she would have amazing job. Shes amazing at photos, i dont get how she does it.

I was lost in my thoughts when i heard Valerys laugh. I looked up and saw her laughign at Niall telling some story. I have missed her laugh so much. I've missed her so much. I dont know how i got by without my best friend.

"Hwarry" I heard Lux say. I looked down at her and smiled.

"Yea?" I asked

"Hows that?" She asked pointing to Valery. I smiled and then looked back at her.

"Thats my best friend , Valery" I said "Do you wanna met her?" Lux nodded her head and i picked her up in my arms and started walking over to Valery.

"Valery?" I said


Niall went off to get a drink when i heard someone say my name. I turned round and saw Harry carrying Lux.

"Hey" I said

"Lux wanted to met you. So Valery this is Lux, Lux this is my best friend Valery" Harry said and i smiled and she put her arms out towards me. I looked at harry and he chuckled and started handing her over to me. She sat on my hip as i held her.

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now