Chapter 15.

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When we got to the ice cream palor we all piled out the car and me and Niall raced to the entrance. Once we were all there we walked in and ordered our ice creams.

When we all got our ice cream we turned round to see if there was a table for all of us. When we turned round i saw something i wish i didnt.

Harry was sitting by a window table with a girl. They were talking and smiling. He didnt come with me because he was going with someone else. I guess i was in my thoughts to long because i was snapped out of them by people calling my name.

"Valery you alright?" I heard Liams and i looked up at all the boys. I gave them a fake smile and then looked at lou.

"His here" I whispered to him and he looked up. He searched and then saw harry and looked down at me with a sad face. His face then went to shocked looking behind me.

"His coming over" He whispered and i turned round and there standing a foot away was Harry and the girl.

"Hey didnt know you guys were going to come here" Harry said and i fake smiled at him and his girl.

"Yea we got bored" Lou said and i gave a fake smile.

"So Valery you over your little fit this morning" Harry said smiling at me.

Did he seriously just say that? That i had a fit? Really? I dropped my smile into a frown.

"Wow." I said and then dumped my ice cream on his head. I turned on my heel and started running home. I heard them calling my name but i didnt turn back.


When i saw the boy and valery at the front of the ice cream palor i asked Samantha if she wnated to met them. She said yes, so we started making our way over to them.

"Hey didnt know you guys were going to come here" I said as they all smiled at us.

"Yea we got bored" Lou said and i nodded.

"So Valery you over your little fit this morning" I said smiling.

"Wow." Valery said after a while of thinking. She then dumped her ice cream on me. I had a shocked face as she ran out the ice cream palor. The boys shouted her name but she carried on running. Her ice cream was all in my hair and dripping down my face.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" I shouted frustrated and all the boys faces just looked blank and they didnt say anything. "Im going to the bathroom." I said and the boys and Samantha nodded and said they would wait.

After cleaning myself up i walked back out and only the boys were there.

"Wheres Samantha?" I asked

"the girl?" Zayn asked and i nodded.

"She said she had somewhere to be but she would text you later" Liam said and i nodded.

We all made our way back to our cars and then back to the house. God i hope Valerys there. One because i would hate it if she was walking the streets on her own. Yes she put her ice cream on me but i still care. And second i wanna know why she put her ice cream on me.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now