Chapter 19.

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I was wokeing up my someone jumping on my bed and shouting my name.

"Go away!" I groaned and put the cover my head.

"NO GET UP GET UP GET UP!" I heard a familiar voice, Harry.

"HARRY GO AWAY!" I shouted at him but he carried on.

After a minute or so i had enough so i sat up. He was still jumping so i grapped his leg and pulled him. He ended up falling on the floor and i started laughing, hard.

"That wasnt funny" Harry pouted from the side of my bed and i just laughed more.

"Oh my god you shouldve seen your face" I said through laughing. Soon harry joined in laughing too.

"What are you two laughing at up here?" Lou shouted as he walked into my room. Me and harry stopped laughing and just looked at him. "Should i ask?" He asked again.

"Well Harry woke me up by jumping on my bed so i grapped his leg and he fell off the bed" I said and Lou just shook his head and walked out again.

"So what was the reason you got me up?" I asked as i got out of bed and helped harry up.

"Well we are going to get you a job" He said and i raised a eyebrow at him.

"I can do it on my own you know?" I said and he shrugged.

"Well if im not helping you with the flat i will help you find a job you love" He said and i just nodded.

"Okay let me get ready first and then we can go" I said and harry sat on my bed as i went and had a shower.

Once i got out the shower i forgot to get clothes i walked into my room with just a towel on and Harry looked up at his phone.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I forgot my clothes" I said and pulled out some ripped jeans, a white vest top and a jacket with my braclets.

Once i got everything and went got dressed in the bathroom, i came out and Harry got up.

"Finally" He said

" I didnt take that long" I said and harry shrugged and bumped my shoulder and i bumped his back.

"Can i ask you something?" He asked as we started walking to the car.

"You just did" I said and he just looked at me with a 'seriously' look. "Go on" I said

"Why do you always wear them braclets?" He asked pointing to my braclets on my wrists.

"To cover my scars" I said and he raised his eyebrows at me. "People look at me weirdly and disgusted when they see them so i just cover them up. Its easier. Plus i like them" I said fliddling with the braclets.

"I dont get why people look disgusted?" Harry said confused as we both got in the car.

"They dont always understand why people...hurt themselves. They think its horrible and everything i dont really know how to explain it" I said and harry nodded.

"I think its a part of someone. Like its part of your life and who your are" He said and i smiled at him as he started driving.

"So where we off too first?" I asked changing the subject.

"Some magazine interviews for photographers and some other place i dont know what it is" Harry said and i nodded.

"Thank you" I said

"For what?" He looked at me and then back at the road.

"For everything. Always being there for me and helping me" I said and he just nodded.

Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now